UNIST - Calling - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais UNIST - Calling

恋心なんていつも突然に 気付いた頃惹かれあう必然に
A crush always comes out of the blue. When you realize it, you're drawn to each other.
好きになった女性は 一番の親友の彼女で
The woman I fell in love with was my best friend's girlfriend.
胸の中 罪悪感だらけで それでも膨らんだ感情が
My chest was filled with guilt. But my feelings grew stronger, and
止めることもできずに 大事な友を裏切ったyesterday
I couldn't stop them. I betrayed my dear friend yesterday.
Oh My friend 許してくれるはずもないけど
Oh, my friend, you probably won't forgive me, but
Oh My friend また君に会えたら
Oh, my friend, if I ever see you again,
いつだってDear My Friend 君にただ一つ
Always, my dear friend, there's just one thing
I want to tell you.
いつだってBIG SMILE DAYS 思い出すんだよ
Always, on big smile days, I remember,
いつもMy Friend...
always my friend...
あれからどれくらいが経つんだろう? 今もあの頃のAlbumめくり毎度
How long has it been? Now, I flip through the album from back then every time,
I know... 思い知らされるんだ 大切な二人を同時に失った痛みを
I know... It reminds me of the pain of losing both of you at the same time.
"嫌いになんてなれなかった" でもそれがお前を苦しめているのも知っていた
"I could never hate you," but I knew that it was hurting you.
だから全てを絶った 強がりは心によくねぇな...
So I cut off all contact. I said I was being strong, but it's not good for the heart...
そうそうこんな季節だ 風の匂いがあの時と一緒だ
Yes, that's the season. The wind smells like it did back then.
今なによりも お前ら二人の幸せをここで願うよ
Right now, more than anything, I wish for the happiness of the two of you.
Oh My Friend 何も気にする事なんて無いから
Oh, my friend, you don't have to worry about anything,
Oh My Friend ずっと笑っていろよ
Oh, my friend, always be happy.
いつだってDear My Friend 胸の奥底に
Always, my dear friend, deep in my heart,
I imagine your laughter.
いつだってBIG SMILE DAYS 思い出すんだよ
Always, on big smile days, I remember,
いつもMy Friend...
always my friend...
季節は巡りゆく日々の中で "思い出のカケラ"かき集め
The seasons pass by. In the midst of those days, I gather "fragments of memories".
一つ また一つ埋まっていくけど 最後のPieceが見つからない...
One by one, they fill in, but the last piece is nowhere to be found...
“Hello, sorry to call you out of the blue.” “Oh yeah, long time no see.”
「長い間連絡できなくて」「らしくもねぇ もっと明るくしろよ」
“I haven't contacted you in so long.” “That's not like you. Lighten up.”
“There's something I've always wanted to talk to you about.” “Just tell me something fun.”
“You always say that.” “That's what we do.” “We used to laugh as we walked together.””
Oh My Friend 許されるならもう一度だけ
Oh, my friend, if you can forgive me, just once more,
Oh My Friend かたくるしい事なんていらない
Oh, my friend, I don't need all this formality,
Oh My Friend 言葉が今見つからないけど...
Oh, my friend, I can't find the words right now, but...
Oh My Friend またここに来れたな
Oh, my friend, I'm back here again.
いつだってDear My Friend 此処に戻る日を
Always, my dear friend, this day when I would return here,
I imagined it so many times.
いつだってBIG SMILE DAYS 支えてくれたんだ
Always, on big smile days, you supported me,
いつもMy Friend
always my friend.

Writer(s): Unist, Zen

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