Tsunami - Seventeen - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Tsunami - Seventeen

Chisti mo vann for pa music mij,
I'm clean, I'm not into your music,
Ij so proprio nata cos pe te fa capì,
I was born this way, so you can understand,
Vogl na mercedes ner ca cappotta cabrio,
I want a black Mercedes with a convertible top,
E tutt e uagliun mij luntan a chelli gabbij,
And all my guys far away from those cages,
E dincell ca si passn acaln e cap,
Tell them that if they pass near the head,
Ca nun vann tropp a luong mo e teng puntat,
That they don't go too far now, and they keep their aim,
Chist fa tropp o gangstar ropp doje puntat,
This makes too much of a gangster, twice the stake,
E quann parl nt'azzecca ca t puzz o ciat,
And when you talk, you hit the mark, that you stink of sweat,
Veng r'addo nu mezz corr chiu e na machin,
I'll come back half a run more and a car,
E nun esist ammor ca m spezz a fratm,
And there's no love that breaks me into pieces,
Nuje tenimm e pall perciò sto vincenn,
We have the balls, that's why we're winning,
Chi over sap a strad nun o va ricenn,
Whoever knows the streets doesn't go begging,
Ij t vec ca m vir e arropp t accamuff,
I see you looking at me and I'll ruin you,
Suon ancor avanti crist frate e fatt a muff,
I'm still ahead, my brother, made by a cheat,
Nun vogl beef rind a music ma ndo panin,
I don't want beef next to the music, but in the sandwich,
Si cu me tu apr a vocc è pe me fa o b,
If you're with me, you open your mouth and do it for me,
Si ess m chiamm na rispong vogl a femmena tost,
If you call me, I want a woman who's quick,
Tras ind o club e a tip toia mo e a femmna nost,
Take me to the club and tip her, now she's our woman,
Quann m accogl tutt e ser facc nu padre nostro,
When I greet everyone in the evening, I say the Our Father,
Preg a dij te sant juorn ca nse ferm sta giostr,
Pray to God that you have a blessed day, that this carousel stops,
Teng tropp cos a ric e nun e dic',
I have too much to say and I don't say it,
Senza nomm tutt e nummr in rubric,
Without names, all the numbers in the address book,
Chist m vonn muort stann seppellit,
They want me dead, they're burying me,
E pisciamm ngap a che tenev seventeen,
And we'll piss on those who held seventeen,
A che tenev seventeen,
Those who held seventeen,
E pisciamm ngap a che tenev seventeen,
And we'll piss on those who held seventeen,
A che tenev seventeen,
Those who held seventeen,
E pisciamm ngap a che tenev seventeen.
And we'll piss on those who held seventeen.
Nun saje quant'odio ten nguorp fratm,
You don't know how much hate I hold inside, my brother,
C' lev o fierr a men pecchè fa na strag,
I'll pull out the iron because it's a massacre,
Chist m vonn fragil ij ne vogl facil,
They want me fragile, I want it easy,
Veng r'addo tra vit e mort nc' sta margin,
I'll come back between life and death, there's a margin,
E mo paricchije e lor ngopp a blacklist,
And now many of them are on the blacklist,
C'abbasc c sta troppa gent ca mo preg a Crist,
There are too many people who pray to Christ now,
Veng r'addo nun tien nient e nun si mai ben vist,
I'll come back, you have nothing and you're never well-dressed,
E to giur ca m mett a chiagn si o registr,
And you swear you'll make me cry if I record it,
Ess m vol chiu chic m'accussi so fatt,
You want me more chic, I'm made like that,
Rind a cap è nu scigl vec e frat fatt,
Understand, it's an old choice, brother made,
Chist nun ten nient a ric e pur parl semp,
This has nothing to say, and yet it always talks,
Nat doje parol e mett o nomm sott terr.
Two words are born and I put the name underground.
Teng tropp cos a ric e nun e dic',
I have too much to say and I don't say it,
Senza nomm tutt e nummr in rubric,
Without names, all the numbers in the address book,
Chist m vonn muort stann seppellit,
They want me dead, they're burying me,
E pisciamm ngap a che tenev seventeen,
And we'll piss on those who held seventeen,
A che tenev seventeen,
Those who held seventeen,
E pisciamm ngap a che tenev seventeen,
And we'll piss on those who held seventeen,
A che tenev seventeen,
Those who held seventeen,
E pisciamm ngap a che tenev seventeen.
And we'll piss on those who held seventeen.
Iss parl ma nc' parl che pentit,
You talk, but you talk like you're sorry,
Ca s' cresc co mit ra malavit,
Because you grew up with the mafia's mindset,
Arret e sbarr stann e sbagl ra vit,
Behind the bars are the mistakes of life,
È megl ca nu sgarr teng e frat bandit.
It's better that a mistake has bandit brothers.

Writer(s): Federico Petrone, Luigi Guida

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