Trauffer - Trauffer isch Zrügg (Live) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Trauffer - Trauffer isch Zrügg (Live)

Trauffer isch Zrügg (Live)
Trauffer is Back (Live)
I weiss no gnau wieni denn mit mi örgeli
I still don't know exactly how I, with my accordion,
Quer dür ds land
Across the country,
Vo beiz zu beiz
From pub to pub,
Immer zoge bi
Always kept going.
Niemer het ni wöue
No one ever wanted
Egau wasi ha gmacht
No matter what I did.
Ah tuusig orte gspiut und d mänge het denn glacht
Played in a thousand places and many laughed.
I bi gäng mit em gring grad dür jedi wand
I always went through every wall with a smile.
Wär sech wehrt das sägi dir het e herte stand
Whoever fights back against it, I tell you, has a hard time.
I ha mi nie lah brämse
I never let them stop me.
Mini bänd hinger mir
My band behind me,
Mit dür tür grad ids huus und jetzt stöh mr da vor dir
Straight through the door into the house, and now we stand here in front of you.
Chum mir wei nach de stärne griffe
Come on, let's reach for the stars.
Irgendöppis grobs vom chare schriise
Shout something big from the stage.
Nur einisch zoberst uf däm gipfu stah
Just once stand on top of that summit.
Jietz walze mr alles platt
Now we're going to flatten everything.
Dr trouffer isch zrügg i der stadt
Trauffer is back in town.
I weiss no gnau dr platteboss het immer zue mr gseit
I still remember the record boss always saying to me,
Das heimatzüg vrgiss seich
Forget about that homespun stuff,
S chouft niemer
No one will buy it.
S duet mr leid
I'm sorry.
Mach mau uf modern
Modernize your style.
Urban isch jietz inn
Urban is what's in now.
De hei mr aui knete und e fette gwinn
Then we'll all make money and have a big profit.
Doch die lüt die hei scho mau die lätzi rächnig gmacht
But those people have already done the last math.
Ke huufe gäut
No big money,
Ke grosse ruuhm
No great fame,
He nis so wiit bracht
Hasn't gotten us anywhere.
Ds publikum da use het mi immer treit
The audience here has always supported me.
Nur dank öich gitz mi no u jietz si mir bereit
Only thanks to you am I still here and now we are ready.
Chum mir wei nach de stärne griffe
Come on, let's reach for the stars.
Irgendöppis grobs vom chare schriise
Shout something big from the stage.
Nur einisch zoberst uf däm gipfu stah
Just once stand on top of that summit.
Jietz walze mr alles platt
Now we're going to flatten everything.
Dr trouffer isch zrügg i der stadt
Trauffer is back in town.
Und jietz jietz geits ab
And now, now it's going down.
Das isch üse tag
This is our day.
Löh üs äntlech lah gah
Finally let us go.
Niemer cha üs ufha
No one can stop us.
Uf däm gipfu ds stah
Standing on that summit.
Dr trouffer isch zrügg i der stadt
Trauffer is back in town.
Liebi lüt vo stadt u land
Dear people of the city and the country,
Das es so richtig hudlet u chrooset
That it's really rocking and buzzing
Schriist eine ah sire stromchlampfe loos
A scream on your streetlight
Z oberst ufem fueder e junge buursch mit oberärm wie oferohr schriis mau ah dim heimatluftkomprässer
At the top of the cart, a young farmer with biceps like tree trunks, scream at your home air compressor
E stimm wo rockt u chlöpft wi nes summergwitter im urbachtau lahs lah tschädere
A voice that rocks and beats like a summer storm in the Urbachtal, let it thunder
Chum mir wei nach de stärne griffe
Come on, let's reach for the stars.
Irgendöppis grobs vom chare schriise
Shout something big from the stage.
Nur einisch zoberst uf däm gipfu stah
Just once stand on top of that summit.
Jietz walze mr alles platt
Now we're going to flatten everything.
Dr trouffer isch zrügg i der stadt
Trauffer is back in town.
Jietz walze mr alles platt
Now we're going to flatten everything.
Dr trouffer isch zrügg
Trauffer is back.
Dr trouffer isch zrügg
Trauffer is back.
Ja dr trouffer isch zrügg i der stadt
Yes, Trauffer is back in town.
Chömet gäbet ihm jungs
Come on, give it up for him.

Writer(s): Frank Niklaus, Marc Trauffer, David Hofmann, Thomas J Gyger, Fredrik Stroemberg

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