Tito Y Su Torbellino - Compa Mandi - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Tito Y Su Torbellino - Compa Mandi

Compa Mandi
Compa Mandi
No avía blindaje estaba desarmado
There was no armor, I was unarmed
Las detonaciones los vidrios volaron
The detonations, the glass flew
Senti que las balas me estaban quemando
I felt like the bullets were burning me
Pense en mi familia que es lo mas sagrado
I thought of my family, who are the most sacred thing
Lo que mas me duele, es que murio el chamaco
What hurts me the most is that the kid died
Las noticias corren rapido y violento
The news spread fast and violent
Tambien por los medio se mira un intento
Also through the media, it looks like an attempt
Se mueven la pieza se mueven armados
The pieces move, the armed ones move
Fuciles y hombres y tambien blindados
Rifles and men and also armored vehicles
Y asi malherido yo fui rescatado
And so badly injured, I was rescued
Si los 7 impactos ya no me mataron
If the 7 hits didn't kill me
No es que sea de acero no es que sea un gato
It's not that I'm made of steel, it's not that I'm a cat
Pero con la ultima van a pagarlo
But with the last one, they're going to pay for it
Con la vida que tengo, tengo pa' vengarlo
With the life I have, I have enough to avenge it
Y esperando la orden ya estan mis muchachos
And waiting for the order, my boys are already here
Si querian mandar flores y condolencias
If you wanted to send flowers and condolences
Tendran que esperar asta que yo me muera
You'll have to wait until I die
Les digo ami gente que estuvo al pendiente
I tell my people who have been watching over me
Que no se preocupen que hay viene lo fuerte
Don't worry, the best is yet to come
Preparen terreno que pronto an de verme
Prepare the ground, you'll see me soon
Errores traiciones se pagan con fuego
Mistakes and betrayals are paid for with fire
Si no queda el saco no hay que tener miedo
If the suit doesn't fit, there's no need to be afraid
Ya no hay confianza caen mas en la lista
There's no more trust, more people are on the list
Mi cuerno esta listo para la conquista
My horn is ready for the conquest
Y aqui esta mi super si encorto se arrima
And here is my super if you get close
Paser una cuanta comienza con cero
Passing a count starts with zero
Luego viene el uno ya se lo dijeron
Then comes the one, as you have been told
Si juntan los dos se formara una clave
If you put the two together, a key will be formed
Que si tiene peso y Sonora lo sabe
Which has weight and Sonora knows it
Pero sigo vivo y hay que preocuparse
But I'm still alive and you should be worried

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