The Motans - Jumatate Stai - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction The Motans - Jumatate Stai

Jumatate Stai
Stay Half
Încercând fac o lume doar pentru noi doi,
Trying to make a world just for the two of us,
Timpul a zburat deasupra ca un avion.
Time flew over us like an airplane.
Toate amintirile şi şoaptele de dragoste,
All the memories and whispers of love,
Parcă nu au fost de ajuns.
It seems like they weren't enough.
Şi rup pozele în două,
And I tear the pictures in two,
Unde la tine mereu e cald, iar la mine plouă
Where it's always warm with you, and it rains with me.
Atât de încrezut le arunc la gunoi,
So confidently I throw them in the trash,
Iar peste două-trei minute le lipesc înapoi.
And in two or three minutes I glue them back together.
Jumătate stai
Stay half
Jumătate stai
Stay half
Jumătate stai
Stay half
Jumătate stai
Stay half
Eu sunt reducerea de cincizeci de procente din tine,
I am the fifty percent discount of you,
Dar păcat tu ai hotărât stai la vitrină,
But it's a pity that you decided to stay in the window,
M-am dăruit de tot, dar ţie nu ţi-a păsat de loc,
I gave myself completely, but you didn't care at all,
Ai vândut ce a fost mai scump la lichidare de stoc.
You sold what was most expensive in stock clearance.
Şi dacă de la-nceput, stelele mi-ar fi şoptit,
And if from the beginning, the stars had whispered to me,
Poate nu fi căzut, poate m-aş fi pregătit.
Maybe I wouldn't have fallen, maybe I would have been prepared.
M-ai lăsat sufăr într-o odaie plină de:
You left me to suffer in a room full of:
Amintiri fără stăpân şi al tău "M. Intense Café".
Memories without an owner and your "M. Intense Café".
Jumătate stai
Stay half
Jumătate stai
Stay half
Jumătate stai
Stay half
Jumătate stai
Stay half
Eu am avut nevoie doar de tine, dar păcat tu
I only needed you, but it's a pity that you
Ţi-ai dorit întotdeauna câte ceva mai mult,
You've always wanted something more,
Ţi-ai dorit o lume-ntreagă dragă şi îmi pare rău
You wanted a whole world, my dear, and I'm sorry
Cât de mult m-am înşelat crezând lumea ta...
How much I was wrong thinking that your world...
Sunt eu.
It's me.
Jumătate stai
Stay half
Jumătate stai
Stay half
Jumătate stai
Stay half
Jumătate stai
Stay half

Writer(s): Cotoi Alexandru, Roabes Denis

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