Ulug'bek Rahmatullaev feat. Rayhon - O'qilmagan Kitob - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Ulug'bek Rahmatullaev feat. Rayhon - O'qilmagan Kitob

O'qilmagan Kitob
Unread Book
Bag'ishladim hayotimni
I dedicated my life to you,
Izhor aylab his-tuyg'ularimni,
Expressing all my feelings true,
Yengolmadim sog'inchimni,
Yet couldn't conquer this longing's hue,
Yig'a olmadim men xayolimni.
Nor could I gather my thoughts anew.
Unga borimni bergandim,
I gave you all that I possessed,
Evaziga nimalar olgandim?
In return, what did I ingest?
Ketganda bilmagandim,
When you left, I was unaware,
Aybimni negadir topmagandim.
And somehow, I found no fault to bear.
Sevgilimdan men
From my beloved,
Azoblar ko'rdim,
I endured such pain,
Nega yolg'izman?
Why am I alone?
Nega? Nega?
Why? Oh why?
O'qilmagan kitobdek sen bo'lgin,
Be like an unread book, I implore,
Aytilmagan qo'shiqdek,
Like an unsung melody of yore,
Sevging abadiy qolib yashaydi
Our love will eternally endure,
O'z hislaringni yashira olsang.
If your feelings you can obscure.
O'qilmagan kitobdek sen bo'lgin,
Be like an unread book, I pray,
Aytilmagan qo'shiqdek,
Like an unsung melody's sway,
Ko'ngil qulfini qiynalib ochsin,
Let them struggle to unlock your heart's door,
Mashaqqat bilan senga erishsin.
With great effort, they'll reach you, and more.
U izladi baxt o'zgadan,
She sought happiness in another's embrace,
Axir sevgim baxshida etganman.
Though I had showered her with love's grace.
Nelar kerak yana unga?
What more could she possibly desire?
Kunlarim aylanib borar tunga.
My days now turn into endless fire.
Boru yo'gim hadya etdim,
I gifted her everything I had,
Netay uni shunchalik men sevdim?
Why did I love her so deeply, so mad?
Voz kechganda yosh to'kkandim,
When she gave up, tears I did shed,
Sevgim uzra afsuslar chekkandim.
Over our love, regrets I bred.
Sevgilimdan men
From my beloved,
Azoblar ko'rdim,
I endured such pain,
Nega yolg'izman?
Why am I alone?
Nega? Nega?
Why? Oh why?
O'qilmagan kitobdek sen bo'lgin,
Be like an unread book, I implore,
Aytilmagan qo'shiqdek,
Like an unsung melody of yore,
Sevging abadiy qolib yashaydi
Our love will eternally endure,
O'z hislaringni yashira olsang.
If your feelings you can obscure.
O'qilmagan kitobdek sen bo'lgin,
Be like an unread book, I pray,
Aytilmagan qo'shiqdek,
Like an unsung melody's sway,
Ko'ngil qulfini qiynalib ochsin,
Let them struggle to unlock your heart's door,
Mashaqqat bilan...
With great effort...
Endi anglaganday bo'ldim
Now I seem to understand,
Xatoim asli nimada.
Where my true mistake did stand.
Xatoing sevgingni
Your mistake was to reveal,
Unga oshkor etganda!
Your love to her, making it real!
Nahot sevgim so'nadi
Could my love truly fade away,
Yolg'on girdobida qolganda?
Lost in a whirlpool of deceit's sway?
So'nadi agar ozor bersa
It will fade if hurt is inflicted,
By the one you trusted!
O'qilmagan kitobdek sen bo'lgin,
Be like an unread book, I implore,
Aytilmagan qo'shiqdek,
Like an unsung melody of yore,
Sevging abadiy qolib yashaydi
Our love will eternally endure,
O'z hislaringni yashira olsang.
If your feelings you can obscure.
O'qilmagan kitobdek sen bo'lgin,
Be like an unread book, I pray,
Aytilmagan qo'shiqdek,
Like an unsung melody's sway,
Ko'ngil qulfini qiynalib ochsin,
Let them struggle to unlock your heart's door,
Mashaqqat bilan senga erishsin.
With great effort, they'll reach you, and more.
Izhor aylab his-tuyg'ularimni...
Expressing all my feelings true...
Yig'a olmadim men xayolimni...
Nor could I gather my thoughts anew...

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