Tønes - Fluene - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Tønes - Fluene

Hold atte dørene
Close all the doors
Skynd deg inn dar e med flue
Hurry up, darling, it's so full of flies
Steng atte, steng atte
Close it, close it
Alle lemma og luke
All the doors and windows
Me bruke bislaget te slusa
We use the shed as an airlock
Det e her me seie "hei" og "ha-det"
It's where we say "hello" and "goodbye"
Og nei, me lukka ikkje opp viduet
And no, we don't open the windows
Sjøl om det blir borti tredve grade
Even if it gets up to thirty degrees
De gjenge rett i maden du må, dekkan te
They'll get into your food, you must cover it
Ja, de gjenge rett i maden du må, dekkan te
Yes, they'll get into your food, you must cover it
Og ha smikko innforbi ... rekkevidde
And keep the sweet things out of ... reach
Når det er det versta
When it's at its worst
Pleie me å låsa den døro
We usually lock that door
Og heller bruka inngangen andra sio av huset
And use the entrance on the other side of the house
Der e mye mindre flue
Where there are far fewer flies
Og stende me i vindue når folk kjeme å peke og rope
And we stand at the window when people come and point and shout
"De rundt, de rundt"
"You have to go around, you have to go around"
Kem he brukt fluesmikko, eg finne hu ikkje?
Who used the fly swatter, I can't find it?
Kem he brukt fluesmikko, eg finne hu ikkje?
Who used the fly swatter, I can't find it?
Hu ska leggas plass itte bruk, det e elementært
It should be put back in its place after use, it's elementary
Her i huset legge me smikko plass itte bruk, det e elementært
In this house we put the swatter back in its place after use, it's elementary
Osj, der e det ei
Oh, there's one
Stå heilt stille, stå heilt stille ska eg ta hu
Stay very still, stay very still and I'll get it
Eg trur eg fekk...
I think I got...
Nei, der flaug hu
No, there it goes
Skynd deg inn her, skynd deg inn her
Hurry up in here, hurry up in here now
Nei, nei, nei, nei, eg kan′kje sjå atte
No, no, no, no, I can't see it
Du får bare holda auene oppe og sjå om me ser hu,
You just have to keep your eyes open and see if we can spot it,
Holda auene oppe alle sjå om me ser hu
Keep your eyes open everyone and see if we can spot it
Ein gong såg eg noge svart
Once I saw something black
Inni en lyskuppel
Inside a skylight
Og eg sko sjekka var det ei flua
And when I went to check it out it was a fly
Kan du fatta og begripa
Can you imagine that?
Kuppelen var 'kje skada eller nåe
The dome wasn't damaged or anything
Ingen håle eller sprikke, an va sponnstette
No holes or cracks, it was spotless
Målte med skyvelær om flue kunne komt seg inn
I measured it with calipers to see if a fly could have got in
Det var′kje sjangs i havet, kan du fatta og begripa
There was no way in hell, can you imagine that?
Kem he lagt fluesmikko skjærebrettet?
Who put the fly swatter on the chopping board?
Kem he lagt fluesmikko skjærebrettet?
Who put the fly swatter on the chopping board?
Det feila noge, elementært
Something must be wrong, elementary

Writer(s): frank tønnesen

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