Tiara - 駅 - traduction des paroles en anglais

- Tiaratraduction en anglais

見覚えのある レインコート
A familiar raincoat,
黄昏の駅で 胸が震えた
My heart skipped a beat in the twilight station.
はやい足どり まぎれもなく
Unmistakably, it was you, with quick steps,
昔愛してた あの人なのね
The one I loved before.
Just before the nostalgia,
こみあげる 苦い思い出に
Bitter memories well up,
I can't find the words to say.
あなたがいなくても こうして
Though without you, I've been living
Just fine, it seems.
さり気なく 告げたかったのに...
I wanted to tell you nonchalantly...
二年の時が 変えたものは
Two years have changed
彼のまなざしと 私のこの髪
Your gaze and my hair.
Each returning to the one waiting,
戻ってゆくのね 気づきもせずに
Unaware of each other.
Getting in the next car,
うつむく横顔 見ていたら
I looked at your downcast face.
思わず涙 あふれてきそう
Tears threatened to come,
今になって あなたの気持ち
Now I realize how you felt,
初めてわかるの 痛いほど
Painfully clear.
私だけ 愛してたことも
That I alone loved you.
Buried in the rush hour crowd,
消えてゆく 後ろ姿が
Your retreating figure
やけに哀しく 心に残る
Cuts a lonely figure, etched into my heart.
By the time I leave the station,
雨もやみかけた この街に
The rain has almost stopped,
And another ordinary night descends.

Writer(s): 竹内まりや

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