Ein kalt ufyselich morgen våkner Kappten Kaos, er ser utover ein
On a cold and terrible morning, Captain Chaos wakes up and looks out over a
Forfrossen trollandsby.
Frozen troll village.
Sie braucht ein stiff drink undt solksinnsmedisin, er packen alle
He needs a stiff drink and some sunshine medicine, so he packs everyone
Sammen i sin tidsmaskin
Into his time machine
Sie fahren gjennom tiden til den første strande. De mesker seg i sola.
They travel through time to the first beach. They bask in the sun.
Som en medisin, solskinnsmedisin (mot vinterens kulde)
Like a medicine, sunshine medicine (against the winter cold)
Vi har kommet til en sommer, vi skal løpe nedpå stranda, vi skal drikke
We have arrived in summer, we will run down to the beach, we will drink
Masse drinker med paraplyer og litt bær.
Lots of drinks with umbrellas and some berries.
Vi kjører alle sammen nå, Copacabana, Brasiliana, olé olé
We all drive there now, Copacabana, Brasiliana, olé olé
Vi drikker alle sammen nå, Piña Colada, brutalt med vodka, olé olé
We all drink together now, Piña Colada, brutally with vodka, olé olé
Festen går vilt for seg, noen troll må spy, rave ut i sjøen for å kaste opp
The party is going wild, some trolls have to puke, rave out into the sea to throw up
Sie spyr i havet, forpester vann. Livet kryper opp på land.
They vomit into the sea, polluting the water. Life crawls up onto land.
Finally arrived in Cabana, what are we going to do tonight? Hmmm??
Finally arrived in Cabana, what are we going to do tonight? Hmmm??
I wanna go to the Cabana party (tonight)
I wanna go to the Cabana party (tonight)
A particularly cold morning in the troll village, Kaptein Kaos decides to take everyone to the world′s first beach party. He travels back to before life on land and finds an awesome beach. The trolls party like rock stars who have just won the world championship of everything and naturally a lot of vomit ends up in the sea. So much in fact that life says "screw this, I'm going up on that fucking piece of land."
A particularly cold morning in the troll village, Captain Chaos decides to take everyone to the world′s first beach party. He travels back to before life on land and finds an awesome beach. The trolls party like rock stars who have just won the world championship of everything and naturally a lot of vomit ends up in the sea. So much in fact that life says "screw this, I'm going up on that fucking piece of land."
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