Twice - Wishing - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Twice - Wishing

ふと見上げると 空に赤く染まる葉 揺れ落ちて
As I look up, leaves dyed red in the sky flutter and fall,
君との幸せMemories 積もっていくの
Our happy memories together pile up.
戸惑う私の顔見て 笑う声だって いつまでも聞きたいの
Even your laughter at my bewildered face, I want to hear it forever.
無邪気すぎるから 悔しいけど 可愛いくて
Though it's frustrating how innocent you are, it's also cute.
思うほど 苦しくて 遠く感じちゃうのは
The more I think about it, the more painful it is, and I feel distant.
自然にね いたいのに ダメだ 意識しちゃうな
I want to be natural, but I can't, I become too conscious.
届けたい言葉が重なり 星の数だけ想いは募る
The words I want to convey overlap, my feelings grow as numerous as the stars.
手を握れたら この距離近づいていくのかな...
If I could hold your hand, would this distance close?
伝わってるかな? 足りないかな?
I wonder if it's getting through? Is it not enough?
好きで 好きで たまらないのに
I like you, I like you so much,
笑顔の跡が 消えないように
So that the traces of your smile don't disappear,
ねぇ そばにいて Wishing on your love
Hey, stay by my side, Wishing on your love
ふと立ち止まる道は 澄んだ空気だけ残して
The path where I suddenly stop leaves only the clear air behind,
Your "Aren't you cold?" and your white breath enveloped us both.
並ぶと右側歩いて 君は優しくエスコートしてくれる
Walking side by side, you gently escort me on the right,
さりげない仕草 にやけちゃうよ 嬉しくて
Your casual gestures make me smile, I'm so happy.
聞きたいな 聞けないよ 同じ気持ちでいるの?
I want to ask, but I can't, do you feel the same way?
夢に見た出来事に ダメだ 期待しちゃうな
This event I saw in a dream, I can't, I'm getting my hopes up.
届かない言葉が溢れて 祈る数だけ想いは募る
Words that won't reach overflow, my feelings grow as much as I pray.
目を閉じたなら この距離 近づいているのかな...
If I close my eyes, does this distance close?
伝えられなくて 切ないのは
The reason it's painful that I can't convey it is,
好きで 好きで たまらないから
Because I like you, I like you so much,
笑顔の跡が 消えないように
So that the traces of your smile don't disappear,
ねぇ そばにいて You're the only one
Hey, stay by my side, You're the only one
こんなに想ってても 言葉にしないままじゃ...
Even if I feel this way, if I don't put it into words...
受け取ってね 1つだけの
Please accept it, the one and only,
君の為にあげたい このプレゼント
This present I want to give you.
届けたい言葉が重なり 星の数だけ想いは募る
The words I want to convey overlap, my feelings grow as numerous as the stars.
手を握れたら この距離近づいていくのかな...
If I could hold your hand, would this distance close?
伝わってるかな? 足りないかな?
I wonder if it's getting through? Is it not enough?
好きで 好きで たまらないのに
I like you, I like you so much,
笑顔の跡が 消えないように
So that the traces of your smile don't disappear,
ねぇ そばにいてWishing on your love
Hey, stay by my side, Wishing on your love


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