TheO - Pazarda Kelebek - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction TheO - Pazarda Kelebek

Pazarda Kelebek
Butterfly at the Market
Şair kokmuş
The poet smelled
Oda soğukmuş
The room was cold
Pencereden pazar görünür
From the window, the market is visible
Uçar güvercinler
Pigeons fly
Var bir iki üç beş kuş
There are one, two, three, five birds
Yazdıklarını okurken gülerken şair
As the poet laughs while reading what he wrote
Aniden durmuş
He suddenly stopped
Herhalde birden bire konmuş
I guess it suddenly perched
Penceresine bir baykuş
An owl on his window
Sayarken onun dişlerini
While counting its teeth
O gülerken helak olmuş
He perished while laughing
Pencereden izlerken baykuş
The owl watches from the window
Caba verip ağzını kapatmaya calısırken
Trying in vain to close his mouth
Anlamiş şair
The poet understood
"Vay be!
Burası herhalde muş
This is probably Muş
Sanki yolu baya yokuş
As if the road is uphill
Bu yol da baya zormuş!"
This road is quite difficult too!"
Hayat boş yokuş muş
Life is an empty uphill climb
Uzun ince yokuşlu yolu görünce korkmuş donmus
He was scared and frozen when he saw the long, narrow uphill road
Sahis üçte birine varmış anlamış
He realized when he reached one-third of the way
Gözier pencerede ama ruh bedeni satmış
Tears in the window but the soul has sold the body
Üç beş paraya
For three to five cents
Yazdığı hikayelerden dolayı
Because of the stories he wrote
The poet
Gerçekten mi ebediyen cehennemde yanmiış?
Did he really burn forever in hell?
O oda ne?
What is that room?
Yaza yaza
Writing and writing
Oturmuş donmuş kalmış
He sat frozen
Yazılı kağıtta hikaye
The story on the written paper
Kanlı kağıtlar masasında
Bloody papers on his desk
Herkes hüzünlenecek
Everyone will grieve
Oku iyi bak ikra
Read well, look at the offering
Ilk harfleri
The first letters
Ke Be Lek
Ke Be Lek
Ha üç ha yek
Ha three ha one
İyi bakarsan şekil değiştirecek
If you look closely, the shape will change
Kac gun kaldi ki pazara?
How many days are left until the market?
I don't know
Hadi gidek
Let's go
Yek dıdo sesh besh
One two sound five
Ne bilim iste küçük kardeş
I don't know, little brother
Koku leş pazarda
It smells like a corpse at the market
Sorarız tamamı babaya?
Shall we ask dad about everything?
Evladım uyan
My son, wake up
Baba bu gördüğüm sanki bir rüya
Dad, what I saw is like a dream
Kaç gün kaldı pazara?
How many days are left until the market?
Sen söyle bari bana
Tell me, please
Bir sayalım bakalım kardeş
Let's count, brother
Bugün cumartesi perşembe ondan sonra günlerden patateş
Today is Saturday, Thursday after that, the days are potato
Aha baba
Aha, dad
Bizim babamız babaların en büyüklerinden bu dünyada
Our dad is one of the greatest dads in the world
Nasilda siğdıysa
How did he fit in?
Yatak odama
My bedroom
Sanki beshhh
As if five
Metre boyu var
Meters tall
Hazır mısınız derken sırtını dönen koca baba
Big dad turns his back while saying "Are you ready?"
En güçlü benim babam!
My dad is the strongest!
Taşırmıs ya la omzumda
He's carrying it on my shoulder
Göğüsü öne doğru ama
His chest is forward but
Kafası ters dönmüş bakar bana
His head is turned upside down looking at me
Bakuş değil bu bir akbaba
This is not an owl, it's a vulture
Pazarda kelebek
Butterfly at the market
Şekil değişecek
The shape will change
In a dream
Dikkat et küçük eşek
Be careful little donkey
Don't grin
Hayatın boka gitcek
Your life will go to shit
Dedi abisi o küçük çocuğa
The older brother said to that little boy
Ölürsün baykuş dişlerini sayarsa
You die if the owl counts its teeth
Sıcak ekmek kokusu var pazarda
There is a smell of hot bread at the market
Heyecanlanır ufaklık alevlenecek
The little one gets excited, it will ignite
Yeke yeke kebelek
Eek eek kebelek
Kelebek ile teke tek
One on one with the butterfly
Abisi konuşur çocuk ileri görüşlü
His brother speaks, the child is forward-thinking
Neyse ne
Nede olsa dinlemicek
He won't listen anyway
Pazarı sevdircek
He'll make him love the market
Yürüyen leşler pazarında
In the market of walking corpses
"Yakala" dedirtecek
Will make him say "Catch it"
Küçük erkek
Little boy
Kelebek avlamayı sevecek
Will love to catch butterflies
Marka terlik gezer ile gezerek
Wandering around with brand name slippers
Baba abi yemek mi yesek kopek eşek mi sevsek
Dad, brother, should we eat, should we pet a dog or a donkey
Diyerek kaybedecek
By saying he will lose
Sert pek
Hard peck
Sarı kırmızı karpuz
Yellow red watermelon
Halden anlasilabilecek
It can be understood from the state
Elini cek
Pull your hand
Paramın hakkımı veremicek
He won't give me my money's worth
Bunların hepsi kelek
These are all crooked
Birazdan fark edecek abisi
His brother will realize it soon
Pazarda cocuk kaybı
Lost child at the market
Tırmanır binalara o sanki örümcek
He climbs the buildings as if he were a spider
Yaramaz sıpa
Naughty brat
Sol tarafa yol aldi
He took the left
Oh no
Kardeş kayıp
Brother lost
Babam beni öldürecek
My dad will kill me
Babam beni kesin cehenneme götürcek
My dad will definitely take me to hell
Onların birbirini sevdigi kadar
As much as they love each other
Keşke ben ve babamda birbirimizi sevebilsek
I wish my dad and I could love each other too
Gizli atak
Secret attack
Ses cıkarma yasak
No sound
Saklambac ona zevk
Hide and seek is fun for him
Yakaladı yakalicak avını
He caught, he will catch his prey
Bir yakalasam bu
If I could catch this
Kebelebebelebek bana cennetı getirecek
Kebelebebelebek will bring me heaven
Pis kirligi sokaklar
Dirty dirty streets
Kurulmus kürt türk arap çorbası gibi pazarlar
Markets set up like Kurdish, Turkish, Arab soup
Acılmıs konu artık gülene gülene
The issue has been opened now, laughing
Baykus otel odasina kona kona
Owl staying in the hotel room
Ke Le be be le bek ikna eder onu sola
Ke Le be be le bek persuades him to the left
Baykus görünmez oldu ama
The owl disappeared but
Duyulur tepelerden bekler beni akbaba
The vulture waits for me from the hills
Kafam karisti baba
I'm confused, dad
Gel evladim gör kavga var pazarda
Come on, my son, there's a fight at the market
Dost dostu satmiş paraya
Friend sold friend for money
Erkek bir düşünecek
The man will think
Soyle söyleyecek
He'll tell you
Kahpe felek
Bitch fate
Belki birazdan ekicek
Maybe he'll plant some soon
Belki çok sevecek
Maybe he'll love it
Tebessüm edecek
He'll smile
Kanma oğlum belki kelebek gibi gelecek sana ama
Don't be fooled, my son, maybe he'll come to you like a butterfly, but
Dikkat et yoksa kelebek ya baykuş seni öldürecek
Be careful, otherwise the butterfly or the owl will kill you
O yüzden sana benden çelik yelek
That's why I'm giving you a bulletproof vest
"Hadi gel küçük erkek
"Come on, little man
Direk şairin odasina girek"
Let's go straight into the poet's room"
Dedi kelebek onun sirtina binerek
Said the butterfly, riding on its back
Odasina gircek
He's going to his room
Doğru ya doğru
Right, right
Eğriye eğri
Crooked to crooked
Kimse demicek
Nobody will say
Yalana gerçek
Lie to truth
Aklina gelcek
Will come to mind
Pencerede iki üç seş beş güvercin ya ördek
Two, three, six, five pigeons or ducks in the window
Kağıtta üc harf
Three letters on paper
He doğruya la
Oh right
Şekil değiştirecek
The shape will change
Üç ha yek
Three ha one
He ha he
He he he
Ke be lek
Ke be lek
Ha üç ha yek
Ha three ha one
Şairin hikayesiydi bu ya la
This was the poet's story
Vi bavooo
Vi bravo
Baykuş der Afrasiabin otel odasinda
The owl says in the Afrasiab's hotel room
Nasil unutturdu bana
How did it make me forget?
This TO

Writer(s): Ekrem Ozan

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