Thompson - Početak - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Thompson - Početak

In the Beginning
In pricipio erat verbum
In the beginning was the word
Et verbum erat apud Deum
And the word was with God
Et Deus erat verbum
And the word was God
Na pocetku stvorio je svjetlo
In the beginning, he created light
I covjeka da Mu bude slika
And man to be his image
Evo ti pa vladaj zemljom pravedno
Now rule the Earth justly
Prvo vrijeme covjek bjese dobar
In the first time, man was good
Bjese slika i prilika Boga
He was the image and likeness of God
Sve dok nije htio puno vise
Until he wanted much more
Na svog brata digao je ruku
He raised his hand against his brother
Otimao zemlju, latio se maca
He took the land, took up arms
Prevario svoga Oca i zagazi u grijeh
He deceived his Father and sinned
Ref. 2x
Chorus 2x
Kise padaju, polja radjaju, djeca sanjaju
The rains fall, the fields give birth, the children dream
Nije nas ostavio Bog
God has not abandoned us
I od tada covjek vara Boga
And ever since man has been deceiving God
Na sve strane ratovi i droga
There are wars and drugs everywhere
Kao da je Zemlja izgubljeni svijet
As if the Earth was a lost world
Svadjaju se narodi i rase
Peoples and races quarrel
I proroci lazni zaludjuju mase
And false prophets deceive the masses
Djeca, vjera, tijelo, prodaje se sve
Children, faith, body, everything is for sale
Nekad covjek bjese samo lovac
Once man was only a hunter
A sad bliznjeg ubija za novac
But now he kills his neighbor for money
Napada i krade i svijetom sije strah
He attacks, he steals and sows fear in the world
Ref. 2x
Chorus 2x
Tvoje rijeci izvrnuli, Boze
Your words have been twisted, O God
K′o da s Vragom zive ispod koze
As if we lived with the Devil under our skin
Ne znaju za milost, ni za kajanje
They know neither mercy nor repentance
A ja necu zivjet' u tom grijehu
But I will not live in sin
Necu takav put za nasu djecu
I will not choose that path for our children
Ej da moze moja pjesma popraviti svijet
Oh, if only my song could heal the world
Obranimo ljubav, ona svima treba
Let us defend love, everyone needs it
Prastanje i nada darovi su s neba
Forgiveness and hope are gifts from heaven
Pogledaj u oci Stvoritelju svom
Look into the eyes of your Creator
Ref. 2x
Chorus 2x
Nije nas, nije nas
He has not, he has not
Nije nas ostavio Bog
God has not abandoned us
Ref. 2x
Chorus 2x

Writer(s): Perkovic Marko-thompson

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