Ummon guruhi - Sen Meniki Emasan - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Ummon guruhi - Sen Meniki Emasan

Sen Meniki Emasan
You Are Not Mine
So'ngi payt...
One day...
Kechalari qo'ng'iroq qilsam doim bo'lar band
Your phone is always busy when I call
Ko'nglim negadur g'ash
My heart is hurting
Balki ko'nglim haq balki no haq
Maybe my actions are right or wrong
Bormi o'zi ko'zlaringda haqiqat?
Is there any truth in your eyes?
Yo shunchaki o'tkazmoqdamizami vaqt
Or are we just wasting time?
Xat yozib boshladim ololmaganindan keyin javob
I wrote a letter and I couldn't get an answer
"Nega mani yo'nalishimga javob bermayapsan" desam
"Why don't you respond to me?" I asked
Deydi: "Bor yonimda odam,
She said: "I have someone here,
Duganam bilan sirlashib yotibman"
I'm talking in secret with my friend"
Sirlaring kim haqidaligini bilaman!
I know who your secrets are about!
San mani aldama aldashga o'rinma
Don't deceive me
Kim u qayda ishlashini ham bilaman!
I know who he is and where he works!
Yurak yig'la mayli, lekin zabon indama
Let my heart cry, but let my tongue be silent
Qani bu yolg'onlar qaygacha borar ekan?
When will these lies end?
Vijdon degani oz bo'lsa ham qiynalarmikan?
Even if you have little conscience, will it bother you?
Ko'ramiz, nima foyda topa olar ekan
We'll see what benefit you can get
Yutarmikan yoki yutqizarmikan?
Will you win or lose?
Alamlar ezardi, ahir bilaman-ku haqiqatni
My heart aches, because I know the truth
Alamlar ezardi, nega bunchalar soxtasan?!
My heart aches, why are you so fake?!
Ahir ko'r emasman, hammasidan boxabarman!
I'm not blind, I know everything!
Agar o'ylab ko'rsam sendayin qizga mos emasman!
If I think about it, I'm not the right man for a girl like you!
Sen meniki emassan
You are not mine
Sen meniki bo'lmaysan...
You will never be mine...
Hech qachon!
Tuyg'ular jon berib boshladi
My feelings have died
Ko'ngil yomon og'rib boshladi
My heart is in pain
Sen meniki emassan
You are not mine
Sen meniki bo'lmaysan...
You will never be mine...
Hech qachon!
Tuyg'ular jon berib boshladi
My feelings have died
Ko'ngil yomon og'rib boshladi
My heart is in pain
Ha, hammasidan xabarim bor!
Yes, I know everything!
Yashirishdan foyda yo
There's no point in hiding
Tan ol, ol hamma narsalaringni...
Confess, tell me everything...
Olib ket, borib unga endi mani yo'qligimni et
Take it, and let him know that I'm gone
Bor, yugur endi u tomon
Go, run to him now
Ahir, ustimdan yurarding...
After all, you were walking all over me...
Qilmasdan or, ha yuragim tor
Forgive me, my heart is broken
Sandan boshqasi sig'masdi
No one else could fit
Bor, yuragi kenglarga bor
Go, find someone who is more open
San birinchi ko'rishgan kuning u bilan
The day you first met him
Ishonch chizig'ini kezib o'tgan kuningdan
The day you crossed the line of trust
Yuzimga qo'yding oyoq deb hisoblayman
You stepped on my face
Va sani eshitishni ham istamayman
And I don't even want to hear from you
Bahonalaringni borib endi unga et
Tell him your excuses now
Kechirim so'rama sanda o'zi bormi bet?
Don't ask for forgiveness, do you have any shame?
Xiyonatingni qaysi axmoq kechirarkin?
What kind of fool would forgive your betrayal?
Endi sani mandayin kim sevarkin
Who would love someone like you now?
Aldab yurgan lablaridan...
From your lying lips...
O'zini tutishi gaplaridan...
From your actions...
Uzoqlashib qolganidan...
From your distancing...
Sezardim yolg'onlarini!
I could smell your lies!
Yuragim xasratlaridan...
From the longing in my heart...
Ochib yurgan avratlaridan...
From your open affairs...
Qimmat baho zanjirlaridan...
From your expensive jewelry...
Sezardim yolg'onlarini!
I could smell your lies!
Sen meniki emassan
You are not mine
Sen meniki bo'lmaysan...
You will never be mine...
Hech qachon!
Tuyg'ular jon berib boshladi
My feelings have died
Ko'ngil yomon og'rib boshladi
My heart is in pain
Sen meniki emassan
You are not mine
Sen meniki bo'lmaysan...
You will never be mine...
Hech qachon!
Tuyg'ular jon berib boshladi
My feelings have died
Ko'ngil yomon og'rib boshladi
My heart is in pain

Writer(s): ummon guruhi

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