NSR) Sigo teniendo el estilo ancho, golpe recto y combinado un gancho ¿Quien me va a negar que éste vato no prendió al rancho?
NSR) I still have the wide style, straight punch and a combined hook. Who's gonna deny that this dude didn't light up the ranch?
Me mancho, el lo que dicen los que dudaban.
I'll get dirty, whatever the doubters say.
Ahora quieren pegarse los que nunca nos ayudaban,
Now they want to stick around the people who never helped us,
Abranse, quitense de nuestro camino, sigo siendo el cretino que siempre le importó un comino su opinión homs, Y hoy sigo sonando cabron, ¿Y ustedes dónde quedaron?
Get out of our way, I'm still the jerk who never gave a damn about your opinion. And today I'm still dreaming, man, where did you end up?
Quebraron en el microfone.
They broke on the microphone.
Ya no suena, hoy en la escena yo soy la buena, perdón por burlarme, es que neta dan pena ajena.
It doesn't sound anymore, today in the scene I'm the good one, sorry for making fun of you, it's just that you really are a fucking embarrassment.
La boca se llena con mentiras y desgracias, sí ya no cantara, ahi sí tendría que dar las gracias.
Your mouth is full of lies and misfortunes, yes, if I didn't sing anymore, then I would have to thank you.
Desgraciadamente tu mierda sigue latente, todos te dicen detente y tu que no entiendes, pariente, es incoherente que quiera seguir echando relajo, se que te cuesta trabajo entender que tu hoy estas abajo!
Unfortunately your shit is still going, everybody tells you to stop and you just don't get it, relative, it's incoherent that you want to keep making trouble, I know it's hard for you to understand that you're down today!
Ellos quieren sonar y no suenan, con mi rap las bocinas la truena, truenan.
They want to dream and they don't, with my rap the speakers thunder, they thunder.
Ellos quieren sonar y no suenan, este vato no entra en rima...
They want to dream and they don't, this dude doesn't rhyme...
A la cabina, siento que la adrenalina me domina, saco rima fina que los contamina, mi flow predomina en cada esquina rarararararap, mi rutina.
To the booth, I feel the adrenaline taking over, I pull out fine rhymes that contaminate them, my flow dominates every corner, my routine.
Que pasa carajo, sigo volando alto, le sigo metiendo, dejando aplastando a la compe en el asfalto.
What's up, man, I'm still flying high, I'm still going for it, leaving the competition crushed on the asphalt.
Hablenme de letra, diganme quien tiene más?
Talk to me about lyrics, tell me who has more?
Tanto raperito que ya se me quedó atrás.
So many rappers who have already fallen behind me.
¿Que no son capaz?
You can't do it?
Yo se que no pueden más, con esta ya te vas, les queda grande el disfraz, no la arman.
I know you can't take it anymore, with this one you're gone, the costume is too big for you, you can't do it.
Tengo el peso completo impregnado en mi voz, cómo no soy la envidia de tanto
I have the full weight impregnated in my voice, how come I'm not the envy of so many
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