UVERworld - 在るべき形(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction UVERworld - 在るべき形(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)

在るべき形(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)
As It Should Be (KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)
I wanna be myself 幸せも 未来も 過去も 欲しい物も
I wanna be myself Happiness, future, past, and what I want
Everyone そう在り方も違うでしょ?
Everyone's way of being is different, isn't it?
誰が僕のこの未来に 絶望していたとしても
Even if someone despairs over my future
Whether I'm finished or not is up to me
To the way it should be
大切な物を失って二日が経ち それでも人生は続くと思い知らされる
Two days have passed since I lost something important, and yet life goes on
願うだけで叶うなら 努力だけで届くなら
If wishes came true, or if effort alone were enough
Surely none of us would suffer
どうしてだよ 一人にされた日も
How come? Even on the days when I was alone
裏切られた日も あの子に振られた日も
The days when I was betrayed, the days when she broke up with me
時間はかかっても それも経験だし
It takes time, but it's all experience
ずっといつだって希望抱き 前向いて来れたけど
I've always had hope, always faced forward
でも もし空から思い出が降ってきたら
But if memories were to fall from the sky
まだ僕は 悔しさで溺れてしまう
I would still drown in regret
でも 誰が僕のこの未来に 絶望していたとしても
Even if someone despairs over my future
Whether I'm finished or not is up to me
To the way it should be
ねえ 諦める日が来ても 正しく諦めたいんだよ
Hey, even when the day comes to give up, I want to give up properly
もし投げ出しただけなら 僕を許さないでくれ
If I give up, don't forgive me
仲間だからこそ 許さないでほしい
Because we're friends, don't forgive me
本当に怖い事は 暗い夜道じゃない
What's really scary isn't a dark alley
悪人でもない オバケでもない
It's not a bad guy, it's not a ghost
負ける事にも慣れ 頑張る仲間を見ても 何も感じなくなってゆく事
It's getting used to losing, not feeling anything when I see my friends struggling
もし今 空から思い出が降ってきたら
If memories were to fall from the sky now
まだ僕は 悔しさで溺れてしまう
I would still drown in regret
でも 誰が僕のこの未来に 絶望していたとしても
Even if someone despairs over my future
Whether I'm finished or not is up to me
To the way it should be
他の誰かの正解は 僕の答えじゃない
What's right for someone else isn't the answer for me
それぞれの複雑な数式の答えは きっともう僕は見つけたから
I've already found the answer to my own complex equation
I wanna be myself 幸せも 未来も 過去も 欲しい物も
I wanna be myself Happiness, future, past, and what I want
Everyone そう在り方も違うでしょ?
Everyone's way of being is different, isn't it?
愛した人を愛し抜くより その人への想いを
Rather than loving the one you love to the end, it's
Harder to give up your feelings for that person, isn't it?
You don't have to live up to anyone's expectations
誰もがあなたの 願いに絶望を抱いてたとしても
Even if everyone despairs over your dreams
構わず進んでゆけばいい 恐れないで何もかも
If you keep moving forward, don't be afraid of anything
Whether you'll let yourself be finished or not is up to you
To the way it should be
他の誰かの正解は 君の答えじゃない
What's right for someone else isn't the answer for you
それぞれの複雑な数式の答えは きっともう君も出てるんだろう
I'm sure you've already found the answer to your own complex equation

date de sortie

1 Touch off(2019.6.6 Live at Okinawa MUSIC TOWN OTO-ICHIBA)
2 PRAYING RUN(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)
3 零HERE~SE~(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)
4 7日目の決意(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)
5 0 choir(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)
6 0 choir(2019.6.6 Live at Okinawa MUSIC TOWN OTO-ICHIBA)
8 ConneQt(2019.6.6 Live at Okinawa MUSIC TOWN OTO-ICHIBA)
9 ROB THE FRONTIER(instrumental)
10 畢生皐月プロローグ(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)
11 NO.1(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)
12 PLOT(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)
13 GOOD and EVIL(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)
14 ODD FUTURE(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)
15 ハルジオン(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)
16 ENOUGH-1(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)
17 Don't Think.Feel(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)
18 WE ARE GO(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)
19 7th Trigger(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)
20 Q.E.D.(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)
21 TYCOON(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)
22 MONDO PIECE(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)
23 在るべき形(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)
24 IMPACT(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)
25 ナノ・セカンド(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)
26 CORE PRIDE(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)
27 Massive(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)
28 EDENへ(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)
29 GOLD(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)
30 SHOUT LOVE(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)
31 ALL ALONE(KING'S PARADE at Yokohama Arena 2018.12.21)

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