TJ - Fluturi - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais TJ - Fluturi

Sunt fashion
I'm fashionable
Si intru in new dimension
And I enter a new dimension
Daca o mint, asta nu-i gherla
If I lie to her, it's not jail
Tot corpu e dat cu crema
My whole body is covered in cream
Da din cur va fi mondena
Shake your ass, you'll be a socialite
Vrea contacte si tot spera
She wants contacts and keeps hoping
Sa n-o suga-n cariera
That I won't drain her in my career
Nu o am la follow ca nu urmaresc trecutu,
I don't follow her because I don't care about the past,
Cand ii zic raspunsu o luna maxim ca voodoo
When I tell her the answer, it's a month at most, like voodoo
Ii arde privirea, in flacari are mood-u
Her eyes burn with passion, her mood is on fire
Eu doar stau pe spate, ea-n stomac are fluturi
I just lie back, and she has butterflies in her stomach
Nu o am la follow ca nu urmaresc trecutu
I don't follow her because I don't care about the past
Cand ii zic raspunsu o luna maxim ca voodoo
When I tell her the answer, it's a month at most, like voodoo
Ii arde privirea, in flacari are mood-u
Her eyes burn with passion, her mood is on fire
Eu doar stau pe spate, ea-n stomac are fluturi
I just lie back, and she has butterflies in her stomach
Vreau sa fac milioane, ca restu-s temporare
I want to make millions, because everything else is temporary
Sufletu e negru, da-l fac sa aiba culoare
My soul is black, but I make it colorful
Energie-n mine, incarcat de viata soare
I'm full of energy, charged by the sun of life
Astia m-au observat, si-ncearca sa ma doboare
They've noticed me and are trying to bring me down
Cine si ce
Who and what
Pe care fata tre sa o aleg
Which girl should I choose
Una e skinny si si-o da intens
One is skinny and gives it her all
Una i din asia si calatoresc
One is from Asia and I travel
Vine si a treia tre sa le incadrez
Here comes the third one, I need to fit them in
Ti-o dau in masina da tre sa parchez
I'll give it to you in the car but I need to park
Baga-te-n spate, tre sa te mulezi
Get in the back, you need to squeeze in
Tine de tine, sa nu te-atasezi
It's up to you, don't get attached
Ma rugam cand eram mic
I used to pray when I was little
Daca nu faceam nimic era trist
If I didn't do anything, I was sad
Nu vreau sa conving, vreau doar sa ridic
I don't want to convince, I just want to raise
Nivelul fratilor mai suntem doar trei si
The level of my brothers, there are only three of us left
Ma rugam cand eram mic
I used to pray when I was little
Daca nu faceam nimic era trist
If I didn't do anything, I was sad
Nu vreau sa conving, vreau doar sa ridic
I don't want to convince, I just want to raise
Nivelul fratilor mai suntem doar trei si
The level of my brothers, there are only three of us left
Nu o am la follow ca nu urmaresc trecutu
I don't follow her because I don't care about the past
Cand ii zic raspunsu o luna maxim ca voodoo
When I tell her the answer, it's a month at most, like voodoo
Ii arde privirea, in flacari are mood-u
Her eyes burn with passion, her mood is on fire
Eu doar stau pe spate, ea-n stomac are fluturi
I just lie back, and she has butterflies in her stomach

Writer(s): Antonio Traistaru

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