Ummon guruhi - Yana-Yana - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Ummon guruhi - Yana-Yana

Sen bilan o'tgan kunlarimni netay
The days I spent with you, how can I forget them?
Qanay bilmay sensizlikga ko'nib yashay
How can I ever get used to living without you?
Nahotki ketding qaytmas bo'lib yonimdan
Why did you leave me and never return?
Kecha orasman o'ylayverib
I spend the nights thinking
O'ylarimdan qochaolmasman
I can't escape my thoughts
Netay o'tdi
How did it happen?
En go'zal en nafis kunlarim U Bilan
My most beautiful and precious days were with Her
En shirin onlar orzularim U Bilan
My sweetest dreams were with Her
BIr qora kun keldi ketdi usizman
A dark day came and She left me
Qoldim yolg'izman
I was left alone
Netay o'tdi
How did it happen?
En go'zal en nafis kunlarim U Bilan
My most beautiful and precious days were with Her
En shirin onlar orzularim U Bilan
My sweetest dreams were with Her
BIr qora kun keldi ketdi usizman
A dark day came and She left me
Qoldim yolg'izman
I was left alone
Qorong'u tun olib ketdi mendan
A dark night took Her away from me
Yuragimdan hayotimdan
From my heart and from my life
O'tkan lahzalarni eslab ko'zimga to'lar yosh
I recall the past moments and my eyes fill with tears
Edim U Bilan Qoldim u sizman
I was with Her, I was left without Her
Qaytmasligingi bilib turib kutdim uxlamay tunlar
Knowing that you would never return, I waited through sleepless nights
Xotiralar boshim uzra aylanaverar qilib uni
Memories swirl around my head, tormenting me with Her image
O'ylashga majbur hammasi bitib bo'ldi tamom
I am forced to think that it is all over and done
Bo'ldi kun
The day has come
Qorong'u tun nima uchun baxtin yarim
Dark night, why is my happiness incomplete?
Nima uchun olib ketding mani yarimim
Why did you take my love away from me?
Ahir dunyoda shuncha baxlilar borku
Surely there are many happy people in the world,
Yoki ular men kabi xormu
Or are they all as miserable as I am?
Yorug'lik qancha kutay
Light, how much longer must I wait?
Yana seni bor umidim faqat sendan endi
My hope is still in you, only you
Nega xechkim tinglamaydi mani dardim
Why does no one listen to my pain?
Yonimda bo'lganida u sezilardi qadrim.
When She was by my side, my worth was known.
Yo Kunda xamon
Oh, every day
Har on har daqiqa qoldi istag
Every moment and every minute, I have a desire
Yodimda hamon
I still remember
Kulib turib chorlashlaring o'zing tomon
Your laughter and your playful gestures towards me
Yodimdan ketmas
I can't forget
So'g'inch qafas qo'yib yuborgisi kelmas
Yearning has imprisoned me and will not let me go
Yonimda birpast
Just to be with you
Bo'lishing uchun ortiq olmastim nafas
I would have given my life to be by your side
Netay o'tdi
How did it happen?
En go'zal en nafis kunlarim U Bilan
My most beautiful and precious days were with Her
En shirin onlar orzularim U Bilan
My sweetest dreams were with Her
BIr qora kun keldi ketdi va usizman
A dark day came and She left me
Qoldim yolg'izman.
I was left alone. Bir Qadam Oldinda! A Step Ahead!

Writer(s): ummon guruhi

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