Tons - Tangerine Nightmare - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Tons - Tangerine Nightmare

Tangerine Nightmare
Tangerine Nightmare
Empezando a soñar despierto.
Starting to daydream.
Quise ver lo que era correcto.
I wanted to see what was right.
Nuestro futuro era aun muy incierto.
Our future was still very uncertain.
No presagie lo que venia pues mi arrogancia destruiria todo lo que formamos juntos áquel dia.
I didn't anticipate what was coming, because my arrogance would destroy everything we built together that day.
Yo no quise ver lo que tenia en frente y tu entre lagrimas no querias un adios.
I didn't want to see what was in front of me, and you, through tears, didn't want goodbye.
Y ahora solo hay confusion.
And now there's only confusion.
Me duele tanto el corazon.
My heart hurts so much.
Debi escuchar cuando me pedias mas conprension.
I should have listened when you asked for more understanding.
Fue injusto seguir, ya no sentia nada por ti.
It was unfair to continue, I felt nothing for you anymore.
Te haria mas daño con mentir y tj no mereces llorar por mi...
I would hurt you more by lying, and you don't deserve to cry for me...
No llores mas por amor...
Don't cry for love anymore...
Estar solo es lo mejor.
Being alone is the best.
Ahora lo tengo claro en mi enfermo corazon...
Now I know it clearly in my sick heart...
Te pido disculpas porfavor .
I apologize, please.
Espero que no quede rencor.
I hope there's no resentment.
Yo empece a fallar.
I started to fail.
No quise ver la realidad que poco a poco lo nuestro empezaba a terminar...
I didn't want to see the reality that little by little ours was starting to end...
Mis razones fueron a darse en nuestro oscuro y frio anor...
My reasons were to give in to our dark and cold anor...
Olvida los recuerdos y en tu corazon.
Forget the memories and in your heart.
Queman cenizas hasta que salga el sol.
Burn ashes until the sun comes out.
Yo no quise ver lo que tenia en frente y tu entre lagrimas no querias un adios.
I didn't want to see what was in front of me, and you, through tears, didn't want goodbye.
Y ahora solo hay confusion.
And now there's only confusion.
Me duele tanto el cora, on.
My heart hurts so much.
Debi escuchar cuando me pedias mas comprension...
I should have listened when you asked for more understanding...
Fue injusto seguir.
It was unfair to continue.
Ya no sentia nada por ti...
I felt nothing for you anymore...
Te haria mas daño con mentir .
I would hurt you more by lying.
Y tu no mereces llorar por mi.
And you don't deserve to cry for me.
No llores mas por amor.
Don't cry for love anymore.
Estar solo es lo mejor...
Being alone is the best...
Ahora lo tengo claro en mi enfermo corazon...
Now I know it clearly in my sick heart...
Te pido disculpas porfavooor.
I apologize, please.
Ni una lagrima te doy...
I don't give you a single tear...
Envuelta en un pañuelo...
Wrapped in a handkerchief...
Aprieta fuerte porfavor.
Hold it tight, please.
Fue injusto seguir...
It was unfair to continue...
Ya no sentia nada por ti...
I felt nothing for you anymore...
Te haria mad daño con mentir y tu no mereces llorar por mi.
I would hurt you more by lying, and you don't deserve to cry for me.
No llores mas por amor estar solo es lo mejor.
Don't cry for love anymore, being alone is the best.
Ahora lo tengo claro en mi enfermo corazon...
Now I know it clearly in my sick heart...
Te pido disculpas porfavooooooor.
I apologize, please.
Espero que no quede rencor...
I hope there's no resentment...

Writer(s): Inconnu Compositeur Auteur, Stefano Manzi

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