Trench Mafia Locco - Himna - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Trench Mafia Locco - Himna

Es nemaz negribu tev smadzenes skalot
I don't want to brainwash you
Es tikai gribu lai tu manī klausies
I just want you to listen to me
Piedod mani zinu nevajag melot
Forgive me, I know I shouldn't lie
Ar mani viss labi, tikai neuztraucies
I'm fine, don't worry
Es biju viens bija baigā dirsā
I was alone, in a terrible jam
Nebij naudas, bet bija plāni
No money, but I had plans
Un paldies savējiem ka neaizmirsāt
And thank you, my loved ones, for not forgetting me
Negājāt pa kreisi palikāt ar mani
You didn't go left, you stayed with me
Mēs tak neesam draugi es tev jau teicu
We're not friends, I already told you
Tāpēc arī jubilejā neapsveicu
That's why I didn't congratulate you on your anniversary
Tu paliki uz vietas es tevi apsteidzu
You stayed in place, I overtook you
Un mūsu sarunu pie šī es beidzu
And I'm ending our conversation here
Acis man ir ciet, es Dievam lūdzos
My eyes are closed, I pray to God
Esmu tikai cilvēks, es arī kļūdos
I'm only human, I make mistakes too
Ka tik atkal jau neiebraucu sūdos
Just don't let me get into trouble again
Zini man ir pohuj, es šitā Rūdos
You know I don't care, I'll kick ass like this
Visi savējie man ģimene liela
All my loved ones are a big family
Neeju pa kreisi, viņa man ir viena
I don't go left, she's the only one for me
Puikas mani mīl, viņi mani ciena
The boys love me, they respect me
Meitenes tāpat, grib būt mana sieva
The girls are the same, they want to be my wife
Kopš es esmu sācis darīt lietas
Since I started doing things
Manā lokā palicis ir mazāk vietas
There's less room in my circle
Tu esi mans čoms tev tikai liekas
You're my buddy, that's just what you think
Davaj čau, tad jau kautkad tiekas
See you later, then, we'll meet someday
Es nemaz negribu tev smadzenes skalot
I don't want to brainwash you
Es tikai gribu lai tu manī klausies
I just want you to listen to me
Piedod mani zinu nevajag melot
Forgive me, I know I shouldn't lie
Ar mani viss labi, tikai neuztraucies
I'm fine, don't worry
Es biju viens bija baigā dirsā
I was alone, in a terrible jam
Nebij naudas, bet bija plāni
No money, but I had plans
Un paldies savējiem ka neaizmirsāt
And thank you, my loved ones, for not forgetting me
Negājāt pa kreisi palikāt ar mani
You didn't go left, you stayed with me
Mēs bijām vienkārši pagalma zēni
We were just yard kids
Daži teica esam pazudušie bērni
Some said we were lost souls
Kas notiek netā man ira pohuj
I don't give a damn what happens online
Satieku uz ielas visi paliek mēmi
I meet them on the street and they're all speechless
Un lai vai kādi mēs nebūtu pērtiķi
And no matter what kind of monkeys we are
Mūs vieno ģimene un kopīgi mērķi
We are united by family and common goals
Parādās tie kas visu sapist mēģina
There are those who try to mess everything up
Viņi daudz runā, viņi neko nezina
They talk a lot, they don't know anything
Pohuj kas tu esi gopniks vai gans
I don't care if you're a gopnik or a gangster
Ja tu esi te značit esi mans
If you're here, you're mine
Pats zini, visu sapisa tas zvans
You know, that call ruined everything
Tāpēc tagad manā dzīvē tev ir bans
That's why you're banned from my life now
Es atceros katru kas man nācis pretī
I remember everyone who came against me
Atceros arī katru sūda kretīnu
I also remember every asshole
Brīžiem atceros tevi paliek pretīgi
Sometimes I remember you and it gets disgusting
Ja labi padomā ir baigi cepīgi
If you think about it, it's pretty crappy
Es nemaz negribu tev smadzenes skalot
I don't want to brainwash you
Es tikai gribu lai tu manī klausies
I just want you to listen to me
Piedod mani zinu nevajag melot
Forgive me, I know I shouldn't lie
Ar mani viss labi, tikai neuztraucies
I'm fine, don't worry
Es biju viens bija baigā dirsā
I was alone, in a terrible jam
Nebij naudas, bet bija plāni
No money, but I had plans
Un paldies savējiem ka neaizmirsāt
And thank you, my loved ones, for not forgetting me
Negājāt pa kreisi palikāt ar mani
You didn't go left, you stayed with me

Writer(s): Juris Santana

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