Vieru - Judecata (Intro) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Vieru - Judecata (Intro)

Judecata (Intro)
Judgment (Intro)
Toti oamenii din jur se bazeaza pe compromis
Everyone around relies on compromise, babe
Ma tin de treaba, in doi ani sunt sus si ti-am promis
I'm keeping busy, in two years I'll be up top, just like I promised you
E Vieru II, imi materializez un vis
It's Vieru II, I'm materializing a dream
Cu tovarasii la masa, toata lumea striga "cheers" (cheers)
With the homies at the table, everyone's yelling "cheers" (cheers)
Am facut rele, dar nu a fost din adins
I've done wrong, but it wasn't intentional, darling
Te-am mintit mult, nu m-asteptam, doar ca m-ai prins
I lied to you a lot, I didn't expect you to catch me
Simt ca focul din inima, in sfarsit, a fost si stins
I feel like the fire in my heart has finally been extinguished
Vad o lumina alba, ma asteapta un abis
I see a white light, an abyss awaits me
Si simt ca o sa schimb lumea asta de-odata
And I feel like I'm going to change this world all at once
N-am facut bine, scuze mama, scuze tata
I haven't done good, sorry mom, sorry dad
Sunt imbracat in alb, nu mai am nicio pata
I'm dressed in white, I don't have a single stain
Doar cicatrici adânci, in inima-mi de piatra
Just deep scars, in my heart of stone
E totul roz aici si merg spre judecata
Everything is pink here and I'm walking towards judgment
Ma uit in spate, sper sa nu o fac iar lata
I look back, hoping I won't screw it up again
Am facut rele, dar n-am vrut-o niciodata
I've done wrong, but I never wanted to
Si sper sa ma iertati de rau, mama si tata
And I hope you'll forgive me for the bad, mom and dad
Mama si tata
Mom and dad
Yeah, mama si tata
Yeah, mom and dad
Mama si tata
Mom and dad
Si sper sa ma iertati de rau, mama si tata
And I hope you'll forgive me for the bad, mom and dad
Amin! (woah)
Amen! (woah)
De-abia ce m-am trezit si m-am bagat direct sa scriu
I just woke up and started writing right away
Am avut un vis ciudat, eram bagat in sicriu
I had a strange dream, I was in a coffin
Si era totul alb si era asa pustiu
And everything was white and so desolate
Vedeam cum vine cineva pe un cal cenusiu
I saw someone coming on a grey horse
Imi zice: "NU! Inca nu a venit timpul tau
He tells me: "NO! Your time hasn't come yet
Vom pune in balanta, de-ai facut bine sau rau"
We will weigh whether you've done good or bad"
M-am speriat, m-am panicat, dar nu am zis nimic
I got scared, I panicked, but I didn't say anything
Si-n secunda urmatoare imediat am tresarit
And in the next second I immediately jolted awake
M-am trezit
I woke up
Si-am realizat ce multe pot sa fac
And realized how much I can do
Ca m-am gandit la ceva si mi s-a fixat in cap
That I thought of something and it stuck in my head
Si mi-am zis "gata, aproape am vazut judecata"
And I said to myself "that's it, I almost saw the judgment"
Dar oricum stii ca rup in lumea asta si chiar si-n alta
But anyway you know I'm killing it in this world and even in the next
Ca fac totu' din nimic, acum nu ma mai poti opri
Because I make everything from nothing, now you can't stop me
Am ajuns sus, stau si fac piese cu fratii
I've reached the top, I'm sitting here making tracks with my brothers
O s-ajung cineva, sa vezi de-acum, asta-i doar un intro
I'm gonna be somebody, you'll see from now on, this is just an intro
Merg cu viteza, fiindca sunt facut din foc si nitro
I'm going fast, because I'm made of fire and nitro
*Asta e doar inceputul
*This is just the beginning
Asta e doar inceputul
This is just the beginning
Asta e doar inceputu'
This is just the beginning
Nu semnez contract, nu merg la lucru*
I don't sign contracts, I don't go to work*

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