Tomi Marfă feat. Vlad Flueraru & Deliric - ALTFEL - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Tomi Marfă feat. Vlad Flueraru & Deliric - ALTFEL

Poți plătești, nu poți cumpăra
You can pay me, but you can't buy me
Nu -s unul dintre ei, nu poți număra
I'm not one of them, you can't count me
Fata mea, sunt altfel, frate-miu, sunt altfel
My face, I'm different, my brother, I'm different
Mereu am fost altfel, si nu doar cândva
I've always been different, and not just once
Las trecutu-n pace, timpul nu se intoarce
Leave the past alone, time doesn't go back
Când am dat de "nu" am zis facem cumva
When I encountered "no" I said we'll figure something out
Am fost puțin prea de viitor
I was a bit too futuristic
A fost puțin amețitor
It was a bit dizzying
Lumea mea nu-i lumea lor
My world is not their world
Tu îi dai în pula ta și ei te dau în pula lor
You give them the finger and they give you the finger
Timpu-i nu-i consecvent
Their time is not consistent
Nu-l vând, îl convertesc
I don't sell it, I convert it
Cum nu vezi port All Star-uri
How you don't see me wearing All Stars
La fel nu conversez
I don't converse like that
N-am cum corelez
I can't correlate
Ultimul strop de sens
The last drop of sense
Nu știu care-i procedura
I don't know what the procedure is
Uite cum procedez
Here's how I proceed
Ninsoare cu soare-n februarie
Snow with sun in February
Răsăare, coboară, răsare
It rises, it descends, it rises
Ninsoare cu soare-n februarie
Snow with sun in February
Răsare, coboară, răsare
It rises, it descends, it rises
Nu suntem la fel, n-avem tangențe
We are not the same, we have no tangents
N-am dat în viața mea o floare vreunei zdrențe
I've never given a flower to any rag
Nu am zis nimic din politețe
I haven't said anything out of politeness
Nu cred în coincidențe
I don't believe in coincidences
Poți plătești, nu poți cumpăra
You can pay me, but you can't buy me
Nu -s unul dintre ei, nu poți număra
I'm not one of them, you can't count me
Fata mea, sunt altfel, frate-miu, sunt altfel
My face, I'm different, my brother, I'm different
Mereu am fost altfel, si nu doar cândva
I've always been different, and not just once
Las trecutu-n pace, timpul nu se intoarce
Leave the past alone, time doesn't go back
Când am dat de "nu" am zis facem cumva
When I encountered "no" I said we'll figure something out
Am dat de nu, da' m-a convins pun pana
I encountered "no", but it convinced me to put the pen
Pe foaie împins de un vis ce a-nvins drama
On paper pushed by a dream that overcame the drama
M-am aprins, m-a cuprins, am întins rama
I ignited, it embraced me, I stretched the frame
Am să-mi schimb karma, mama, yeah
I'll change my karma, mom, yeah
Când toți sunt la fel am ales ies
When everyone is the same I chose to leave
Din tipar da' s lesne de neînțeles
From the pattern but it's easy to misunderstand
Am un crez și lucrez ma șlefuiesc
I have a creed and I work to polish myself
Și lupt ca cresc ma resetez
And I fight to grow to reset myself
N-am ales să-i lezez de-s in lese des
I didn't choose to hurt them if they're on a leash often
Lasă-i le etaleze-n Mercedes
Let them show them off in their Mercedes
Realizez c-are sens ca le sădesc
I realize it makes sense to plant them
Idei noi s-alea vechi las' sa le sedez
New ideas and those old ones let them settle
Am desenez - un viitor nou - sună prost
I'm going to draw - a new future - it sounds bad
Da-mi bag pula-n tot ce crezi tu e cool și n-are rost
I give a damn about everything you think is cool and pointless
mai pierd timpul să-ți explic nu ne asemănăm deloc
To waste my time explaining that we are not alike at all
Așa lasă-mă-n pula mea
So leave me alone
Am un flex altfel azi, altfel lasă-mă
I have a different flex today, let me be different
Nu te simt, nu te mint, s-alta clasă,
I don't feel you, I don't lie to you, it's a different class, man
Am un flex altfel azi, altfel lasă-mă
I have a different flex today, let me be different
Nu te simt, nu te mint, s-alta clasă,
I don't feel you, I don't lie to you, it's a different class, man
Poți plătești, nu poți cumpăra
You can pay me, but you can't buy me
Nu -s unul dintre ei, nu poți număra
I'm not one of them, you can't count me
Fata mea, sunt altfel, frate-miu, sunt altfel
My face, I'm different, my brother, I'm different
Mereu am fost altfel, si nu doar cândva
I've always been different, and not just once
Las trecutu-n pace, timpul nu se intoarce
Leave the past alone, time doesn't go back
Când am dat de "nu" am zis facem cumva
When I encountered "no" I said we'll figure something out

Writer(s): Tomi Fădoraș

Tomi Marfă feat. Vlad Flueraru & Deliric - Floralia
date de sortie

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