Ummon Guruhi - Yog'ganda Qor - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Ummon Guruhi - Yog'ganda Qor

Yog'ganda Qor
Snowing Pure White
Bu kozlar nigohlar meniki edi keca hammadan baxtli edim kecha
These eyes are blessed, I was happy last night
Sensizlikni oylamas edim yonimda eding lek bugun qaydan topay azizam
I didn't think of missing you, you were by my side but now where can I find you, my love?
Bugun qaysu qilgan gunohim uchun taqdir tortib oldi mendan seni
What sin have I committed today so that fate has snatched you away from me?
Sogindim seni Baxor keti yoz ham utdi sensiz kuz ham otdi sovuq
I miss you, Spring has ended, Summer has passed, and the leaves have fallen, Winter has come
Keldi sensiz Sensiz bu dunyo tor dilga yogar ozor mayda parcha bolib
Without you, this world is suffocating, making my heart heavy like scattered fragments
Yog'ganda oppoq qor yoqotdim men seni
When the pure white snow falls, I have lost you
Topolmasman endi har gal yog'ganda qor qalbim ogrir menii.
I can't find you anymore, whenever it snows, my heart aches for you.
Bu tunlar sindirdi meni soginch ila soginch azobin bilmasdim sira
These nights have broken me with longing, I never knew the anguish of longing
Sirlarimi bellab seni asragim keldi lek sovuq olib ketdi zarracham
I protected my beloved, keeping my secrets, but the cold took you away, my love
Mani hammadan sogindim sani shor dengizga chokmoqdaman qutqar
I miss you more than anyone, I am drowning in the ocean of longing, save me
Mani Sogindim sogindiiim seni sochlaringni qoshlaringniiii seni
I miss you, I miss your hair, your eyebrows
Sensiz bu dunyo tor dilga yogar ozor mayda parcha bolib yog'ganda
Without you, this world is suffocating, making my heart heavy like scattered fragments
Oppoq qor yoqotdim men seni topolmasman
When the pure white snow falls, I have lost you
Endi har gal yog'ganda qor qalbim ogrir menii
I can't find you anymore, whenever it snows, my heart aches for you.
Sovuq qor har gal yog'ganida takror koz oldimga yor keladi yeglab
Whenever the cold snow falls, your image reappears before my eyes, weeping
Turib degani "bizni baxtimiz hech kim istamadi istamadi uydagilar ham
Saying, "No one wanted our happiness, not even our families
Mani fotiham boldi" boldi jim ortiq gapirma ogzingdan suz emas
My hope is gone," you fell silent, don't speak anymore, your words are not soothing
Otilmoqda uqlar teshib tashlama yuragimni bunchalar bunchalar kuch
They pierce through, don't crush my heart, so violently, so mercilessly
Bilan uzib tawlama umidlarim oppoq qor ustida oq kuylak kiyib turgan
Don't shatter my hopes, on this pure white snow, wearing a white dress
Kelin mani yarim bolagim oz bolagimni kuzatib qoymoqdadur kozlarim
My beloved bride, my lost child, my eyes follow you
Otilgan sozlaringdan qolgan yuragimdagi chandiq shu qoshiq va qor
The wounds from your words remain in my heart, this song and the snow
Unga qanchalar soginganimni aytib yubor bor kozlarini qumsab
Tell her how much I miss her, sing this song and wipe away my tears
Yashayabman bolib horu zor kochalarda korib qolish
I live in misery, hoping to see her on the streets
Etarmikin nasib extimol faqat qachon qiynayveradi shu savol
Will fate ever allow it, or will this question torment me forever?
Sensiz bu dunyo tor dilga yogar ozor mayda parcha bolib yog'ganda
Without you, this world is suffocating, making my heart heavy like scattered fragments
Oppoq qor yoqotdim men seni topolmasman
When the pure white snow falls, I have lost you
Endi har gal yog'ganda qor qalbim ogrir menii
I can't find you anymore, whenever it snows, my heart aches for you.

Writer(s): ummon guruhi

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