Uğur Işılak - DUR PATRON DUR! - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Uğur Işılak - DUR PATRON DUR!

Garibin hakkını yersin
You eat the rights of the poor
Sonra da hak hukuk dersin
Then you lecture about rights and laws
Bir de adam beğenmezsin
And you don't even approve of a man
Dur patron dur
Stop, boss, stop
Dur patron dur
Stop, boss, stop
Bakıp kapına gelene
Don't believe every smiling face
İnanma sen her gülene
That comes to your door
Şu halini bir bilene
Ask someone who knows your situation
Sor patron sor
Ask, boss, ask
Sor patron sor
Ask, boss, ask
Ayar verme insanlara
Don't adjust people
Hatayı kendinde ara
Look for the error in yourself
Önce başını duvara
First, hit your head against the wall
Vur patron vur
Hit, boss, hit
Vur patron vur
Hit, boss, hit
Nefsine kullan cebrini
Use your willpower against your ego
Aklına getir kabrini
Remember your grave
Put eylediğin kibrini
Break the arrogance you have made an idol of
Kır patron kır
Break, boss, break
Kır patron kır
Break, boss, break
Gözün hep oynaşta hazda
Your eye is always on pleasure and enjoyment
Kanaatin yoktur azda
You have no belief in little things
Hep bana deme biraz da
Don't always say 'mine,' give a little
Ver patron ver
Give, boss, give
Ver patron ver
Give, boss, give
Komisyon, avanta, parsa
Commissions, bribes, bonuses
Hepsi de sende ne varsa
All that you have
Namuslusun biri sorsa
If someone asks if you're honest
Zor patron zor
Difficult, boss, difficult
Zor patron zor
Difficult, boss, difficult
İdare edip durumu
You manage the situation
Aldatırsın her kurumu
You deceive every institution
Yıkanmakla geçmez ki bu
This can't be washed away
Kir patron kir
Dirty, boss, dirty
Kir patron kir
Dirty, boss, dirty
Haramla tüten o ocak
That hearth fueled by haram
Sanma ki bâki kalacak
Don't think it will last forever
İnsanda biraz olacak
There should be some decency in a person
Ar patron ar
Honesty, boss, honesty
Ar patron ar
Honesty, boss, honesty
Paran çokmuş kime ne ki
You have a lot of money, what's it to me?
Muhtaç iken yanındaki
When those next to you are needy
Hani senin alnındaki
Where's the sweat on your forehead?
Ter patron ter
Sweat, boss, sweat
Ter patron ter
Sweat, boss, sweat
Riya akar her sözünde
Hypocrisy flows in every word of yours
Aydınsın güya özünde
You're supposedly enlightened in your essence
Bir gram yoktur yüzünde
There is not a gram of light on your face
Nur patron nur
Light, boss, light
Nur patron nur
Light, boss, light
Kasvet bulaşır lafından
Gloom infects your words
İnsan utanır gafından
People are ashamed of your folly
Damlıyor her tarafından
Evil drips from every part of you
Şer patron şer
Evil, boss, evil
Şer patron şer
Evil, boss, evil
Ozanım, boş söz söylemem
I am a poet, I don't speak empty words
Kelâmın hakkını yemem
I don't betray the right of my speech
Sözün tamamını demem
I don't say the whole story
Sır patron sır
Secret, boss, secret
Sır patron sır
Secret, boss, secret

Writer(s): Uğur Işılak

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