Uddi - Adam Is Eva - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Uddi - Adam Is Eva

Adam Is Eva
Adam Is Eva
vrea fiu şi eu ca tine
I wish I could be like you, my dear
Indiferent e cel mai bine
Indifference suits you best, I fear
Nu-ţi pasă de nimic
You don't care about a thing
Tu n-ai timp de iubit
You have no time for loving
Ce pot fac, zic
What can I say or do?
Şi fără jena-ţi arăţi faţa
You show your face with no shame, it's true
Cât de Titanic eu, tu tot de gheaţă
I'm like the Titanic, you're like ice, it's plain to see
Măcar o lacrimă
Can't you shed a tear?
Un pic de patimă
Show a little passion, my dear
Dar nu, nu, tu nu
But no, no, not you
Întorc şi celălalt obraz când dai
I turn the other cheek when you strike
Prea multă violenţă aici, în rai
There's too much violence here, in paradise
de iubit, parcă se cam iubeau
As for love, it seems you're not so keen
Adam şi Eva nu prea se certau
Adam and Eve didn't fight, I've seen
Ce farmec are viaţa noastră
Our life is such a charm
Arunci cu sentimente pe fereastă
You throw your feelings out the window, like an arm
Oare când ţi-ai pierdut sufletul a durut
When you lost your soul, did it hurt?
Dar tu de la început nu la-i avut
But then again, you never had one, that's for cert
Şi dacă pleci iei şi patul
And if you leave, take the bed
Oricum, îl împărţeai de mult cu altul
You've been sharing it with someone else, it's said
iei şi pernele, cu amintirile
Take the pillows too, with the memories
Dar lasă toate regretele pe masă
But leave all your regrets, if you please
Întorc şi celălalt obraz când dai
I turn the other cheek when you strike
Prea multă violenţă aici, în rai
There's too much violence here, in paradise
de iubit, parcă se cam iubeau
As for love, it seems you're not so keen
Adam şi Eva nu prea se certau
Adam and Eve didn't fight, I've seen
Când m-ai pierdut, ştiu, erai pe Instagram
When you lost me, I know, you were on Instagram
Te agăţa cu replici, e noul meu duşman
Flirting with your new love, my latest foe
În loc fii aici, erai mereu cu el afară
Instead of being here, you were always out with them
Pentru ce ai făcut, meriţi pedeapsa capitală
For what you've done, you deserve capital punishment, it's plain
Oricum, săturasem de atâta dramă
Anyway, I'm tired of all the drama
Când puneai îţi plătesc la suflet vamă
Making me pay a toll on my soul, your sick trauma
Adio, vreau ştii, mai singur m-am simţit cu tine
Goodbye, I want you to know, I was lonelier with you
Decât atunci când eram doar eu şi cu mine
Than when I was just me and my point of view
Întorc şi celălalt obraz când dai
I turn the other cheek when you strike
Prea multă violenţă aici, în rai
There's too much violence here, in paradise
de iubit, parcă se cam iubeau
As for love, it seems you're not so keen
Adam şï Eva nu prea se certau
Adam and Eve didn't fight, I've seen

Writer(s): Andrei Ropcea, Marius Marian Ivancea

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