Tomáš Klus - Muži Se Ženou - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Tomáš Klus - Muži Se Ženou

Muži Se Ženou
Muži Se Ženou
Jedno odpoledne přišel Adam za Evou:
One afternoon, Adam came to Eve and said:
"Ráj trochu nudí, chci podnikat s tebou!"
"Darling, Paradise is making me bored, I want to start a business with you!"
Eva celá zjihla, řekla: "To je báječný!",
Eve was thrilled and said: "That's a wonderful idea!",
Začli spolu péct
They started baking together
Štrúdly jablečný.
Apple strudels.
Když společnou cestou
When men and women
Jdou muži se ženou,
Embark on a shared endeavor,
Podaří se jim
They can conquer
Cokoliv si zamanou zaplanou neshoří,
Any challenge they set their minds to - they ignite - they do not burn,
A konečně jsou z nich tvoři.
And finally, they become creators.
Večer, když Ježíšek usnul v trávě na dvorku,
One evening, when Baby Jesus was sleeping in the grass in the yard,
Zjistil Josef, že s Marií ponorku.
Joseph realized that he and Mary were already in a rut.
Pochopil však záhy, že to z nudy pramení,
He realized, however, that it was simply a matter of boredom,
Otevřeli dětem jesle ve svém stavení.
They opened a nursery for children in their home.
Když společnou cestou
When men and women
Jdou muži se ženou,
Embark on a shared endeavor,
Podaří se jim
They can conquer
Cokoliv si zamanou zaplanou neshoří,
Any challenge they set their minds to - they ignite - they do not burn,
A konečně jsou z nich tvoři.
And finally, they become creators.
Brzy ráno vstala Yoko trochu zpruzená,
Early one morning, Yoko woke up a little grumpy,
Řekla: "Jene, promiň, ale na to nemám!
She said: "John, I'm sorry, but I just can't do this anymore!
Samí brouci v hlavě, po koncertech vopice,
My head is filled with bugs, I feel like a monkey after the concerts,
Pojď rozjedem SPOLU
Let's start a SPOLU together,
V posteli home office!"
A home office in bed!"
Když společnou cestou
When men and women
Jdou muži se ženou,
Embark on a shared endeavor,
Podaří se jim
They can conquer
Cokoliv si zamanou zaplanou neshoří,
Any challenge they set their minds to - they ignite - they do not burn,
A konečně jsou z nich tvoři.
And finally, they become creators.
Kate to měla se svým klukem trochu složité,
Kate had things a little complicated with her boyfriend,
Modrá krev a lidi, co vztah hnali do kytek.
Blue blood and people who drove the relationship into the ditch.
Naštvala se, řekla: "Teď se spolu vylijem!"
She got mad, said: "Now we're going to get drunk together!"
Ráno vstala štěstím celá, ve stavu jiném.
She woke up in the morning, overjoyed, pregnant.
Když společnou cestou
When men and women
Jdou muži se ženou,
Embark on a shared endeavor,
Podaří se jim
They can conquer
Cokoliv si zamanou zaplanou neshoří,
Any challenge they set their minds to - they ignite - they do not burn,
A konečně jsou z nich tvoři.
And finally, they become creators.
Cokoliv si zamanou zaplanou neshoří,
Any challenge they set their minds to - they ignite - they do not burn,
A konečně jsou z nich tvoři.
And finally, they become creators.

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