The Messenger feat. Kezia Sicilia - Generasi Memble - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction The Messenger feat. Kezia Sicilia - Generasi Memble

Generasi Memble
Slacker Generation
Semua dari papa, mintanya pake maksa
Everything from daddy, demanding it with force
Padahal kalo ditanya, loe kerjapun ga pernah
When you're asked, you've never even worked
Cepat sadarlah kawan, hidupmu itu teladan
Wake up now, my friend, your life is a role model
Maksudnya mau bergaya, malah jadi batu sandungan.
Wanting to live in style, instead you're a stumbling block.
Rap 1
Rap 1
Aku heran sama anak sekarang
I'm surprised by the kids of today
Sukanya ikut-ikutan
They all just like to follow along
Kaya ga punya pendirian
Like they don't have minds of their own
Rambut belah pinggir, terkadang ga disisir
Hair parted on the side, sometimes not even combed
Pake celana sempit, apa ga takut kejepit
Wearing tight pants, aren't you afraid of getting pinched?
Tambah lagi Yang ngaku anak motor
And then there are those who claim to be bikers
Motor udah bagus kok diperotol
Their bikes are already great, but they still get tricked out
Shock breaker dipendekin, naiknya jadi nungging Maksudnya kaya Rossi, malah kaya kuda lumping back to chorus
Shock absorbers shortened, they ride around like they're bucking Trying to be like Rossi, but instead they look like hobby horses back to chorus
Rap 2
Rap 2
Ngomel-ngomel... kaya nenek yang lagi bawel
Whining... like a nagging old lady
Papa ga beliin motor Kok jadi dower
Daddy won't buy me a motorcycle So I'm going to pout
Ngambek-ngambek ga mau sekolah
Sulking, refusing to go to school
Padahal bayar sekolah cari duitnya susah
When it's hard to earn the money to pay for school
Mirip anak SD Padahal dah gede
Acting like an elementary school kid When you're already grown up
Kenapa generasi ini Jadi memble
Why has this generation Become so spineless
Naik motor ga mau pake helm
Riding motorcycles without helmets
Udah kaya jagoan yang di film-film back to chorus
Acting like the tough guys you see in the movies back to chorus
Rap 3
Rap 3
Cobalah pikirkan apa yang kau perbuat
Just think about what you're doing
Berapa banyak teman-temanmu jadi tersesat
How many of your friends have gone astray
Melihat gayamu melihat hidupmu
Seeing your style, seeing how you live
Mendengar perkataanmu yang tak lagi bermutu
Listening to your words that have no substance
Jangan paksakan cinta jika belum saatnya
Don't force love when it's not the right time
Kar'na semua itu buatmu menderita
Because all it does is make you suffer
Cepat sadar teman jadilah teladan
Wake up now, friend, become a role model
Dalam perkataan pikiran dan perbuatan
In your words, your thoughts, and your actions
Andai kau tahu tujuan hidupmu
If you only knew your purpose in life
Tentu kau tak akan melakukan itu
I'm certain you wouldn't be doing this
Back to chorus
Back to chorus

Writer(s): the messenger

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