The Tyets - Menorca - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction The Tyets - Menorca

Una de paella!
Paella, please!
Una de queeee?
A whaaat?
Ara va de bo, ara va de bo, Ciutadella!
It's going great, it's going great, Ciutadella!
Em trobo la persona que m'agrada
I run into the girl I like
I li faig dos petons
And I give her two kisses
Anem ja cap a iguana
Let's go to Iguana now
Que hi ha tothom al port
Everyone is at the port
Hem vist a Ciutadella
We saw the sunset in Ciutadella
Junts la posta de sol
Hem dormit abraçats
We slept, embraced
Sota un banc i fins les nou
Under a bench until nine
Un cavall els amics i pomada
A horse, friends, and pomada
Via Perimetral a pel taxi de tornada
Via Perimetral to catch the taxi back
Això és la guerra
This is war
Amb els aglans
With the acorns
Que miris cap a on miris hi ha germans
Wherever you look, there are friends
Sona un ukelele, veiem la platja al fons
A ukulele is playing, we see the beach in the background
Ja s'ha acabat la sele i avui hem vingut tots
The week is over and we all came today
Algú porta una birra i apreta la calor
Someone brings a beer and the heat is on
És dijous de camisa i al cap un mocador
It's shirt Thursday and a scarf on the head
Sona un ukelele, veiem la platja al fons
A ukulele is playing, we see the beach in the background
Ja s'ha acabat la sele i avui hem vingut tots
The week is over and we all came today
Algú porta una birra i apreta la calor
Someone brings a beer and the heat is on
És dijous de camisa i al cap un mocador
It's shirt Thursday and a scarf on the head
Sorry si sempre arribo tard
Sorry if I'm always late
Se'm menja el llit sense voler
The bed eats me up unintentionally
Jo no estic fet per matinar
I'm not made for waking up early
Truca'm dos cops si no he dit res
Call me twice if I haven't said anything
Sorry si sempre arribo tard
Sorry if I'm always late
Però ho he parlat amb el coixí
But I talked to the pillow
Hem pogut arribar a un acord
We reached an agreement
Diu que avui ens quedem aquí
He says we are staying here today
Sona un ukelele, veiem la platja al fons
A ukulele is playing, we see the beach in the background
Ja s'ha acabat la sele i avui hem vingut tots
The week is over and we all came today
Algú porta una birra i apreta la calor
Someone brings a beer and the heat is on
És dijous de camisa i al cap un mocador
It's shirt Thursday and a scarf on the head
Sona un ukelele, veiem la platja al fons
A ukulele is playing, we see the beach in the background
Ja s'ha acabat la sele i avui hem vingut tots
The week is over and we all came today
Algú porta una birra i apreta la calor
Someone brings a beer and the heat is on
És dijous de camisa i al cap un mocador
It's shirt Thursday and a scarf on the head
Quedem tots a la platja i se lia
We all stay at the beach and it gets wild
Hi ha tota la meva squad i veig a la maria
My whole squad is here and I see Maria
Me'n vaig directe al paki a per sangria
I go straight to the paki for sangria
Acabo a casa un pavu d'afterhour i ja és de dia
I end up home, wrecked from the after-hour, and it's already daytime
We split in two and lose half of our homies
We split in two and lose half of our homies
There's still people drunk doing stuff like they are dummies
There's still people drunk doing stuff like they are dummies
Cops will never come cuz our city is full of robberies
Cops will never come cuz our city is full of robberies
So we'll party until tomorrow and go home like zombies
So we'll party until tomorrow and go home like zombies
Sona un ukelele, veiem la platja al fons
A ukulele is playing, we see the beach in the background
Ja s'ha acabat la sele i avui hem vingut tots
The week is over and we all came today
Algú porta una birra i apreta la calor
Someone brings a beer and the heat is on
És dijous de camisa i al cap un mocador
It's shirt Thursday and a scarf on the head
Sona un ukelele, veiem la platja al fons
A ukulele is playing, we see the beach in the background
Ja s'ha acabat la sele i avui hem vingut tots
The week is over and we all came today
Algú porta una birra i apreta la calor
Someone brings a beer and the heat is on
És dijous de camisa i al cap un mocador
It's shirt Thursday and a scarf on the head
Fem braves, seitons i olivetes
We have bravas, anchovies and olives
I prenem el sol aquí a la terrasseta
And we sunbathe here on the terrace
Això sembla l'anunci d'Estrella
This looks like the Estrella ad
Però no és 2009 ni estem a Formentera
But it's not 2009 and we're not in Formentera
I això sembla l'anunci d'Estrella
And this looks like the Estrella ad
Però no és 2009 ni estem a Formentera
But it's not 2009 and we're not in Formentera
Temazos a la carretera
Bangers on the road
Tu vas en Vespino i em portes darrera
You're on a Vespino and you're taking me with you
(Pa pa pa pa pa)
(Pa pa pa pa pa)

Writer(s): Oriol De Ramon, Xavier Coca

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