VIP - Ruke gore za kraj / Outro - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction VIP - Ruke gore za kraj / Outro

Ruke gore za kraj / Outro
Bloody Hands for the End / Outro
Sreco oprosti na smetnji
Honey I'm sorry for the disturbance
I sto ti mira nedam
And that I'm not giving you any peace
Ovo zadnja je pjesma,
This is the last song
Za naš kraj još jedna
Another one for our place
Vidim imaš novog dečka,
I see you have a new boyfriend
Ma neka, budi mi sretna
Well, be happy, be my guest
To je moja zelja,
That is my wish
Moja zvijezdo najljepša...
My most beautiful star
Ja sam moro otići
I have to go out to sea
I znam da znas zasto...
And I know why
Previse lazi i skrivanja
Too many lies and hiding
Ali ne krivim te za to
But I don't blame you for that
Jer nisi kriva
Because it's not your fault
Sto ja nisam osoba za tebe
That I am not the right person for you
I sto moja ljubav nije dovoljna
And that my love is not enough
Da te zavede
To corrupt you
Ali znaj nesto,
But know this
Jos uvijek cuvam nase mjesto
I still keep our place
Preko noci druzim se sa mostom, dravom i zvijezdom
I spend my nights with the bridge, the Drava and the stars
I ponosan sam na tebe jer znam,
And I'm proud of you because I know
Uspjet ces u svemu
You will succeed in everything
I kad ti propadne dan
And when you have a down day
Samo pusti ovu pjesmu
Just play this song
Ovo je poklon za sve ono
This is a gift for everything you
Sto si meni bila
Have been to me
Za svako sjecanje
For every memory
I osjecaj da srce imam
And the feeling that I have a heart
Meni je trenutno teško
I find it hard right now
Ali nekako cu se snaci
But I'll manage somehow
Znas me, kad je najteze,
You know me, when things are the hardest
Uvijek sam najjači
I'm always the strongest
I nedaj svoje tijelo nekom
And don't give your body to someone
Ko ga ne zasluzuje
Who doesn't deserve it
Jer jedna si od onih
Because you are one of those
Koje treba da se poštuje
Who should be respected
Cuvam tvoje stvari
I keep your things
Ako pozelis se vratit
If you wish to come back
Mada znam da nikad neces
Although I know you never will
Al' nemogu srce bacit.
But I can't throw my heart away.
Ako me tražiš,
If you are looking for me
Dođi na naše mjesto još jednom,
Come to our place one more time
Dođi i zagrli me nježno
Come and embrace me tenderly
Ne zelim svađe ni suze,
I don't want any quarrels or tears
Samo dodir i ljubav
Just a touch and love
Ako je kraj nek bude,
If this is the end, so be it
Srce mi za tebe kuca
My heart beats for you
Ako me tražiš,
If you are looking for me
Dođi na naše mjesto još jednom,
Come to our place one more time
Dođi i zagrli me nježno
Come and embrace me tenderly
Ne zelim svađe ni suze,
I don't want any quarrels or tears
Samo dodir i ljubav
Just a touch and love
Ako je kraj nek bude,
If this is the end, so be it
Srce mi za tebe kuca
My heart beats for you
Znam da te ne zanima
I know you don't care
I da me ne volis,
And that you don't love me
Neka znam da si sad sretna
May you know that you are happy now
Dok ljubis njega
While you are loving him
I neka budi njemu sve to
And may you be for him all that
Sto si trebala meni
That you should have been for me
Budi njemu sve to
Be for him all that
što ja od tebe želim...
That I desire from you...
Ja cu mozda naci nekoga
I will maybe find someone
Ko će moći me cijenit
Who will be able to appreciate me
Ja cu mozda naci nekoga
I will maybe find someone
S kime ću ljubav dijelit a do tada...
With whom I will share love and until then...
Samo rime cu sklapat
I will only rhyme
Ova muzika je ono
This music is what
Sto me diže kad padam
Lifts me when I fall
I vrtim sjećanja u glavi,
And I turn memories in my head
Naših starih stvari
Of our old things
Svaki dio tvoje kože pamtim,
I remember every part of your skin
želim da se vratiš
I wish you would come back
Ali neces znam,
But I know you won't
I nemoras,
And you don't have to
U redu je
It's alright
Jer ti si sretna sad,
Because you are happy now
Zelim da tako ostane
I want it to stay that way
I imaš pravo biti sretna
And you have the right to be happy
I zaboravit na nas
And forget about us
Jer ti si sjebala početak
Because you screwed up the beginning
A ja uništio kraj
And I ruined the end
Ali volim te
But I love you
I zelim da znas samo ovo
And I just want you to know this
Ova pjesma ti je poklon
This song is a gift to you
Jer pravu ljubav sam probo...
Because I have tried true love...
Ako me tražiš,
If you are looking for me
Dođi na naše mjesto još jednom,
Come to our place one more time
Dođi i zagrli me nježno
Come and embrace me tenderly
Ne zelim svađe ni suze,
I don't want any quarrels or tears
Samo dodir i ljubav
Just a touch and love
Ako je kraj nek bude,
If this is the end, so be it
Srce mi za tebe kuca
My heart beats for you
Ako me tražiš,
If you are looking for me
Dođi na naše mjesto još jednom,
Come to our place one more time
Dođi i zagrli me nježno
Come and embrace me tenderly
Ne zelim svađe ni suze,
I don't want any quarrels or tears
Samo dodir i ljubav
Just a touch and love
Ako je kraj nek bude,
If this is the end, so be it
Srce mi za tebe kuca
My heart beats for you

Writer(s): r. milankovic

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