VNX - Drogadicte - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction VNX - Drogadicte

Drug Addict
Ets la meva droga perfecta
You are my perfect drug
El millor plat però no tenies recepta
The best dish but you had no recipe
No com dir-te que em tenies fet merda
I don't know how to tell you that you had me screwed up
Que ara em dono conta de el que vaig perdre
That now I realize what I lost
Quan t'oblidi faré una festa
When I forget you I will have a party
Perquè sóc un drogaddicte addicte a tu
Because I'm a drug addict addicted to you
Que no podia canviar-te per ningú
That I couldn't trade you for anyone
Ara ja no paro de veure, eh
Now I can't stop seeing, eh
Ara ja no paro de veure, bebé
Now I can't stop seeing, baby
Perquè sóc un drogaddicte addicte a tu
Because I'm a drug addict addicted to you
Que no podia canviar-te per ningú
That I couldn't trade you for anyone
Ara ja no paro de veure, eh
Now I can't stop seeing, eh
Ara ja no paro de veure, bebé
Now I can't stop seeing, baby
Una ampolla de whisky i una ampolla d'alcohol
A bottle of whiskey and a bottle of alcohol
Per perdre't de vista i per perdre el control
To lose sight of you and lose control
Quan tu vulguis m'avises i ja anem a fer un vol
When you want, you let me know and we'll go for a flight
Ets un partidazo i t'hauré de fer un gol
You're a great match and I'll have to score a goal
I encara me'n recordo de l'última vegada
And I still remember the last time
Quan ens vam llevar junts i em deies que m'estimaves
When we woke up together and you told me you loved me
Tot eren mentides però igualment tu m'enganyaves
It was all lies but you still cheated on me
Si tu volies sexe després sempre em trucaves
If you wanted sex, you always called me afterwards
No seré el teu ninot, no seré el teu titella
I will not be your puppet, I will not be your puppet
Et pujaré a la lluna fins a fer-me una estrella
I will raise you to the moon until I become a star
Jo t'encantava o almenys això deies
I loved you or at least that's what you said
Però no puc oblidar to' les vegades que m'ho feies
But I can't forget all the times you did this to me
Diga'm si em volies
Tell me if you wanted me
T'etiquetava a les fotos on tu ni sorties
You tagged me in photos where you didn't even go out
Passaran els dies i més et desitjaria
Days will pass and I will miss you more
Farem realitat la fantasia
We will make the fantasy come true
Perquè sóc un drogaddicte addicte a tu
Because I'm a drug addict addicted to you
Que no podia canviar-te per ningú
That I couldn't trade you for anyone
Ara ja no paro de veure, eh
Now I can't stop seeing, eh
Ara ja no paro de veure bebé
Now I can't stop seeing baby
Perquè sóc un drogaddicte addicte a tu
Because I'm a drug addict addicted to you
Que no podia canviar-te per ningú
That I couldn't trade you for anyone
Ara ja no paro de veure, eh
Now I can't stop seeing, eh
Ara ja no paro de veure, bebé
Now I can't stop seeing, baby
Estima'm, estima'm, fes-ho sense por
Love me, love me, do it without fear
Ni que només sigui quan hi hagui calor
Even if it's only when it's hot
Seguiré estima'n-te, t'ho dic de tot cor
I will continue loving you, I tell you with all my heart
I com diu l'Anuel real fins a la mort
And as Anuel says, real until death
Estima'm, estima'm, fes-ho sense por
Love me, love me, do it without fear
Ni que només sigui quan hi hagui calor
Even if it's only when it's hot
Seguiré estima'n-te, t'ho dic de tot cor
I will continue loving you, I tell you with all my heart
I com diu l'Anuel real fins a la mort
And as Anuel says, real until death
Una ampolla de whisky i una ampolla d'alcohol
A bottle of whiskey and a bottle of alcohol
Per perdre't de vista i per perdre el control
To lose sight of you and lose control
Quan tu vulguis m'avises i anem a fer un vol
When you want, you let me know and we'll go for a flight
Ets un partidazo i t'hauré de fer un gol
You're a great match and I'll have to score a goal
I encara me'n recordo de la última vegada
And I still remember the last time
Que ens vam llevar junts i em deies que m'estimaves
When we woke up together and you told me you loved me
Tot eren mentides però igualment tu m'enganyaves
It was all lies but you still cheated on me
Si tu volies sexe després sempre em trucaves
If you wanted sex, you always called me afterwards
Perquè sóc un drogaddicte addicte a tu
Because I'm a drug addict addicted to you
Que no podia canviar-te per ningú
That I couldn't trade you for anyone
Ara ja no paro de veure, eh
Now I can't stop seeing, eh
Ara ja no paro de veure, bebé
Now I can't stop seeing, baby
Perquè sóc un drogaddicte addicte a tu
Because I'm a drug addict addicted to you
Que no podia canviar-te per ningú
That I couldn't trade you for anyone
Ja no paro de veure, eh
Now I can't stop seeing, eh
Ara ja no paro de veure, bebé
Now I can't stop seeing, baby
Bebé, VNX
Baby, VNX

Writer(s): Andreu Vancells Rovira

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