Ukendt Kunstner - Baby - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Ukendt Kunstner - Baby

Helt sort alting
Blackout, everything
Ligesom en begravelse
Like a funeral
Baby, pak din kuffert med dit tøj og dit ragelse
Baby, pack your suitcase with your clothes and your incense
Står der i døren
It says on the door
Men jeg ved ikke, hvad du venter
But I don't know what you're waiting for
Kigger mig med de hundeøjne
Looking at me with those puppy dog eyes
Der er baby-blå
That are so baby blue
Du sagde, du var min baby, baby, ja
You said you were my baby, baby, yeah
Du sagde til mig, at du ville have min baby, baby, ja
You told me that you wanted my baby, baby, yeah
Nu det hele ovre, baby
Now it's all over, baby
Hvad skal jeg sige?
What am I to say?
Tæppefald, baby alt er forbi
Curtain falls, baby, it's all over
Alt er forbi, uh
It's all over, uh
Åh baby, baby
Oh baby, baby
Åh baby, baby
Oh baby, baby
Åh baby, baby
Oh baby, baby
Kan det virkelig passe, du var min?
Can it really be true, you were mine?
Huskede vi duskede oppe vaskemaskinen
Do you remember when we showered on the washing machine
Kan det passe, det var en time?
Can it be true, it was an hour?
Næste dag var du ikke halvt intim
The next day you were half as intimate
Brændte broer og du kastede med sten
Burned bridges and you threw stones
Åh baby
Oh baby
Åh baby, baby
Oh baby, baby
Baby, hvad skal jeg sige?
Baby, what am I to say?
Du sagde altid, at jeg skulle passe mine rim
You always told me to watch my rhymes
Jeg sagde, "Pas din hash, og husk at købe din stressmedicin"
I said, "Watch your weed, and remember to buy your stress medication"
blev du træt af min sarkastiske stil
Then you got tired of my sarcastic style
Åh baby
Oh baby
Åh baby, baby
Oh baby, baby
Er der plads til lidt smil?
Is there room for a little smile?
Jeg købte pesto-pasta til dig
I bought pesto pasta for you
Købte flasker med vin
Bought bottles of wine
Vaskede din bil
Washed your car
Og købte gas og benzin (yeah)
And bought gas and petrol (yeah)
Tog dig til maskebal, fordi du ville danse vals til et beat
Took you to the masquerade ball, because you wanted to dance the waltz to a beat
Åh baby, baby
Oh baby, baby
Åh baby, baby
Oh baby, baby
Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
Åh baby, baby, glem hvad jeg sagde
Oh baby, baby, forget what I said
Jeg er træt af bae nu
I'm tired of bae now
Lad os bare baby tilbage
Let's just get baby back
Åh baby, baby
Oh baby, baby
Åh baby, baby
Oh baby, baby
Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
Åh baby, baby, glem hvad jeg sagde
Oh baby, baby, forget what I said
Jeg træt af bae nu
I'm tired of bae now
Lad os bare baby tilbage
Let's just get baby back
Du sagde, du havde min ryg
You said you had my back
Du sagde, du var min ven, nu
You said you were my friend, now
Din agenda, den var ikke nem at gennemskue
Your agenda, it wasn't easy to see through
Alle de løfter du gav mig, de er glemt nu, uh
All those promises you made to me, they're forgotten now, uh
Ja, de' glemt nu
Yes, they're forgotten now
Du sagde du altid manglede lidt ping-pong
You said you always missed some ping-pong
Mine eks'er ku' kun tælles min ene hånd
My exes I could only count on one hand
Tænk at tosomhed, det kan føles ensomt, uh
Who would have thought that being together could feel so lonely, uh
Ja, ensomt
Yes, so lonely
Når jeg ringer til din telefon
When I call your phone
prøver jeg at sige noget
I try to say something
Du ved godt hvad det angår, angår, angår
You know what it concerns, concerns, concerns
Men når du tager din telefon
But when you take your phone
vil du ikke sige noget
You don't want to say anything
Det hele, det ender i en tåge, ja i en tåge
The whole thing ends in a fog, yes, in a fog
Åh baby, baby
Oh baby, baby
Åh baby, baby
Oh baby, baby
Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
Åh baby, baby, glem hvad jeg sagde
Oh baby, baby, forget what I said
Jeg er træt af bae nu
I'm tired of bae now
Lad os bare baby tilbage
Let's just get baby back
Åh baby, baby
Oh baby, baby
Åh baby, baby
Oh baby, baby
Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
Åh baby, baby, glem hvad jeg sagde
Oh baby, baby, forget what I said
Jeg er træt af bae nu
I'm tired of bae now
Lad os bare baby tilbage
Let's just get baby back

Writer(s): Hans Philip Sery Lagui, Jens Ole Wowk Mccoy

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