Tito Gómez - Falsaria - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Tito Gómez - Falsaria

Tu me engañaste, mujer farsante, tu creias que ibas a jugar con mi vida.
You deceived me, you fraudulent woman, you believed that you could play with my life.
Me engañaste, te engañaste, no sabias que mi corazón ya no te quería.
You deceived me, you deceived yourself, you didn't know that my heart no longer loved you.
Cuando el alma se lastima estos lazos que unen el almor tambien se terminan. Y otros brazos tendran el placer, comienza otra vida.
When the soul is hurt, these bonds that join the heart also end. And other arms will have the pleasure, another life begins.
Te engañaste, no hay salida.
You deceived yourself, there is no way out.
No quisiera que vuelvas a mi, es mejor que prosigas tu vida, porque ya tengo un nuevo querer y no hay salida.
I wouldn't want you to come back to me, it's better that you continue with your life, because I already have a new love and there is no way out.
Te engañaste corazón estas perdida, para mi esto terminó y no hay salida.
You deceived yourself, my heart, you are lost, for me this is over and there is no way out.
Me engañaste corazón ya no pidas mas perdón y si lo nuestro terminó, ya no hay mas nada.
You deceived me, my heart, don't ask for more forgiveness, and if our relationship is over, there is nothing else.
Te engañaste corazón estas perdida, para mi esto termino y no hay salida.
You deceived yourself, my heart, you are lost, for me this is over and there is no way out.
Y nunca llegaste a pensar las vueltas que da la vida, sin querer tu te metiste a un callejón sin salida.
And you never came to think about the turns that life takes, without wanting to, you got yourself into a dead end.
Te engañaste corazón estas perdida, para mi esto termino y no hay salida.
You deceived yourself, my heart, you are lost, for me this is over and there is no way out.
El amor que yo te di, era un amor verdadero no supiste aprovecharlo, ese si era amor del bueno, del bueno.
The love that I gave you was a true love, you didn't know how to take advantage of it, that was a good love, a good one.
Te engañaste corazón estas perdida, para mi esto terminó y no hay salida.
You deceived yourself, my heart, you are lost, for me this is over and there is no way out.
De un amor que ya murio, quedate con tus mentiras mulata, que ya tengo un nuevo amor.
Of a love that has already died, keep your lies, mulatto, because I already have a new love.
Te engañaste corazón, Mujer Falsaria sin amor, para mi esto terminó, ya no hay mas nada, se acabo.
You deceived me, my heart, faithless woman without love, for me this is over, there is nothing else, it's over.
Te engañaste corazón, jugaste con mis sentimientos, para mi esto terminó, no tienes alma no tienes corazon.
You deceived me, my heart, you played with my feelings, for me this is over, you have no soul, you have no heart.
Te engañaste corazon, sin saber que no te quiero, para mi esto terminó, ya no hay salida
You deceived me, my heart, without knowing that I don't love you, for me this is over, there is no way out

Writer(s): tito gomez

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