Urban&4 - Kada se voda povuce - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Urban&4 - Kada se voda povuce

Kada se voda povuce
When the Waters Recede
Pušim na prazan stomak
I smoke on an empty stomach
Nadam se prepoznat ćeš moj kašalj
I hope you'll recognize my cough
Jos uvijek noću bauljam solo
I still wander alone at night
Po smrznutom blatu
In the frozen mud
Idem kroz vrijeme
I walk through time
I sjećam se baš svake riječi
And I remember every word
I brkova odsušenih algi
And the mustaches of dried algae
Naš je grad nestao sa karte
Our city disappeared from the map
Nakon tebe su zatrovali rijeku
After you, they poisoned the river
Dok lisice tumaraju po tami
While foxes roam in the dark
Rekla si:
You said:
"Daj mi svoju ruku,
"Give me your hand,
Pipni topla sam dole"
Touch me, I'm warm down there"
I kada se voda povuče na pjesku se vide skice i tragovi
And when the water recedes, the sand reveals sketches and traces
Zaronila si duboko
You dived deep
Još uvijek čekam da izroniš
I'm still waiting for you to emerge from the water
Htjela si da ti naslikam portret
You wanted me to paint your portrait
Pogledom, umjesto ulja i akrila
With a gaze, instead of oils and acrylics
Tvoja oznojena kosa
Your sweaty hair
Te noći
That night
Dobila miris terpentina
Smelled like turpentine
Prespavali smo u šatoru goli
We slept in a tent naked
Dok vani su mamuti gazili mjesec
While outside, mammoths trampled the moon
Ne događaju se stvari u isto vrijeme
Things don't happen at the same time
Neke od njih dočekati nećeš
You will not live to see some of them
I kada se voda povuče na pjesku se vide skice i tragovi
And when the water recedes, the sand reveals sketches and traces
Zaronila si duboko
You dived deep
Još uvijek čekam da izroniš(ref4×)
I'm still waiting for you to emerge from the water

Writer(s): Damir Urban, Marco Bradaschia, Sandi Bratonja, Luka Toman, Sasa Markovski

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