Unikkatil - Belagjí - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Unikkatil - Belagjí

Ndersa eci ne luginen e hijes se mortit
I'm looking at you in school, and the girls are all mine
Kthehna ne ket loje me ju kallxu kush o ma i forti
I'm back in this game, stronger than anyone else
Dost nuk jam vet kam ushtar ab-normal
I'm not a friend, I'm more like a crazy soldier
Qoft s'e s'jep respekt une vi e ta mar
Get away, don't bother me, otherwise you'll get hurt
Se sa here qe boj hapa kurr s'kthehna mrapa
I don't give a shit, I'll never turn back
Unikkatil eshte hunlesh ne kllapa
Unikkatil is violent
S'kam dalje dot per ty un jam Zot
I don't want to say it again, because I'm God
Puthe nanen sot se kom me ja mush syt me lot
Kiss your mother, because you'll die with others
Kur ta sheh at ftyre t'zbeht qe t'ka met pa jete
When you see me, you'll regret being born
N'faqen e fundit kur t'qet n'gazet
The end is coming when you're on the newspaper
S'ta harroj as at vlla su kry hala
Don't forget what I did to your brother
Krejt mashkujt e shpis yeo kom me ti vra
All the men in town are going to fight with you
Se ke dasht bela e belan e gjete
You wanted trouble, and you found trouble
Ke dhan familjes nje mi kijamete
You'll bring misery to your family
I ke shti njerzt nalt e posht me shku
You have people everywhere
Di qysh tu munu me mu mu pajtu
You know that we can agree
Po Anton Qeta ka dek e kerkush s'um pajton
But Anton Qeta has spoken and no one agrees with you
Gjaku jem i nxeht dost tash po vlon
My blood is boiling, my friend, now it's spreading
E ke pas nje deshire me pa atdhen e lire
I have a desire to see my homeland free
E pave m'vjen mire po tash thuj lamtumire
I'm fine, but now I'm tired
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Jo jo me t'vertet aspak nuk eshte leht
No, no, it's not easy at all
Te jesh sikur un t'kesh gjakun e nxeht
To be like me and have hot blood
Jo jo me t'vertet aspak nuk eshte leht
No, no, it's not easy at all
T'jesh UniKKaTiL t'kesh gjakun e nxeht
To be UniKKaTiL and have hot blood
Yoo at t'kujtohet qysh ka than ai plak i vjetr
Yoo, you remember what that old man said
Shqiptarit jepja armen e kta myten nermes veti
Give the Albanian a weapon and he'll destroy himself
Po do Shqiptar pernime lypin dajak
But, Albanian, take your guilt
Shesin mangupllak ignorant si tarak
You sit like an idiot, like a cockroach
Mor papak hiqmu kari jom numer nje i pari
Hey, old man, take off your hat, I'm number one
Ta nuk'i at hund e t'shti me hanger bari
You don't have a nose, and you're hungry
Nese ti sum beson at here t'lutna del
If you believe him, then you're crazy
Une t'pres me 9 milimetra n'bel
I'm waiting for you with a 9mm in my hand
Se une jom qai qe jom kon veq hala ma i trent
Because I'm the one who's always here, even after thirty years
Ku do qe po shkoj e zoteroj at vend
Wherever I go, I conquer that place
Paranoja t'rrok goja me tu qel s'guxon
Paranoia is eating you, you don't dare to talk to me
Se ujku kimen e ndrron po zanatin se harron
Because a wolf changes its skin, but never its habits
Edhe pasha ket nanë µne flas qka jetoj
Even a pasha, this mother, I'm telling you what I'm living
Kta reperat tjer une i deklasoj
I'm downgrading these other rappers
Se ksi sikur une nuk ka shume s'ka kerkun
Because there aren't many like me, there's no demand
Me ma shume se nje plum une t'vraj more pllum
With more than one bullet, I'll kill you, you fool
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Jo jo me t'vertet aspak nuk eshte leht,
No, no, it's not easy at all
Te jesh sikur un t'kesh gjakun e nxeht
To be like me and have hot blood
Jo jo me t'vertet aspak nuk eshte leht
No, no, it's not easy at all
T'jesh UniKKaTiL t'kesh gjakun e nxeht
To be UniKKaTiL and have hot blood
Linda belagji edhe vdes belagji
Linda belagji edhe vdes belagji
Pina shume mariganxha tash osht tu mu dok
I drank a lot of mariguanxha and now I'm high
Qe pi shoh kta shok qe 2 metra ner tok
When I drink, I see these friends two meters from the ground
Shpirti n'paqe dosta kurr sju harroj
My soul is at peace, I will never forget you
Sa here qe mendoj per sherret qe kujtoj
Every time I think about the evil I remember
Sa njerz I kom rre sa njerz i kom ç'pu
How many people I've hurt, how many people I've killed
Njo qe e kom plagos shpihuni m'ka arrestu
One that I wounded, the police arrested me
Sa njerez jon tut edhe thojshin ik
How many people told me to run
Se me nejt me VIK thojn eshte shume rrezik
Because to be with VIK at night, they say, is very dangerous
Por n'vertet o haver une nuk jom sikur dreq
But in truth, my friend, I'm not like the devil
Veq sherri i do tucav me ka dal zani keq
Only the devil wants to kill me, he has given me a bad name
Se qe merrna me do pune ilegale s'osht kurgjo
Because taking me to work illegally isn't worth it
Nese sjellet mire me mu une sjellna mire me to
If he behaves well with me, I behave well with him
Se nana jem m'rriti burr mbi burra
Because I'm a mother, a man among men
Jeten si liber me plot avantura
Life is free, full of adventures
Eshte UniKKatil me at gjakun e nxeht
It's UniKKatil with that hot blood
Kto fjal qe pi thom n'histori kan me met dost
These words that I say in history will put me, my friend
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Jo jo me t'vertet aspak nuk eshte leht
No, no, it's not easy at all
Te jesh sikur un t'kesh gjakun e nxeht
To be like me and have hot blood
Jo jo me t'vertet aspak nuk eshte leht
No, no, it's not easy at all
T'jesh UniKKaTiL t'kesh gjakun e nxeht
To be UniKKaTiL and have hot blood

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