The Quiett - Punchlines - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction The Quiett - Punchlines

날도 조용히 자리에 앉아서
Even on that day, I sat quietly in my place
한줄씩 가사들을 적어나갔어.
Filling in the lyrics, line by line.
손에 펜과 마이크는 여전히
The pen and mic in my hand will always be
Best Friend. 이미 스위치는 켜졌지.
My best friends. I already flipped the switch, so
걸음을 딛고 올라섰지.
I took a step, then stood up.
내가 자리는 더욱 높아졌지.
The place where I stand has gotten even higher.
이것은 one two three to the four
This is one two three to the four
소울 컴퍼니가 터뜨리는 승전보.
The war cry detonated by Soul Company.
지금은 너무나 모자라고
It's still not enough, but
하루하루가 똑같아도
Even though each day is the same
우린 커다란 미래를 향해 달려간다.
We're running towards a great future.
근데 내일이 올까나?
But I wonder, will tomorrow come?
몰라 신경쓰기엔 골치아파.
I don't know, and it's too much for me to care about.
Carpe Diem 지금은 그냥 놀아봐.
Carpe diem, just have fun for now.
그걸 알면서도 결국 갖혀있는걸
Knowing that, you still happened to get caught up in it
(Hook) 2x
정신나간 너의 귓가에
Baby, into your crazy ears
거친 rhyme을 던진 다음에
Throwing down my rough rhymes
멋진 나의 Punchline을 뱉어.
And then dropping my beautiful punchline.
(Verse 2)
(Verse 2)
한가지 목표에의 확실함
A certain destination, a certainty
Hip-hop 그것만이 나의 나침반
My compass is hip-hop
작지만 꿈들을 이뤘지만 아직도
I've fulfilled small but great dreams but
그들은 말하지. '한심하군'
They still say, 'What a pity'
Uh, 그래 좋아 너는 조롱꾼.
Uh, yeah, that's fine. You're a mocker.
그리고 너의 어둠속의 호롱불.
And I'm a beacon in your darkness.
시원찮은 친구들을 운동장으로 모아
Gathering my uncool friends at the playground
피버노바 처럼 엉덩짝을 걷어차
Kicking their butts like Fabolous
내가 누군지 똑똑히
See, I’m The Quiett
Rap game은 생각처럼 녹녹치않네.
The rap game isn't as easy as you think.
새로운 시도의 필요를 느끼는 당신의 혼에
Into your soul that needs new attempts
음악은 결정적 도움.
My music is a critical help.
Q! 갑갑한 가슴에 터질 감탄사
Q! An exclamation of admiration into a stuffy chest
무대로 올라 MIC를 꽉잡아.
I go up on stage and hold the mic tight.
여전히 Microphone은 절대 가치.
The microphone is still absolutely valuable.
오직 너의 웃음만이 눈을 멀게하지.
Only your laugh blinds my eyes.
(Repeat hook)
(Repeat hook)
(Verse 3)
(Verse 3)
흥분된 목소리로 생각을 내뱉지.
I spit out my thoughts with an excited voice.
그게 안된다면 오늘도 밤을 새겠지.
If it doesn't go well, I'll pull an all-nighter again today.
어제 그리고 오늘 밝아올 내일
Yesterday, today, and tomorrow that will come soon
발걸음이 언제나 진실의 길이 되길.
May my footsteps always be the path of truth.
계속해서 사람들이 몰리네.
People keep gathering.
계속해서 볼륨을 올리네.
I keep raising the volume.
계속해서 연결 고리를
I keep holding onto the bridge
잡고있는 MC Beatmaker
Emcees and beatmakers
추락하는 모든 것들에겐
To all the things that are falling
미안하지만 우린 갈수록 상당히 대박나.
I'm sorry, but we're doing really well.
보니 Kebee가 말이 생각나.
Looking at you, I think of what Kebee said.
'그 꼴로 찾으려고?'
'What else are you looking for like that?'
노랜 바로 The Quiett과 소울 컴퍼니의
This song is the theme song made with
펀치라인들로 만든 테마송
The punchlines of The Quiett and Soul Company
노랜 바로 The Quiett과 소울 컴퍼니의
This song is the theme song made with
펀치라인들로 만든 테마송
The punchlines of The Quiett and Soul Company
(Repeat hook)
(Repeat hook)

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