Ummon Guruhi - Tamom - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Ummon Guruhi - Tamom

Yonimda yo'q u bugun
You are not here today
Ko'zlari o'zidan o'zi
Your eyes are self-possessed
Lablari o'zgani o'zi
Your lips are alienated
So'ziga to'g'rimas o'zi
You do not keep your word
Avvalgiday mani o'zi
You are not the same as before
Sog'inmay qo'ydi
You do not miss me
Yuragida man yo'q
There is no trace of me in your heart
Go'zallikda tengi yo'q
Your beauty is unmatched
Yolg'onlarin keti yo'q
Your lies have no end
Sog'indingmi sanam mani
Do you miss me, my love?
Sog'indim yomon sani
I miss you badly
Avvalgidek yana qani
Where is the love we had before?
Hech bo'lmasa xidlari
At least your greetings
Kelib tursin ketmasa
Come, do not leave
Xolim aytsin sevgani
Tell my lover my news
Manikini aytib qo'ymasa...
If you do not mention my name...
Hammasi tomom ekan
It means it's all over
Ko'zlari yomon ekan
Your eyes are evil
So'zlari yolg'on ekan
Your words are false
Tomom bo'ldi toabat
My repentance is over
Hammasi tomom ekan
It means it's all over
Ko'zlari yomon ekan
Your eyes are evil
So'zlari yolg'on ekan
Your words are false
Tomom bo'ldi toabat
My repentance is over
Bugun kimmiz? ikkimiz bir-birimiz siz
Who are we today? We are two individuals
Sevgimiz yig'ladi ko'p, lek rahim yo'q
Our love has wept much, but there is no mercy
Ko'ngli to'qmi ko'ngli bo'sh bilan ishi yo'q
Is her heart full or empty? She has nothing to do with me
So'ramadi kechalari yulduzlarga qarab bechorani
She did not ask about me, looking at the stars at night
Qo'ng'iroq ham chaqirmaydi
The phone doesn't call either
Izlab kelmaydi uni hech kim yo'qlamaydi
No one comes looking for her, no one checks on her
So'rab ko'rgin bir bor xolimni
Ask me once about my well-being
Ichimni kemirib yotgan zolimni
The tyrant who gnaws away at my heart
Olib ketgin qo'llaridan tutib
Take me away by my hands
Zaharlayotgan sog'inchim qonini
Poisoning my blood with longing
Telba bo'lib alamimni olaman
I will become a beggar and take my pain
Erka gullar qaytish uchun xidlaring
Early flowers, your scent for my return
Qo'llarimga qalamimni olaman
I will take my pen in my hands
Chizish uchun tik qarab aldaydigan ko'zlaring
To draw your deceptive eyes staring at me
Hammasi tomom ekan
It means it's all over
Ko'zlari yomon ekan
Your eyes are evil
So'zlari yolg'on ekan
Your words are false
Tomom bo'ldi toabat
My repentance is over
Hammasi tomom ekan
It means it's all over
Ko'zlari yomon ekan
Your eyes are evil
So'zlari yolg'on ekan
Your words are false
Tomom bo'ldi toabat
My repentance is over
Bizga qancha ko'p qilganing sari
The more you did for us
Shuncha kam ekan bari
The less it was worth
Sabr to'lib bo'ldi dengiz
The patience has reached its limit
Shu dengizga cho'kdim yolg'iz
I sank into this sea alone
Yog'di yomg'irlar menga dard
Rains of pain poured on me
Ko'klarga yetdi oxlarim
My arrows reached the heavens
Osmonlar yig'ladi manga qarab
The heavens wept, looking at me
Achindimikin bilmadim
Did I hurt you? I do not know
Achinmadi u bilan
It did not hurt her
Sog'inmadi mani sezaman
She did not miss me, I can tell
Qarorim qat'iy ketaman
My decision is firm, I will leave
Cho'g'siz olovsiz yonaman
I burn without fire
Hammasi tomom ekan
It means it's all over
Ko'zlari yomon ekan
Your eyes are evil
So'zlari yolg'on ekan
Your words are false
Tomom bo'ldi toabat
My repentance is over
Hammasi tomom ekan
It means it's all over
Ko'zlari yomon ekan
Your eyes are evil
So'zlari yolg'on ekan
Your words are false
Tomom bo'ldi toabat
My repentance is over

Writer(s): ummon guruhi

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