Twins - 孖寶668 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Twins - 孖寶668

Twins 668
你聽鑼鼓響一片 聲聲送舊年
Listen to the sound of drums and gongs as they bid farewell to the old year.
你看大家多歡暢 個個樂綿綿
See how happy everyone is, their hearts filled with joy.
歡呼聲 歌樂聲 嚮徹靈霄殿
Cheers and melodies resound through the celestial halls.
齊聲恭祝你 有個歡樂年
Together, we wish you a joyous new year.
歌歌舞舞共歡慶 杯杯要勝共歡讌
Let's sing and dance together, and fill our cups to the brim to celebrate.
年年歡樂 歡樂年年
Year after year, enjoy the happiness of the new year.
財神到 財神到 好心得好報
May the God of Wealth arrive, bringing good fortune and rewards for good deeds.
財神話 財神話 搵錢依正路
May the God of Wealth tell you to make money the right way.
財神到 財神到 好走快兩步
May the God of Wealth approach you quickly.
得到佢睇起你 你有前途
If he favors you, you will have a bright future.
Celebrate the New Year with joy and happiness.
May you be blessed with good fortune, health, and strength.
We also wish you a promotion this year.
May every day be filled with laughter and a bright future.
賀所有鴛侶花結並頭 (花結並頭)
Congratulations to all the newlyweds (may your love grow stronger).
遺望各位工友百業成就 (百業成就)
We wish all our workers success in all their endeavors (may you achieve great things).
May everyone live in harmony and peace.
Listen to this song to relax and forget your worries.
財神到 財神到 好心得好報
May the God of Wealth arrive, bringing good fortune and rewards for good deeds.
財神話 財神話 搵錢依正路
May the God of Wealth tell you to make money the right way.
財神到 財神到 好走快兩步
May the God of Wealth approach you quickly.
得到佢睇起你 你有前途
If he favors you, you will have a bright future.
每條大街小巷 每個人的嘴裡
On every street and in every alley, on everyone's lips,
見面第一句話 就是恭喜恭喜
The first words we say are "Congratulations, congratulations."
每條大街小巷 每個人的嘴裡
On every street and in every alley, on everyone's lips,
見面第一句話 就是恭喜恭喜
The first words we say are "Congratulations, congratulations."
恭喜 恭喜 恭喜你呀
Congratulations, congratulations to you.
恭喜 恭喜 恭喜 恭喜你
Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations to you.
恭喜 恭喜 恭喜你呀
Congratulations, congratulations to you.
恭喜 恭喜 恭喜 恭喜你
Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations to you.
經過多少困難 歷盡多少磨練
After many hardships and trials,
多少心兒盼望 盼望春的消息
How many hearts have longed for the news of spring?
恭喜 恭喜 恭喜你呀
Congratulations, congratulations to you.
恭喜 恭喜 恭喜 恭喜你
Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations to you.
恭喜 恭喜 恭喜你呀
Congratulations, congratulations to you.
恭喜 恭喜 恭喜 恭喜你
Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations to you.
又過年 共慶歡樂綿綿
As another year passes, we celebrate with joy and laughter.
齊賀各位 工商生意 紛紛發展
We congratulate all workers and businesses on their success and prosperity.
各界齊慶祝 多多生意
May everyone celebrate, and may businesses thrive.
行行同賺錢 一曲新春頌獻
May everyone prosper, and may this new year's song bring joy.
又過年 共慶歡樂團團
As another year passes, we celebrate together in harmony.
情伴兩家 心心相印 像蜜糖甜
May love connect our families, like honey sweet.
愛侶情重意牽 痴心繾綣
May couples' love be strong and enduring.
白頭到老兩心堅 一曲新春頌獻
May you grow old together, forever united. May this new year's song bring joy.
好一朵迎春花 人人都愛它
Oh, what a beautiful迎春花, everyone loves it.
好一朵迎春花 迎來大地放光華
Oh, what a beautiful迎春花, it brings light to the world.
好一朵迎春花 它開每一家
Oh, what a beautiful迎春花, it blooms in every home.
好一朵迎春花 茂盛艷麗春色雅
Oh, what a beautiful迎春花, its vibrant colors adorn the spring.
The迎春花 blooms, bringing a new year of prosperity.
The迎春花's beauty enhances the landscape like a painting.
Its blooming brings wealth and joy to all.
萬事勝意 無牽掛
May you have success in all your endeavors.
好一朵迎春花 誰人不愛它
Oh, what a beautiful迎春花, who doesn't love it?
好一朵迎春花 迎來大地繡彩霞
Oh, what a beautiful迎春花, it brings color to the world.
插起那迎春花 芬芳播千家
Let's display the迎春花, and let its fragrance fill our homes.
插起那迎春花 人人齊共歡樂吓
Let's display the迎春花, and let everyone share in its joy.

Writer(s): 古曲, 許冠傑, 關聖佑, 陳歌辛

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