The Jam - Going Underground (Live At Hammersmith Palais, UK / 1981) - traduction des paroles en russe

Paroles et traduction The Jam - Going Underground (Live At Hammersmith Palais, UK / 1981)

Going Underground (Live At Hammersmith Palais, UK / 1981)
Уход в подполье (Живое выступление в Хаммерсмит Пале, Великобритания / 1981)
Some people might say my life is in a rut,
Кто-то может сказать, что моя жизнь в рутине,
But I′m quite happy with what I got
Но я вполне доволен тем, что имею,
People might say that I should strive for more,
Кто-то может сказать, что мне нужно стремиться к большему,
But I'm so happy I can′t see the point.
Но я так счастлив, что не вижу смысла.
Somethings happening here today
Что-то происходит здесь сегодня,
A show of strength with your boy's brigade and,
Демонстрация силы с твоей юношеской бригадой, и
I'm so happy and you′re so kind
Я так счастлив, а ты так добра,
You want more money - of course I don′t mind
Ты хочешь больше денег - я, конечно, не против,
To buy nuclear textbooks for atomic crimes
Чтобы купить ядерные учебники для атомных преступлений,
And the public gets what the public wants
И публика получает то, что хочет,
But I want nothing this society's got -
Но мне ничего не нужно из того, что есть у этого общества -
I′m going underground, (going underground)
Я ухожу в подполье, (ухожу в подполье)
Well the brass bands play and feet start to pound
Ну а духовые оркестры играют, и ноги начинают топать,
Going underground, (going underground)
Ухожу в подполье, (ухожу в подполье)
Well let the boys all sing and the boys all shout for tomorrow
Пусть все парни поют и все парни кричат о завтрашнем дне.
Some people might get some pleasure out of hate
Кто-то может получать удовольствие от ненависти,
Me, I've enough already on my plate
У меня и так достаточно на моей тарелке,
People might need some tension to relax
Кому-то может понадобиться напряжение, чтобы расслабиться,
(Me?) I′m too busy dodging between the flak
(Мне?) Я слишком занят, уворачиваясь от осколков,
What you see is what you get
Что видишь, то и получаешь,
You've made your bed, you better lie in it
Ты постелила постель, так что лучше ложись в нее,
You choose your leaders and place your trust
Ты выбираешь своих лидеров и доверяешь им,
As their lies wash you down and their promises rust
Пока их ложь смывает тебя, а их обещания ржавеют,
You′ll see kidney machines replaced by rockets and guns
Ты увидишь, как аппараты искусственной почки заменяют ракетами и пушками,
And the public wants what the public gets
И публика получает то, чего хочет,
But I don't get what this society wants
Но я не понимаю, чего хочет это общество,
I'm going underground, (going underground)
Я ухожу в подполье, (ухожу в подполье)
Well the brass bands play and feet start to pound
Ну а духовые оркестры играют, и ноги начинают топать,
Going underground, (going underground)
Ухожу в подполье, (ухожу в подполье)
(So) let the boys all sing and the boys all shout for tomorrow
(Так что) пусть все парни поют и все парни кричат о завтрашнем дне.
We talk and we talk until my head explodes
Мы говорим и говорим, пока моя голова не взорвется,
I turn on the news and my body froze
Я включаю новости, и мое тело замерзает,
The braying sheep on my TV screen
Блеящие овцы на экране моего телевизора
Make this boy shout, make this boy scream!
Заставляют этого парня кричать, заставляют этого парня вопить!
Going underground, I′m going underground!
Ухожу в подполье, я ухожу в подполье!

Writer(s): Weller Paul John

The Jam - Fire and Skill: The Jam Live
Fire and Skill: The Jam Live
date de sortie

1 Slow Down (Live At The Music Machine, London / 1978)
2 Slow Down (Live At The 100 Club, London / 1977)
3 Art School (Live At The 100 Club, London / 1977)
4 Time For Truth (Live At The 100 Club, London / 1977)
5 Takin' My Love (Live At The 100 Club, London / 1977)
6 The Dreams of Children (Live At Wembley Arena, UK / 1982)
7 The Modern World (Live At The Music Machine, London / 1978)
8 Scrape Away (Live At Newcastle City Hall, UK / 1980)
9 Carnaby Street (Live At The 100 Club, London / 1977)
10 Private Hell (Live At Wembley Arena, UK / 1982)
11 Smithers-Jones (Live At Wembley Arena, UK / 1982)
12 Sounds From the Street (Live At The Music Machine, London / 1978)
13 The Modern World (Live At Newcastle City Hall, UK / 1980)
14 Monday (Live At Newcastle City Hall, UK / 1980)
15 Standards - Live At Reading University, UK / 1979
16 The Modern World (Live At The 100 Club, London / 1977)
17 Thick As Thieves (Live At Newcastle City Hall, UK / 1980)
18 Heatwave (Live At Reading University, UK / 1979)
19 In the Crowd (Live At Wembley Arena, UK / 1982)
20 The Place I Love (Live At Reading University, UK / 1979)
21 Big Bird - Live At Hammersmith Palais, UK / 1981
22 The Gift (Live At Wembley Arena, UK / 1982)
23 Billy Hunt (Live At Newcastle City Hall, UK / 1980)
24 Boy About Town (Live At Hammersmith Palais, UK / 1981)
25 Man In The Corner Shop - Live At Hammersmith Palais, UK / 1981
26 Here Comes the Weekend (Live At Reading University, UK / 1979)
27 Private Hell (Live At Newcastle City Hall, UK / 1980)
28 Carnaby Street (Live At The Music Machine, London / 1978)
29 Bricks and Mortar (Live At The Music Machine, London / 1978)
30 Away From the Numbers (Live At Reading University, UK / 1979)
31 When You're Young (Live At Newcastle City Hall, UK / 1980)
32 'A' Bomb In Wardour Street (Live At Reading University, UK / 1979)
33 Set The House Ablaze - Live At Hammersmith Palais, UK / 1981
34 David Watts (Live At Newcastle City Hall, UK / 1980)
35 London Traffic (Live At The Music Machine, London / 1978)
36 I Need You (For Someone) (Live At The Music Machine, London / 1978)
37 London Traffic (Live At The 100 Club, London / 1977)
38 All Around the World (Live At The 100 Club, London / 1977)
39 The Butterfly Collector - Live At Wembley Arena, UK / 1982
40 The Dreams of Children (Live At Newcastle City Hall, UK / 1980)
41 David Watts (Live At Wembley Arena, UK / 1982)
42 Beat Surrender (Live At Wembley Arena, UK / 1982)
43 I've Changed My Address (Live At The 100 Club, London / 1977)
44 Boy About Town (Live At Wembley Arena, UK / 1982)
45 Start! (Live At Newcastle City Hall, UK / 1980)
46 Liza Radley (Live At Newcastle City Hall, UK / 1980)
47 Pretty Green (Live At Newcastle City Hall, UK / 1980)
48 Strange Town (Live At Newcastle City Hall, UK / 1980)
49 Ghosts (Live At Hammersmith Palais, UK / 1981)
50 In the City (Encore / Live At The 100 Club, London / 1977)
51 In the Midnight Hour (Live At The 100 Club, London / 1977)
52 Tonight At Noon (Live At Reading University, UK / 1979)
53 Mr. Clean (Live At Reading University, UK / 1979)
54 News of the World (Soundcheck / Live At The Music Machine, London / 1978)
55 Sounds From the Street (Live At Reading University, UK / 1979)
56 Little Boy Soldiers (Live At Newcastle City Hall, UK / 1980)
57 Going Underground (Live At Wembley Arena, UK / 1982)
58 Going Underground (Live At Newcastle City Hall, UK / 1980)
59 The Eton Rifles (Live At Newcastle City Hall, UK / 1980)
60 Get Yourself Together (Live At Wembley Arena, UK / 1982)
61 London Girl (Live At The 100 Club, London / 1977)
62 News of the World (Live At Reading University, UK / 1979)
63 Bricks and Mortar (Live At The 100 Club, London / 1977)
64 Dream Time (Live At Newcastle City Hall, UK / 1980)
65 'A' Bomb In Wardour Street (Live At Newcastle City Hall, UK / 1980)
66 Start! (Live At Wembley Arena, UK / 1982)
67 Little Boy Soldiers (Live At Hammersmith Palais, UK / 1981)
68 In the Street Today (Live At Reading University, UK / 1979)
69 Happy Together (Live At Hammersmith Palais, UK / 1981)
70 Sounds From the Street (Live At The 100 Club, London / 1977)
71 Back In My Arms Again (Live At The 100 Club, London / 1977)
72 Billy Hunt (Live At Reading University, UK / 1979)
73 It's Too Bad (Live At Reading University, UK / 1979)
74 But I'm Different Now (Live At Newcastle City Hall, UK / 1980)
75 Down In the Tube Station At Midnight (Live At Wembley Arena, UK / 1982)
76 Here Comes the Weekend (Live At The Music Machine, London / 1978)
77 The Modern World (Live At Reading University, UK / 1979)
78 So Sad About Us (Live At The 100 Club, London / 1977)
79 All Around the World (Live At The Music Machine, London / 1978)
80 Ghosts (Live At Wembley Arena, UK / 1982)
81 All Mod Cons (Live At Wembley Arena, UK / 1982)
82 In the Midnight Hour (Live At The Music Machine, London / 1978)
83 David Watts (Live At Reading University, UK / 1979)
84 London Girl (Live At The Music Machine, London / 1978)
85 To Be Someone (Didn't We Have a Nice Time) (Live At Wembley Arena, UK / 1982)
86 Heatwave (Live At The 100 Club, London / 1977)
87 The Great Depression (Live At Wembley Arena, UK / 1982)
88 Going Underground (Live At Hammersmith Palais, UK / 1981)
89 Move On Up (Live At Wembley Arena, UK / 1982)
90 Down In the Tube Station At Midnight (Live At Newcastle City Hall, UK / 1980)
91 Down In the Tube Station At Midnight (Live At Reading University, UK / 1979)
92 Funeral Pyre - Live At Hammersmith Palais, UK / 1981
93 Set the House Ablaze (Live At Newcastle City Hall, UK / 1980)
94 Pretty Green (Live At Hammersmith Palais, UK / 1981)
95 Man In the Corner Shop (Live At Newcastle City Hall, UK / 1980)
96 Precious (Live At Hammersmith Palais, UK / 1981)
97 Town Called Malice - Live At Hammersmith Palais, UK / 1981
98 Absolute Beginners (Live At Hammersmith Palais, UK / 1981)
99 Boy About Town (Live At Newcastle City Hall, UK / 1980)
100 To Be Someone (Didn't We Have a Nice Time) (Live At Newcastle City Hall, UK / 1980)
101 Standards (Live At The 100 Club, London / 1977)
102 It's Too Bad (Live At Wembley Arena, UK / 1982)
103 The Combine (Live At The Music Machine, London / 1978)
104 News of the World (Live At The Music Machine, London / 1978)
105 Standards (Live At The Music Machine, London / 1978)
106 Away From the Numbers (Live At Wembley Arena, UK / 1982)
107 When You're Young (Live At Wembley Arena, UK / 1982)
108 Mr. Clean (Live At Wembley Arena, UK / 1982)
109 In The City - Live At The 100 Club, London / 1977
110 The Gift / Down In the Tube Station At Midnight (Live At Hammersmith Palais, UK / 1981)
111 Intro (Live At Newcastle City Hall, UK / 1980)
112 Circus (Live At Hammersmith Palais, UK / 1981)
113 In the Crowd / David Watts (Live At Hammersmith Palais, UK / 1981)
114 Bricks and Mortar / Batman (Live At Reading University, UK / 1979)
115 That's Entertainment / Tales From the Riverbank (Live At Hammersmith Palais, UK / 1981)
116 Sweet Soul Music (Live At The 100 Club, London / 1977)
117 In the Street Today (Live At The 100 Club, London / 1977)
118 Aunties and Uncles (Impulsive Youths) (Live At The Music Machine, London / 1978)
119 All Mod Cons / To Be Someone (Didn't We Have a Nice Time) (Live At Reading University, UK / 1979)
120 In the Street Today (Live At The Music Machine, London / 1978)
121 Trans-Global Express (Live At Wembley Arena, UK / 1982)

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