Fa
e
servizij
da
mattin
a
sera,
figlia
e
na
città
gioia
e
dolore,
cu
na
pezz
lav
o
paviment,
e
cu′nat
lav
e
sentiment...
dint
o
vascio
sonna
nu
castell,
pur
senza
trucco
è
troppa
bella,
a
perduto
a
scarpa
quando
è
'nata
e
nisciuno
mai
ce
l′ha
truvata...
Cenerentola
è
de
Napule,
l'aggie
vist
a
Via
Caracciolo,
l'aggie
vist
ncopp′o
Vommero,
int
o
sang
è
a
Sanità,
Cenerentola
è
de
Napule
e
fa
ammor
cu
nu
principe,
e
nu
principe
e
do′
popolo
va
'a
faticà
pe
sa
spusà...
ce
ne
stann
a
centinaia
e
sti′
guajon,
sann
vivere
e
speranz
e
d'illusion,
pe
carrozz
ten′n
nu
motorino,
so
a
cchiu'
bella
cosa
e
chistu
popolin...
Cenerentola
èCenerentola
è
de
Napule
e
sta
e
case
int
a
sti′
vicoli,
tene
25secoli
comme
'e
prete
e
sta
città.
de
Napule
Cenerentola
si
tu.Dint
a
vit
vene
maltrattat,
ven
primme
o
dopp
ripagat,
chi
è
cattiv
comma
'na
matrign,
vede
tutto′
o
male
soffre
e
chiagne.vene
o
juorno
pe
chi
lava
i
piatti
do
cchiu′
doc
ballo
e
mezzanotte
se
trasforma
a
stoffa
e
stu
vestit
e
addiventa
magica
sta
vit.
She
does
service
from
morning
till
night,
daughter
of
a
city
of
joy
and
pain,
she
cleans
the
floor
with
a
rag,
and
with
that
she
cleans
her
feelings…
in
the
alleyway
she
dreams
of
a
castle
and
even
without
make-up
she's
too
beautiful,
she
lost
her
shoe
when
she
was
born
and
no
one
has
ever
found
it…
Cinderella
is
from
Naples,
saw
her
in
Via
Caracciolo,
saw
her
up
on
the
Vomero,
in
the
Sanità
district
she's
in
her
element,
Cinderella
is
from
Naples
and
she's
in
love
with
a
prince,
and
a
prince
from
the
people
goes
to
work
to
marry
her…
there
are
hundreds
of
these
boys,
they
know
how
to
live
on
hope
and
dreams,
a
moped
is
their
carriage,
they're
the
most
beautiful
thing
about
these
people…
Cinderella
is
from
Naples
and
she
lives
in
these
alleyways,
she's
centuries
old,
like
the
priests
and
this
city.
Naples,
you
are
Cinderella.
She's
mistreated
in
life,
in
the
end
she'll
get
her
reward,
whoever
is
wicked
like
a
stepmother
sees
all
the
evil,
suffers
and
cries.
The
day
will
come
for
those
who
wash
the
dishes,
for
the
sweetest
ball
and
at
midnight
this
cloth
and
this
dress
will
magically
transform
and
this
life
will
become
magical.
Ce
ne
stann
a
centinaia
e
sti'
guajon,
sann
vivere
e
speranz
e
d′illusion,
pe
carrozz
ten'n
nu
motorino,
so
a
cchiu′
bella
cosa
e
chistu
popolinCenerentola
èCenerentola
è
de
Napule
e
sta
e
case
int
a
sti'
vicoli,
tene
25secoli
comme
′e
prete
e
sta
città.
de
Napule
Cenerentola
si
tu.
There
are
hundreds
of
these
boys,
they
know
how
to
live
on
hope
and
dreams,
a
moped
is
their
carriage,
they're
the
most
beautiful
thing
about
these
people.
Cinderella
is
from
Naples
and
she
lives
in
these
alleyways,
she's
centuries
old,
like
the
priests
and
this
city.
Naples,
you
are
Cinderella.