Treizy - Manito (feat. king pride) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Treizy - Manito (feat. king pride)

Manito (feat. king pride)
Manito (feat. king pride)
Manito que tu hace' hablando mierda
Manito que tu hace 'talkin' shit
Me ve y quiere hacer las pases
He sees me and wants to make the passes
Y no te sale, tas' manchao' por todo el case'
And it doesn't come out, tas'manchao' for the whole case'
No me intimidas ni que te caigas a pase', que tu hace'
You don't intimidate me or make you fall over', what do you do'
Manito que tu hace', hablando mierda
Manito que tu hace', talking shit
Me ve y quiere hacer las pases
He sees me and wants to make the passes
Y no te sale, tas' manchao' por todo el case'
And it doesn't come out, tas'manchao' for the whole case'
No me intimidas ni que te caigas a pase', que tu hace'
You don't intimidate me or make you fall over', what do you do'
Me vende la de humilde igual que a usted
He sells me the humble one just like you
Al mentiroso, y que humilde lo corté
To the liar, and how humbly I cut him
Me quedé con pocos, alfas olvidé
I was left with few, alphas I forgot
Desde que me olvide, me esta llendo bien
Since I forgot, I'm getting along fine
Aunque me tire con los santos no me causa espanto
Even if I fuck with the saints, it doesn't scare me
Porque hay muchos igual que usted
Because there are many just like you
De tu rapera, perra me olvidé
About your rapper, bitch I forgot
De tu rapera, perra me olvidé
About your rapper, bitch I forgot
El original, mata por sus convives
The original, he kills for his convives
Y tus convives no matarían por ti
And your lives wouldn't kill for you
Pura fresa' es lo que tu combo excibe
Pure strawberry' is what your combo excites
Puro Justin Bieber, rezaré por ti
Pure Justin Bieber, I will pray for you
El juego perdido! Dale play
The lost game! Dale play
Eres fanático de cara cortada
You are a fan of scarface
Pero no aprendiste nada de Scarface
But you didn't learn anything from Scarface
Trabajan con los policias
They work with the police
Tu mente vacía no eres "Malandro Mixtape"
Your empty mind you are not "Malandro Mixtape"
Malandro es mi Real Team, ey
Malandro is my Real Team, hey
The Twenty For Live en la game, ey
The Twenty for Live at the game, ey
El juego perdido! Dale play
The lost game! Dale play
Eres fanático de cara cortada
You are a fan of scarface
Pero no aprendiste nada de Scarface
But you didn't learn anything from Scarface
Si en alguno tiene chance
If any of you have a chance
No importa que frase lanzes
It doesn't matter which phrase you throw
Por más que te alces
No matter how much you raise
La vivencia parce' tiene que ser real
The experience parce' has to be real
Porque sin no es real, no te quiere el case
Because if it's not real, the case doesn't love you
No hay chance al que lo male hace, no se que te pase
There is no chance to the one who does it, I don't know what happens to you
Porque aquí nos regimos por la segueta
Because here we are governed by the segueta
Por que la segueta mantiene el fucking balance, nigga
Why does the segueta keep the fucking balance, nigga
Manito que tu hace' hablando mierda
Manito que tu hace 'talkin' shit
Me ve y quiere hacer las pases
He sees me and wants to make the passes
Y no te sale, tas' manchao' por todo el case'
And it doesn't come out, tas'manchao' for the whole case'
No me intimidas ni que te caigas a pase', que tu hace'
You don't intimidate me or make you fall over', what do you do'
Manito que tu hace', hablando mierda
Manito que tu hace', talking shit
Me ve y quiere hacer las pases
He sees me and wants to make the passes
Y no te sale, tas' manchao' por todo el case'
And it doesn't come out, tas'manchao' for the whole case'
No me intimidas ni que te caigas a pase', que tu hace'
You don't intimidate me or make you fall over', what do you do'
Soy el mismo desde que salí
I've been the same since I came out
Desde que fume weed, desde que soy Treizy
Since I smoke weed, since I'm Treizy
Tengo el respeto, yo vivo feliz
I have the respect, I live happily
Vengo de las cenizas como ave fenix
I come from the ashes like a phoenix
Quieren saber de mí, preguntan por
They want to know about me, they ask about me
Soy un tipo y mato por mi family
I'm a guy and I kill for my family...
Nunca te mentí, siempre eh sido así
I never lied to you, I've always been that way
Represento al guetto, Artigas Mob
I represent the ghetto, Artigas Mob
Tengo la seriedad, que tu careces
I have the seriousness, that you lack
Yo camino solo, soy mi propio jefe
I walk alone, I'm my own boss
Los que me la hicieron, pagarán con creces
Those who did it to me, will more than pay
Quieres la fama? Te la mereces
Do you want fame? You deserve it
Porque tus convives siempre bicheteaste
Because you live together you always bicheteaste
Y aunque haz intentao' nunca me llegaste
And even if you try 'you never reached me
Cuando nos cruzamos, tu no me cagaste
When we crossed paths, you didn't shit on me
Y al final de cuentas, vos sos un desastre
And at the end of the day, you are a disaster
Sneef-ala como cocaine
Sneef-ala as cocaine
Vivete la movie, the game, gang
Vivete la movie, the game, gang
Muestrale a todos tus friends
Show it to all your friends
Como se gana este game
How to win this game
El Negocio Sucio, trajo sucios socios
The Dirty Business, brought dirty partners
Treizy siempre luce, buena mierda en cocion
Treizy always looks, good shit in cooking
Tu tienes respeto, pero no lo compro
You have respect, but I don't buy it
Lo que a te mata, es el tiempo ocioso
What kills you is the idle time
Manito que tu hace' hablando mierda
Manito que tu hace 'talkin' shit
Me ve y quiere hacer las pases
He sees me and wants to make the passes
Y no te sale, tas' manchao' por todo el case'
And it doesn't come out, tas'manchao' for the whole case'
No me intimidas ni que te caigas a pase', que tu hace'
You don't intimidate me or make you fall over', what do you do'
Manito que tu hace', hablando mierda
Manito que tu hace', talking shit
Me ve y quiere hacer las pases
He sees me and wants to make the passes
Y no te sale, tas' manchao' por todo el case'
And it doesn't come out, tas'manchao' for the whole case'
No me intimidas ni que te caigas a pase', que tu hace'
You don't intimidate me or make you fall over', what do you do'

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