Thompson - Ne Pitaj Me - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Thompson - Ne Pitaj Me

Ne Pitaj Me
Don't Ask Me
Izgubija sam vrime, previse sam htio
I've wasted time, I wanted too much
Pobjece i mjesec, suvise san snio
The moon has fled and gone, I dreamt too much
Sad mi zora cesto pogledava oci
Now the dawn often looks into my eyes
A sto joj kradem vrime u njenoj samoci
And I steal her time in her solitude
Cujem kako nekad jecaju planine
I hear how the mountains once moaned
Podjem njima kad se zazelim tisine
I go to them when I desire silence
Ne pitajte nista sa kamena dusu
Don't ask anything of a soul of stone
Jer vjetrovi sada neki drugi pusu
Because the winds now blow differently
Sta ce ti zivot kad puteve mjenjas
What is life for when you change paths?
Bolje da umres nego da se predas
It's better to die than to surrender
Ne pitaj mene
Don't ask me
Meni sada srce vene
My heart is now withering
Dodje mi da se predam
I feel like surrendering
Kad oko sebe gledam
When I look around me
Ne pitaj mene
Don't ask me
Meni sada srce vene
My heart is now withering
Vene mi usred grudi
It's withering in my chest
Vene zbog dragih ljudi
It's withering for the sake of my loved ones
Ne pitaj mene
Don't ask me
Izgubili smo vrime, previse smo tili
We wasted time, we wanted too much
Al′ se barem nismo kao zmije krili
But at least we didn't hide like snakes
Mi smo narod jedan, podjednako vrijedan
We are one people, equally valuable
Bez ljubavi gladan, bez radosti zedan
Hungry without love, thirsty without joy

Writer(s): Perkovic Marko-thompson

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