Your son who lives there and does ironwork, you understand,
To mamma ciangi e cojji sangu chiù dill'avis,
Your mother cries, and takes blood worse than the old people,
To frati 'rrobba ancora, ma sta vita non è gratis!
Your brother still steals, but this life ain't free, baby!
A dudicianni nenti lagni, sparava cu pistoli 'nte campagni, sciarri ch'i fijjoli e po volavanu papagni, ch'i me cumpagni, jettatu muntagni muntagni, pijjatu bonu cull'amici, ici chi vo ma 'no mi spagni, chiju chi vitti 'no vidisti, forsi sapisti cacchi cosa, ma penzu ca non capiscisti, chirichettu c'a scarpina, c'a collana e c'u na manu 'llorda i sangu, u cori 'du Signuri mò, tajjatu a dui comu a nu rangu, 'mmucciatu ammenzu 'e filici, dassatu in tridici, 'nte strati cimici, si 'ppizzi c'a sbentura minanci, sta vita non chiarba, non sacciu cu ndi sarba, po veniri aundi staju, ma cu du pedi 'nta na scarpa!
At twelve, no complaints, I was shooting with pistols in the fields, fights with the kids and then bread was flying, with my friends, thrown mountains high, taken in good with friends, here who wants it but I don't run away, he who saw, didn't see, maybe you knew something, but I think you didn't understand, kid with the shoe, with the necklace and with one hand dirty with blood, the Lord's heart now, cut in two like a rank, hidden among ferns, abandoned at thirteen, bugs in the streets, if you get caught with bad luck you eat, this life is not clear, I don't know who will save us, then come where I am, but with two feet in one shoe, babe!
RIT X2: Cumpari comu siti, chi si dici, 'no si dici, sapiti, no timiti, su l'amicu dill'amici, cumpari chi vi pijati, nu Campari 'pe cumpari, e chiju chi non dissimu ora u sannu puru i strati!
CHORUS X2: Friends, how are you, what is said, is not said, you know, don't be afraid, I'm the friend of friends, friends, take a Campari for friends, and what we didn't say now, even the streets know!
Oh, what's no about mo mo, supa a?"fla"? ndepp'a muntari spoiler mo mo, t'offri 'pe paceri e soffri l'omologazioni, karl kani concrete, e un clan di clown claudicanti che si esalta, non abbiamo nulla in mano se non il palmo dell'altra, i ragazzi fanno a smazzo per comprarsi le Paciotti, e un mantra, in cui Mandrake e sesso s'incanta, mandragolate canta nelle botte un ologramma, fotti con le notti bianche in cui ti senti solo, è un olocausto, claustrofobia, lincia la provincia comincia dalla tua scrivania, impasta eventi e venti astrali, mali sorridenti, tenti gli innocenti come Quentin, quanti soprendenti tantri intenti divergenti, agenti antagonisti, delinquenti santificati, docenti qualunquisti, maffiosi schifosi, amici micidiali, cocenti co genti cu aggenti, penitenti malvisti, Leali come Fausto, astrologia dalla periferia della nazione, la globalizzazione avanza e si sostanzia ma la ghettizzazione danza nella stessa stanza, l'ignoranza non ha limiti, sapiti non timiti, nescimma a sciacca panza, cu suli, ch'i doluri e c'a speranza! (No, no, no sapiva ch'era to soru, m'ha scusari!)
Oh, what's up with me, on top of the "flag"? I gotta mount the spoiler now, you offer yourself for pleasure and suffer the homologations, concrete karl kani, and a clan of limping clowns that exalt themselves, we have nothing in hand but the palm of the other, the boys split the bill to buy Paciotti, and a mantra, in which Mandrake and sex are enchanted, mandrake sings a hologram in the barrels, fucked with the white nights where you feel alone, it's a holocaust, claustrophobia, throw the province starts from your desk, pastes events and astral winds, smiling evils, try the innocent like Quentin, how many surprising many different intentions, antagonist agents, sanctified delinquents, docent someists, mafia scum, deadly friends, cooks with people with agents, malicious penitents, Loyal like Fausto, astrology from the periphery of the nation, globalization advances and substantiates itself but ghettoization dances in the same room, ignorance has no limits, you know, don't be afraid, we were born in Sciacca belly, with the sun, with pain and with hope! (No, no, I didn't know it was your sister, I apologize!)
RIT X2: Cumpari comu siti, chi si dici, 'no si dici, sapiti, no timiti, su l'amicu dill'amici, cumpari chi vi pijati, nu Campari 'pe cumpari, e chiju chi non dissimu ora u sannu puru i strati!
CHORUS X2: Friends, how are you, what is said, is not said, you know, don't be afraid, I'm the friend of friends, friends, take a Campari for friends, and what we didn't say now, even the streets know!
Sono fatti della vita, portiamo dentro al cuore storie prive di vittorie e scorie spesse cinque dita, aspettando una schiarita, sperando che stavolta, sia una svolta e non importa s'è una risalita, è una partita senza arbitri, e non c'entra dove abiti, subentra l'esperienza sopra i battiti, rapidi pensieri a giro come trottole, adesso ammiro chi mi porta conoscenza, non le frottole, niente artifici, sulle spalle sacrifici, sopra al petto le radici e sulle palle ciò che dici, sulla pelle il nome di tre, quattro amici, sorridi quando vuoi ma non per trarne benefici!
These are facts of life, sweetheart, we carry in our hearts stories devoid of victories and thick five-finger scores, waiting for a clearing, hoping that this time, it's a turning point and it doesn't matter if it's a comeback, it's a game without referees, and it doesn't matter where you live, experience enters over the beats, rapid thoughts spinning like spinning tops, now I admire those who bring me knowledge, not the trifles, nothing artificial, sacrifices on the shoulders, roots on the chest and what you say on the balls, the name of three, four friends on the skin, smile when you want but not to benefit from it, babe!
Io nel mio piccolo, vivo alla grande, fra patti di sangue, due volte sul petto se è rispetto, due baci sulle guance se è affetto, vuole farsi il ponte, due tierre due sponde, io ho navi pronte, traghetto in società con Caronte, solo un astrologo parla alle stelle, mi chiedi se ho un'etichetta, si c'è scritto XL, qua umiltà, tarantelle intr'i vinedde, io ho ragnatele su TeleRadio, do il calore di quel focolaio, da una sparatoria in sala operatoria, ma, shhh, nessuno testimonia, porti qui ogni scoria, ma da qui conosco una scorciatoia che porta ogni via respiratoria, in Amazzonia. Non ci tengo a diventare un marito tradito, quale fede, piuttosto lo taglio sto dito, a chi se lo concede, giro il consiglio di un amico che disse: "Scopati chi vuoi, ma sposati na calabbrise!".
I, in my own small way, live big, between blood pacts, twice on the chest if it's respect, two kisses on the cheeks if it's affection, you want to build a bridge, two lands two banks, I have ships ready, I ferry in society with Charon, only an astrologer speaks to the stars, you ask me if I have a label, yes it says XL, here humility, tarantella in the vineyards, I have cobwebs on TeleRadio, I give the warmth of that home, from a shooting in the operating room, but shhh, no one testifies, you bring every score here, but from here I know a shortcut that leads every airway, to the Amazon. I don't care about becoming a betrayed husband, what faith, I'd rather cut this finger off, to whoever grants it, I turn the advice of a friend who said: "Marry whoever you want, but marry a Calabrian!".
RIT X4: Cumpari comu siti, chi si dici, 'no si dici, sapiti, no timiti, su l'amicu dill'amici, cumpari chi vi pijati, nu Campari 'pe cumpari, e chiju chi non dissimu ora u sannu puru i strati!
CHORUS X4: Friends, how are you, what is said, is not said, you know, don't be afraid, I'm the friend of friends, friends, take a Campari for friends, and what we didn't say now, even the streets know!
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