The Law - Anak Band - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais The Law - Anak Band

Anak Band
Band Kid
10% skill 90% face punya 3 lagu hits lalu bikin album the best
10% skill, 90% face, with 3 hit songs, then make a "best of" album
Gue gak perlu skill yang penting tampang ngejual
I don't need skill, as long as my looks sell
Bikin lagu cinta cewek pun pada terbuai
Make a love song, and the girls are swooning
Gue anak band vokalis band papan atas
I'm a band kid, vocalist of a top band
Tampang gue keren bikin cewek menahan nafas
My looks are cool, make the girls hold their breath
Nonton gue perform di bawah udara panas
Watching me perform under the hot sun
Walaupun gue lypsinc penonton pada puas
Even though I'm lip-syncing, the audience is satisfied
Aha oyeah aha aha oyeah
Aha oyeah aha aha oyeah
Aha oyeah aha aha oyeah
Aha oyeah aha aha oyeah
Gue punya gitaris yang cuma tau 3 kunci
I have a guitarist who only knows 3 chords
Tapi aksi panggungnya kaya rocker sejati
But his stage act is like a true rocker
Lompat-lompat di panggung dah kayak orang bingung
Jumping around on stage like a confused person
Mari kita bernyanyi dan menghibur negeri ini
Let's sing and entertain this country
Dengan lirik-lirik lagu yang terus membodohi
With lyrics that keep fooling
Tentang putus cinta nyambung lagi dan sakit hati
About breaking up, getting back together, and heartache
Gak perlu bikin lagu yang rumit berseni tinggi
No need to make songs that are complex and artistic
It′s all about the money yo aktifkan rbt
It's all about the money yo, activate the ringtone
Dengarkan aku laguku isi hatiku
Listen to me, my song, the contents of my heart
Aku kan selalu di sini untukmu takkan berlalu
I'll always be here for you, won't fade away
Oh yakinkanlah hatimu tuk selalu memuja aku
Oh, convince your heart to always adore me
Tirulah gayaku yang cupu karena aku anak band
Imitate my goofy style, because I'm a band kid
Banyak orang yang ngiri banyak yang sirik
Many people are envious, many are jealous
Gue kagak peduli walaupun terus dikritik
I don't care even though I'm constantly criticized
Album terakhir gue ada di posisi puncak
My last album was at the top position
Walaupun 8 lagunya ternyata ngejiplak
Even though 8 of the songs were plagiarized
Yang nonton konser gue bukan cuma manusia
Those who watch my concert are not just humans
Tapi setan kuntilanak dan juga sejenisnya
But also kuntilanak demons and the like
Walaupun band gue dicap band plagiat
Even though my band is labeled as a plagiarizing band
Tapi tawaran job terus mengalir dengan cepat
But job offers keep flowing in quickly
Aha oyeah aha aha oyeah
Aha oyeah aha aha oyeah
Aha oyeah aha aha oyeah
Aha oyeah aha aha oyeah
Kalo lagi gak ada job gue rekaman
When I don't have a gig, I record
Gue bikin lagu yang bagus buat jualan
I make good songs to sell
Suara gak bagus gak perlu jadi hambatan
A bad voice doesn't need to be an obstacle
Bilang sama operator, kan bisa di melodyne
Tell the operator, it can be fixed in Melodyne
Cukup 1 lagu hits gue jadi selebritis
Just 1 hit song and I become a celebrity
Biar makin eksis pacaran sama artis
To be more famous, date an actress
Makin sering digosipin gue makin laris
The more I'm gossiped about, the more popular I become
Di acara tv yang kagak pake karcis
On TV shows that don't require tickets
Dengarkan aku laguku isi hatiku
Listen to me, my song, the contents of my heart
Aku kan selalu di sini untukmu takkan berlalu
I'll always be here for you, won't fade away
Oh yakinkanlah hatimu tuk selalu memuja aku
Oh, convince your heart to always adore me
Tirulah gayaku yang cupu karena aku anak band
Imitate my goofy style, because I'm a band kid
Ada rapper item jelek yang nyela-nyela gue
There's an ugly black rapper who keeps dissing me
Katanya gue homo gak suka ama cewek
Says I'm gay, don't like girls
Album religi gue laku diman-mana
My religious album is selling everywhere
Gue jual nama tuhan di lagu demi rbt
I sell God's name in the song for the sake of ringtones
Gak peduli band gue dicela anak hiphop
I don't care if my band is criticized by hip-hop kids
Dengan lagu caci makian yang kasar dan jorok
With their songs of insults that are rude and dirty
Tampang gue ancur kayak preman pasar induk
My face is messed up like a thug from the main market
Backing vokal gue pake jilbab tpai montok
My backing vocals wear hijabs but are busty
Aha oyeah aha aha oyeah
Aha oyeah aha aha oyeah
Aha oyeah aha aha oyeah
Aha oyeah aha aha oyeah
Gue punya teknik membuat lagu yang yahud
I have a technique for making awesome songs
Campuran nada pop dengan melayu dan dangdut
A mix of pop, Malay, and dangdut tunes
Langkah selanjutnya ngurusin gaya rambut
Next step is to take care of my hairstyle
Pake baju ala distro ayo kite cabut
Wear distro-style clothes, let's get out of here
Musik indonesia tai kritikus yang bilang
Indonesian music is crap, the critics say
Tapi kata label sekarang yang penting uang
But the label says now it's all about the money
Makin norak masik ancur dan semakin kampungan
The tackier, the more messed up, and the more village-like
Tapi makin disuka jadi siapa yang disalahkan
But the more people like it, so who's to blame
Dengarkan aku laguku isi hatiku
Listen to me, my song, the contents of my heart
Aku kan selalu di sini untukmu takkan berlalu
I'll always be here for you, won't fade away
Oh yakinkanlah hatimu tuk selalu memuja aku
Oh, convince your heart to always adore me
Tirulah gayaku yang cupu karena aku anak band
Imitate my goofy style, because I'm a band kid

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