Unikkatil - Qëndro - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Unikkatil - Qëndro

Kqyri nalt ret si shqiptart ne qiell
Mountains high as tall as the Albanian in heaven
Perdit po lusim Zot me na dhan pak diell
We lost but we hope the Lord would give us a little sun
Shpirti n'paq n'Engjuj jeni shendrru
Your soul in the sky you have become angels
Je n'Parajs e mo nuk ka nevoj me m'katnu
You're in Paradise and you don't need to sin
Drit ju past shpirti kurr sju harroj
Your past light soul I will never forget
Sa t'egzistoj
As long as I exist
Une juve ju kujtoj
I remember you
Edhe pse sju kuptoj
Even though I don't understand
Qysh i lat nanat vet?
Why did you leave me alone?
Thu o kon kismet
Tell me, O fate
Po mu rrena sun um shet
But you took me when I was abroad
Un e di shum mire ju per qka keni shku
I know very well why you left
Engjulli i Vdekjes pram me ka kallxu
The Angel of Death has deceived me
E ne enderr u m'tha un ata si kam marr
And in a dream I learned how I took them
Tha ishin lodh me jet ata vet u m'kan ardh
They must be tired of life and come to me
Tragjedi qysh rinia sot leht po mashtrohet
Tragedy that youth is easily mastered today
Prindët kan harru qysh fmija edukohet
Parents have forgotten how the child is educated
Pom dhemb kryt lot pikojne prej dites qe e gjeta
My head aches tears fall from the day I found you
Fakti qe shqiptari merr lakmi n'analfabeta
The fact that Albanians take illiteracy for granted
E qikjo ish jeta
And life is fast
Si handicap me t'meta
Like a handicap with darkness
Injoranca na qerroi me ato zhdukjet e verteta
Ignorance defied us with those true disappearances
Sdi qysh me sheru
I don't know how to say
Ket smundje qe kemi n'tru
This disease that we have in our body
Edhe ngjyrat e flamurit kta po dojn tash me na ndrru
Even the colors of the flag they want to change us now
Yeah... Per hater t'Skenderbeut ngjyrat s'bon mi prek
Yeah... For Skenderbeu's haters the colors do not touch me
Sa deshmor e deshmore e per kuq e zi kan vdek
How many martyrs and martyrs have died for red and black
Si martir te vertet po na kejt i kem harru
As true martyrs they have become I have forgotten them
Edhe Zotin shpesh e ves, "Qa na gjeti jem tranu"?
And God often weeps, "Why did I find a house?"
Pse ky fmi merr ecstacy?
Why does this child take ecstasy?
Pse kjo nana veshet zi?
Why is this mother dressed in black?
Pse rinia depreson e bohet kishe nuk ja nin
Why is the youth a depression and the church does not hear it?
Hajt ti se un mir e di
Come on you that you know well
Edhe un jom kon ne kpuca tua
Also I am a shoe in your foot
Ti spo munesh me besu, "Edhe ky u kon sikur un a thua"?
You swear with your mouth, "Is this also like me?"
Po me t'vertet jom kon e di qysh e ndjeni veten
But in truth I am a shoe and I know how you feel
Jeta sju kupton e as ju se kuptoni jeten
Life is not understood and you do not understand life
Thu a jemi t'mallkum?
Tell me are we lucky?
Andrrat tona u shkatrrun?
Were our men destroyed?
Ditet e bardha ku na shkun?
Where did the white days go?
Dymijë vjet hala su gezum
Two thousand years still we cry
Pse un po du me dit?
Why do I want to know?
Pse mo nuk muj me prit?
Why can't I wait?
Pse shqiptart jon rraskapit?
Why do Albanians torture me?
Pse mo nuk pi qelim syt?
Why don't I drink my eyes?
Pse e njekem at turqi?
Why do I follow that turkey?
Pse i njekem ata shki?
Why do I follow those bugs?
Kishe per liri
Church for freedom
Po vet u bonem edhe ma t'zi
But we ourselves have become even worse
Po hajt mo me pse se nuk jom Sterjo Spase
But come on why I'm not Sterjo Spase
Jom ka foli shum njerzt thojn "Mo se t'vrase" E nime po menon qe ma nin ti qa thu??
Many people have spoken to me saying "Don't kill yourself" And the name remains what more do you say?
Tha gjyshi me luftu
The Grandfather will fight with me
Tha kurkujna mos mju tut
The cock will not follow me
Se jom si Gjon Tush Paloka
Because I am like Gjon Tush Paloka
Kur flas
When I speak
Dridhet toka
The earth trembles
E mor babloka
Oh fool
Sa leht pot hupke koka
How easy to grab the head
N'ket bot ku ski shok'
In this world where friends are skis
Gjithqka ish e kot
Everything was bad
Ku vllezerit e motrat kacafyten per ni vot
Where brothers and sisters fight for a vote
Mire ja qellove, e din per kon po flas
Well, I have a good time, I know who I'm talking about
Mos harro as per ni qast
Don't forget about a cast either
Shum gabim e keni tash
You have many mistakes now
Flas per Thaqin e Rugoven
I speak about Thaqi and Rugova
Pse spo mirren vesh vlla, PSE SPO PERQAFOHEN?
Why do you get along brother, WHY DO YOU HUG?
E kam nje deshire, QENDRO
I have a wish, QENDRO
Hey vlla tash ndegjo QENDRO
Hey brother listen now QENDRO
Edhe pse osht vshtire
Even though it's hard
(Qendro vlla)
(Qendro brother)
E di qe tsulmojne QENDRO
I know they blame QENDRO
Pa faj t'sakatojne QENDRO
They hurt you without guilt QENDRO
Po prap ty po t'lutem QENDRO
But still I beg you QENDRO
Yeah... UNIKKATIL... e ky sen i dedikohet kejt shqiptarve n'probleme, kudo qe jeni
Yeah... UNIKKATIL... and this quiet is dedicated to all Albanians who are in trouble, wherever you are

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