The Kingston Trio - The Unfortunate Miss Bailey (Remastered) - traduction des paroles en russe

Paroles et traduction The Kingston Trio - The Unfortunate Miss Bailey (Remastered)

In seventeen forty-two, it was customary in the township of Halifax, for a gentleman to partake occasionally of ratafia which was--a light-flavored liquer of amazing potency--which originated in Middlesex and which we suppose is the reason for this song.
В тысяча семьсот сорок втором году в городке Галифакс было принято, чтобы джентльмены время от времени пили "ратафию" -легкий ликер удивительной силы, родом из Миддлсекса, что, как мы полагаем, и послужило причиной этой песни.
Oh, Miss Bailey! Unfortunate, Miss Bailey!
О, Мисс Бейли, Несчастная Мисс Бейли!
A captain bold in Halifax, who dwelt in country quarters, seduced a maid who hung herself one Monday in her garters.
Смелый капитан из Галифакса, живший в сельской местности, соблазнил девушку, которая однажды в понедельник повесилась на подвязках.
His wicked conscience smitted him. He lost his stomach daily. He took to drinking ratafia and tho′t upon Miss Bailey.
Его мучила злая совесть, он каждый день терял желудок, он пил ратафию и не обращал внимания на Мисс Бейли.
One night betimes he went to bed for he had caught the fever. Said he, "I am a handsome man and I'm a gay deceiver."
Однажды ночью, когда он лег спать, потому что подхватил лихорадку, он сказал: красивый мужчина и веселый обманщик".
His candle just a twelve o′clock began to burn quite palely. A ghost stepped up to his bedside and said, "Behold, Miss Bailey!"
Его свеча ровно в двенадцать часов начала гореть довольно бледно, призрак подошел к его постели и сказал: "Смотрите, Мисс Бейли!"
"Avast, Miss Bailey," then he cried, "you can't affright me, really." "Dear Captain Smith," the ghost replied, "you used me ungenteelly.
- Эй, Мисс Бейли, - воскликнул он, - вы не можете меня напугать, правда. - дорогой капитан Смит, - ответил призрак, - вы обошлись со мной не по-джентльменски.
The coroner's quest goes hard with me because I′ve acted freely and Parson Biggs won′t bury me tho' I′m a dead Miss Bailey."
Поиски коронера даются мне нелегко, потому что я действовал свободно, и пастор Биггс не станет хоронить меня, хотя я и мертвая Мисс Бейли.
"Dear Ma'am," says he, "since you and I must once for all accounts close, I have a one pound note in my regimental small clothes.
"Дорогая мадам, - говорит он, - поскольку мы с вами должны раз и навсегда закрыть все счета, у меня в полковой мундире лежит банкнота в один фунт.
′Twill bribe the sexton for your grave." The ghost then answered gaily, "Bless you, wicked Captain Smith, remember poor Miss Bailey!"
Я подкуплю Пономаря за твою могилу, - весело ответил призрак. - Благослови тебя Бог, злой капитан Смит, вспомни бедную Мисс Бейли!
"All's well that ends well, I suppose."
"Все хорошо, что хорошо кончается, я полагаю".


The Kingston Trio - Totally the Kingston Trio (Remastered)
Totally the Kingston Trio (Remastered)
date de sortie

1 When the Saints Go Marching In (Live) [Remastered]
2 This Land Is Your Land
3 Karu (Remastered)
4 Merry Little Minuet (Live) [Remastered]
5 A Worried Man (Remastered)
6 Zombie Jamboree (Live) [Remastered]
7 Utawena
8 Don't You Weep, Mary - Remastered
9 'Round About the Mountain (Remastered)
10 Come All Ye Fair and Tender Ladies
11 Corey, Corey (Remastered)
12 Take Her Out of Pity (Remastered)
13 Billy Goat Hill
14 Gue Gue (Live) [Remastered]
15 Medley: Tanga Tika / Toerau (Remastered)
16 Across the Wide Missouri (Remastered)
17 Banua (Remastered)
18 El Matador (Remastered)
19 Reuben James (Remastered)
20 (The Wreck of the) "John B" [Remastered]
21 Mangwani M'pulele (Remastered)
22 Coast Of California - Remastered
23 Dorie (Live) [Remastered]
24 Three Jolly Coachmen (Remastered)
25 Bad Man's Blunder - Remastered
26 The Long Black Rifle (Remastered)
27 Rollin' Stone (Remastered)
28 E Inu Tatou E (Remastered)
29 Goober Peas (Remastered)
30 I Bawled (Remastered)
31 Little Maggie (Remastered)
32 This Mornin', This Evenin', so Soon (Remastered)
33 Oleanna (Remastered)
34 The Whistling Gypsy (Remastered)
35 Buddy Better Get On Down the Line (Remastered)
36 They Call the Wind Maria (Live) [Remastered]
37 Shady Grove / Lonesome Traveler (Live) [Remastered]
38 New York Girls (Live) [Remastered]
39 Molly Dee (Remastered)
40 Leave My Woman Alone (Remastered)
41 Weeping Willow (Remastered)
42 It Was A Very Good Year - Remastered
43 Hard Travelin
44 Everglades (Remastered)
45 O Ken Karanga (Remastered)
46 Tom Dooley (Remastered)
47 Hangman
48 Bay of Mexico (Remastered)
49 The Unfortunate Miss Bailey (Remastered)
50 With You My Johnny (Remastered)
51 Hard, Ain't It Hard (Remastered)
52 Oh, Yes, Oh!
53 To Morrow (Remastered)
54 With Her Head Tucked Underneath Her Arm (Remastered)
55 Getaway John (Remastered)
56 When I Was Young (Remastered)
57 Guardo El Lobo
58 Glorious Kingdom (Remastered)
59 Blow The Candle Out
60 Remember the Alamo (Remastered)
61 The Seine (Remastered)
62 Razors In The Air
63 Tic, Tic, Tic (Live) [Remastered]
64 Coming from the Mountains (Remastered)
65 Oh, Sail Away (Remastered)
66 When My Love Was Here (Remastered)
67 Carrier Pigeon (Remastered)
68 Blow Ye Winds (Remastered)
69 M.T.A. (Remastered)
70 South Coast (Remastered)
71 Blue-Eyed Gal
72 The Wanderer (Remastered)
73 San Miguel (Remastered)
74 Scarlet Ribbons
75 Wimoweh (Live) [Remastered]
76 The Hunter (Remastered)
77 The Jug Of Punch
78 The Escape of Old John Webb (Remastered)
79 Who's Gonna Hold Her Hand (Remastered)
80 Jesse James (Remastered)
81 Colorado Trail (Remastered)
82 Coplas (Remastered)
83 Haul Away (Remastered)
84 Farewell Adelita (Remastered)
85 Bonny Hielan' Laddie
86 Scotch and Soda (Remastered)
87 The Tattooed Lady (Remastered)
88 Bimini (Remastered)
89 Good News (Remastered)
90 Don't Cry Katie (Remastered)
91 Saro Jane (Remastered)
92 South Wind (Remastered)
93 Fast Freight (Remastered)
94 Raspberries, Strawberries (Remastered)
95 Speckled Roan
96 Early Mornin' (Remastered)
97 You're Gonna Miss Me (Frankie & Johnny)
98 The Mountains of Mourne (Remastered)
99 River Is Wide
100 En El Agua

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