Tina/Tina - Si sam - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Tina/Tina - Si sam

Si sam
I am alone
Keby som tak mohla vrátit ten čas,
If only I could turn back time,
Nedala by som Ti nádej len v nás,
I would not have given you hope only in us,
Sám často vravievaš, čo prísť, príde,
You often say yourself, what must come, will come,
Nemôžem za to, život za mňa to píše.
I can't help it, life writes it for me.
Prvé tri roky s Tebou to bola láska,
The first three years with you it was love,
ďalšie tri potom som nebola šťastná,
the next three I was no longer happy,
V tom čase zjavil sa niekto a spálil
At that time someone appeared and burned
Aj to posledné na čo sme sa tu hrali.
Even the last thing we played at here.
Stretla som ho, tak ťa prosím ver mi,
I met him, so please believe me,
Nebol to plán, tiež chcel byť verný,
It was not a plan, he also wanted to be faithful,
Deje sa to, čo tak ťažko píšem,
What happens is what I write with such difficulty,
Dnes sa priznávam.
Today I confess.
Si sám, lebo mám muža, s ktorým zmysel to má,
You are alone, because I have a husband, with whom it makes sense,
Si sám, lebo mám život, ktorý zmysel mi dá,
You are alone, because I have a life that gives me meaning,
mám, to čo dlhé roky hľadám,
I already have what I have been looking for for many years,
Si sám, nájdi silu, lebo ostávaš sám, si sám.
You are alone, find strength, because you remain alone, you are alone.
Nie je tak pozorný, ako si ty,
He is not as attentive as you are,
Nemá také telo, ako máš ty,
He does not have a body like yours,
Nevie mi dávať toľko, čo si mi dával,
He cannot give me as much as you did,
Srdcu nerozkážem, nejde ovládať.
I cannot command my heart, it cannot be controlled.
Zo začiatku to bola len namotávka,
At first it was just a flirting,
Neskôr som pochopila, že ma to láka,
Later I realized that it was attracting me,
Potom sa ukázalo že je to láska,
Then it turned out that it was love,
nemám silu na ty nechutné klamstva.
I no longer have the strength for these nasty lies.
Stretla som ho, tak ťa prosím, ver mi,
I met him, so please believe me,
Nebol to plán, tiež chcel byť verný,
It was not a plan, he also wanted to be faithful,
Deje sa to, čo tak ťažko píšem,
What happens is what I write with such difficulty,
Dnes sa priznávam.
Today I confess.
Si sám, lebo mám muža, s ktorým zmysel to má,
You are alone, because I have a husband, with whom it makes sense,
Si sám, lebo mám život, ktorý zmysel mi dá,
You are alone, because I have a life that gives me meaning,
mám to, čo dlhé roky hľadám,
I already have what I have been looking for for many years,
Si sám, nájdi silu, lebo ostávaš sám.
You are alone, find strength, because you remain alone.
Chýbam Ti, občas chýbaš mi,
I miss you, sometimes you miss me,
to nie je to, na čom záleží,
It is no longer what matters,
Máš so mnou sny, ťažko sa ti spí,
You have dreams with me, it is hard for you to sleep,
Cítim trápenie, že sa v noci chvieš.
I feel the torment that you tremble in the night.
to nie sme my, vzťah uprimný,
We are no longer, a sincere relationship,
Si len minulosť, odpusť ak máš zlosť,
You are only the past, forgive me if you are angry,
život ma potrestal,
life has punished me,
že som ťa zavrhla,
that I rejected you,
Som takto šťastná.
I am so happy.
Si sám, lebo mám život, ktorý zmysel mi dá,
You are alone, because I have a life that gives me meaning,
mám to, čo dlhé roky hľadám,
I already have what I have been looking for for many years,
Si sám, nájdi silu, lebo ostaváš sám.
You are alone, find strength, because you remain alone.
Si sám
You are alone

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