Urszula - Kochanie to nic - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Urszula - Kochanie to nic

Kochanie to nic
My love, it's nothing
Gazety ¿ӳkn¹ liœcie te¿
Newspapers are driving you nuts
Oczy m¹drzejsze mam o cieñ
You have a slightly wiser look in your eyes
Tak zmêczona, ¿e spaæ bym mog³a i sto lat
I am so tired I could sleep for a hundred years
Gdy deszcz wali o dach
As the rain hammers on the roof
Czyta³am, ¿e facetów dwóch
I am reading that two guys
Rzuci³o z okna siê na bruk
Decided to jump out of a window
Byli chorzy i szansy nie dawa³ im ju¿ nikt
They were sick and no one was giving them any chance
To strach zabroni³ im ¿yæ
The fear of living stopped them
Z mojej ulicy z moich snów
From my street, from my dreams
Po³ykacz ognia odszed³ ju¿
The fire eater left already
Marznê noc¹ ju¿ nie wystarcza Anio³ Strӿ
I am already freezing at night, the Guardian Angel is not enough
Kiedy lód wchodzi do nóg
When the cold gets into my bones
Mój neurochirurg marszczy brwi
My neurosurgeon furrows his brow
Histeria ze mnie nie chce wyjϾ
The hysteria won't leave me alone
Panie doktorze - poprawiê siê i to od dziœ
Oh doctor, I will improve, starting today
Ale sk¹d u pana ten tik?
But what's with your tic?
Kochanie to nic to tylko ten œwiat
My love it's nothing, that's just the way the world is
Je¿eli ktoœ chory - to nie ty ani ja
If someone is sick, it's not you or me
To awaria fachowcy na pewno w drodze
It's a breakdown, but the experts are surely on their way
Zreperuj¹ na bank
They'll fix it, you'll see
Kochanie to nic orkiestra niech gra
My love, it's nothing, let the orchestra play
A statek niech tonie za póŸno by wiaæ
And let the ship sink, it's too late to moor
Przepraszamy za drobne usterki wizji
We apologize for the minor vision problems
Przedstawienie wci¹¿ trwa
The show must go on
Mʿczyzna ten ma d³ugi p³aszcz
The man has a long coat
Wczoraj pod oknem wystêp mia³
Yesterday he performed under my window
Niby czemu ¿a³owaæ mam oklasków mu?
Why shouldn't I reward him with applause?
Swój wstyd podzieli³ na
He shared his shame with us all
Gdy kosmetyczka dziobie twarz
As the beautician pecks my face
Jej palce pe³zn¹ mi do warg
Her fingers creep up to my lips
Myœlê - czemu by nie spróbowaæ tego raz
I think to myself, why not try it for once?
Szlaban kto postawi nam?
Who's going to stop us?

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