The Motans - Copiii Care Au Visat Greșit - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction The Motans - Copiii Care Au Visat Greșit

Copiii Care Au Visat Greșit
Kids Who Dream Wrong
Mi-au spus nu joc cu focul, dar deja aveam scânteia
They told me not to play with fire, but I was already sparking
Și am deschis uși cu piciorul dacă nu a mers cu cheia
And I kicked doors open if they didn't work with a key
Ne-au certat, dar noi nu ne-am oprit
They scolded us, but we didn't stop
Au strigat din urmă visăm greșit
They shouted that we were dreaming wrong
Nimeni nu ne-a spus formula, dar am înțeles ideea
No one gave us the formula, but we understood the idea
Malul e abrupt
The bank is steep
Știu pentru ce lupt
I know what I'm fighting for
Cu suflet și trup
With heart and soul
Mi-am promis rup!
I promised myself to break!
Acum versurile mele
Now my lyrics
Se aud din toate subteranele
Are heard from every underground
Mama, we did it!
Mom, we did it!
Mama, all good!
Mom, all good!
Mama, ține-te bine, eu abia am început!
Mom, hold on tight, I've only just begun!
Acum versurile mele
Now my lyrics
Se aud din toate subteranele
Are heard from every underground
Se pare c-au schimbat lumea un pic
It seems they've changed the world a bit
Copiii care au visat greșit
Kids who dreamed wrong
Au încercat ne taie din aripi, dar erau din plumb
They tried to clip our wings, but they were made of lead
ne ascundă prețul, dar știam deja că-i scump
To hide the price from us, but we already knew it was expensive
Știam deja așteaptă nopți nedormite
I already knew that sleepless nights awaited me
Dar am știut merită merg înainte
But I knew it was worth going ahead
Știu bine prețul pe care l-am plătit
I know well the price I paid
Și cât suflet rup din mine ca să-l pun în cuvânt
And how much soul I tear from myself to put into words
Dintr-un om cu un vis, într-un om c-o poveste
From a man with a dream into a man with a story
Eu n-am mers pân' la capăt, eu am mers cu mult peste
I didn't go all the way, I went far beyond
De la bun început
From the very beginning
Știu pentru ce lupt
I know what I'm fighting for
Cu suflet și trup
With heart and soul
Mi-am promis rup!
I promised myself to break!
Acum versurile mele
Now my lyrics
Se aud din toate subteranele
Are heard from every underground
Mama, we did it!
Mom, we did it!
Mama, all good!
Mom, all good!
Mama, ține-te bine, eu abia am început!
Mom, hold on tight, I've only just begun!
Acum versurile mele
Now my lyrics
Se aud din toate subteranele
Are heard from every underground
Se pare c-au schimbat lumea un pic
It seems they've changed the world a bit
Copiii care au visat greșit
Kids who dreamed wrong

Writer(s): Alex Cotoi, Denis Roabeș

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