The Robo - Cuma - traduction des paroles en anglais

Cuma - The Robotraduction en anglais

Çek içini içine
Pull yourself together
Al sigaradan duman
Take a drag from the cigarette
Olanlar oldu
What's done is done
İnanmasan yukarı o bile yok
Believe it or not, even up there, he's not there
Sal normal olanı
Let the normal go
Anla emin olamamaktan emin olama
Understand, not being sure, not being sure
Şimdi dersin noluyo
Now you're asking what's happening
Şimdi dersin noluyo
Now you're asking what's happening
Bi gülme geldi gitmiyo
A smile came and it's not going away
Kupkuru tut ki karnım hiçbi şeyle doymuyo
Bone-dry, let's say that my stomach's not full of anything
Bazen asla düşünmüyo
Sometimes I never think
Bazen asla geçmiyo
Sometimes it never passes
Koltuğumda yerin vardı anlatınca dolmuyo
There was room for you on my couch, but when I talk to it, it doesn't fill up
Dolmuyo dolmayan zamanlar anlıyomuş gibi
It doesn't fill up the times that don't fill up, as if it understands
Soluş gibi yakıştım hep yokuşlara
I always fit in well on the slopes, like a breath
Gün gelir sade sen bilirsin burda noluyo benimle
One day, you'll know everything that's happening with me here
Ben kalınca bir başıma yer yerinden oynuyo
When I'm left all alone, the ground shakes
En çok savaştığım
What I've fought the most
En çok barıştığım
What I've made peace with the most
Evindeki panjur sarı
The blinds on your house are yellow
Sisli puslu hep kapalı
Always misty, always closed
Çek kahverengi perdeni
Draw your brown curtains
Ört içerden kendini
Cover yourself from the inside
Ört ki dört gözle hiç seni düşünmiyim
Cover yourself so that I don't think about you ever again
Gözlüğüm uzağı değil
My glasses don't see far
Geçmişi gösterir
They show the past
Dudağımda kaldı o tadın
That taste is still on my lips
Gerisi önemli değil
The rest doesn't matter
İçmeyle olmaz
It won't work with drinking
Koltuğum dolmaz
My couch won't fill up
Ya da sen yapsan
Or maybe you could do it
Muhabbet dolsam orda koltuğunda
Talking and feeling full there on your couch
Hep mi aynı cengim
Is it always the same struggle
Hep de var bi derdim
And I always have some kind of problem
Hep bayağı yük çektim
I've always carried a heavy load
Sen de kötü günü anlamazsan kalmaz anlam
If you don't understand a bad day, there's no point
Anlaşılmaz günler
Incomprehensible days
Kulağımda sesin
Your voice in my ear
Tam içimdesin
You're right inside me

Writer(s): The Robo

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