Trippin feat. Amtilb - Bliss - traduction des paroles en anglais

Bliss - Amtilb , Trippin' traduction en anglais

Ia-mi inima, scoate-o din piept
Take out my heart, pull it from my chest
Tunnel vision da' nu știu unde merg
Tunnel vision but I don't know where I'm headed
Prea multe gânduri, nu le ințeleg
Too many thoughts, I don't understand them
Prea multe indicii, încerc le leg
Too many clues, I'm trying to connect them
Pus la încercare, nu știu ce s-aleg
Put to the test, I don't know what to choose
Am un sentiment, îmi spune plec
I have a feeling, it's telling me to leave
Prea multe sentimente și le neg
Too many feelings and I'm denying them
Ia-mi inima, scoate-o din piept
Take out my heart, pull it from my chest
Tunnel vision da' nu știu unde merg
Tunnel vision but I don't know where I'm headed
Prea multe gânduri, nu le ințeleg
Too many thoughts, I don't understand them
Prea multe indicii, încerc le leg
Too many clues, I'm trying to connect them
Pus la încercare, nu știu ce s-aleg
Put to the test, I don't know what to choose
Am un sentiment, îmi spune plec
I have a feeling, it's telling me to leave
Prea multe sentimente și le neg
Too many feelings and I'm denying them
I'm on a whole other level
I'm on a whole other level
Poppin' la xan-uri și fumez din lemon
Poppin' pills and smokin' lemon
Do me wrong once și îți devin un demon
Do me wrong once and I'll become a demon
Mi-ai greșit odată, you learned me a lesson
You wronged me once, you learned me a lesson
Stuck in a dream, simt trăiesc un vis
Stuck in a dream, I feel like I'm living a vision
Uită-te-n ochii mei, vezi un abis
Look into my eyes, see an abyss
Uneori simt așa mi-a fost scris
Sometimes I feel like this is how it was written
O las în pace, ignorance is bliss
I'll leave it alone, ignorance is bliss
Wish me the worst, wish you the best
Wish me the worst, wish you the best
Îmi place cred e mai mult de-un interes
I like to think there's more than just an interest
Nu știu dacă e iubire, fiindcă îmi creezi stres
I don't know if it's love, because you're causing me stress
Prea multe endorfine, cred c-am făcut exces
Too many endorphins, I think I've overdone it
Ia-mi inima, scoate-o din piept
Take out my heart, pull it from my chest
Tunnel vision da' nu știu unde merg
Tunnel vision but I don't know where I'm headed
Prea multe gânduri, nu le ințeleg
Too many thoughts, I don't understand them
Prea multe indicii, încerc le leg
Too many clues, I'm trying to connect them
Pus la încercare, nu știu ce s-aleg
Put to the test, I don't know what to choose
Am un sentiment, îmi spune plec
I have a feeling, it's telling me to leave
Prea multe sentimente și le neg
Too many feelings and I'm denying them
Ia-mi inima, scoate-o din piept
Take out my heart, pull it from my chest
Tunnel vision da' nu știu unde merg
Tunnel vision but I don't know where I'm headed
Prea multe gânduri, nu le ințeleg
Too many thoughts, I don't understand them
Prea multe indicii, încerc le leg
Too many clues, I'm trying to connect them
Pus la încercare, nu știu ce s-aleg
Put to the test, I don't know what to choose
Am un sentiment, îmi spune plec
I have a feeling, it's telling me to leave
Prea multe sentimente și le neg
Too many feelings and I'm denying them
Ia-mi inima, scoate-o din piept
Take out my heart, pull it from my chest
Lasă-mi măcar un minut să-nțeleg
At least let me have a minute to understand
Prea multe senzații și nu le accept
Too many feelings and I'm not accepting them
lasa fix atunci când nu m-aștept
You leave me just when I'm not expecting it
Nu-mi faci bine, ar trebui plec
You're not good for me, I should leave
Dar nu am cum, off the drugs merg drept
But I can't, I can't walk straight off the drugs
De-abia simt inima, bate încet
I can barely feel my heart, it's beating slowly
Am prea multe vicii, învart în cerc
I have too many addictions, I'm going in circles
Whole lotta feelings and whole lotta bands
Whole lotta feelings and whole lotta bands
Nu-mi aduc fericirea, știu nu crezi
Doesn't bring me happiness, I know you don't believe
Îmi trebuie liniște o am când rulez
I need peace, I find it when I roll
Vreau te văd girl, just cancel your plans
I wanna see you girl, just cancel your plans
I juts miss the touch of your hands
I juts miss the touch of your hands
Sunt pe uppere, I just need one dance
I'm on uppers, I just need one dance
Trăiesc un film, ochii tăi sunt un lense
I'm living a movie, your eyes are a lens
Caut o pauză, e prea intens
I need a break, it's too intense
Mintea mea in backrooms
My mind's in the backrooms
Ce e iubirea? Vreau gust
What's love? I wanna taste it
Ești la fel ca o seară de august
You're like a night in August
Nu-mi amintesc unde te-ai dus
I can't remember where you went
Și caut, te caut, te caut și e în zadar
And I'm looking, I'm looking, I'm looking and it's in vain
Ieși din mintea mea, îți aud vocea iar
Get out of my head, I can hear your voice again
Oare face simt înc-un bar?
Is it making me feel a bar again?
Oare substanțele gon' heal the scar?
Will the substances heal the scar?

Writer(s): Matei Mihai

Trippin feat. Amtilb - Bliss
date de sortie

1 Bliss

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