VTEN - Himmat - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction VTEN - Himmat

आऊ मलाई लात हान, तिमी मेरो भाग तान
Come on, kick me, take away my share
हु एउटा असहाय, कमजोरीको दाग मान
I am helpless, consider me a stain of weakness
माथि फोहोर फाल, तिमी मलाई हात हाल
Throw dirt on me, lay your hands on me
सक्दो यातना देऊ, तानिदेऊ मेरो छाला
Torture me as much as you can, tear my skin
रुन्छु, कराउँछु, आँसु झार्छु एक्लै
I cry, I scream, I shed tears alone
बेग्लै छु म, जाऊ मेरो अधिकारलाई टेक्दै
I am different, I will walk, defying my rights
छेक्दै बस्छु मेरो मनको हुरी बतास
I keep suppressing the storm of my mind
चाहन्छु जिन्दगीमा खुसीको प्रकाश
I want the light of happiness in life
मलाई झुण्ड्याऊ, मुन्ट्याऊ, मलाई बेर काँडेतारले
Hang me, drown me, wrap me with barbed wire
जित्नु छैन मलाई, शोक मनाउँदै छु हारले
I don't want to win, I am mourning the defeat
मार् थिएँ आफ्नो मनलाई दुःखमा जब पार थिएँ
I was beating my own heart when I was going through pain
धारले रेट तिम्रो तिखो हतियारले
Your sharp weapon cut me with its edge
पागल हैन, पागल बनाउछ समाजले
I am not crazy, society makes me crazy
हेला गर्छ मलाई भन्ने गर्छ, मुजी, खाते
They mock me and call me a "Mooji, a bum"
पिडा मनमा तर झुठो हाँसो हाँस्ने
There is pain in my heart but I have to put on a fake smile
काम के हो? भन्दा म:म होटेलमा भाँडा माझ्ने
"What do you do?" they ask, and I say: "I wash dishes in a hotel"
जिन्दगी लामो अनि चुनौती धेरै
Life is long and there are many challenges
सजाएका सपनाहरू नजाओस् खेरै
May the decorated dreams not go in vain
त्यसैले गर्दैछु दुःख संघर्ष
That's why I am struggling with pain
मलाई दुःख गर्ने मान्छे निकै मन पर्छ
I really like people who hurt me
बोरु खुसी हुन्छु, धुन्छु यो मनको घाउ
Maybe I will be happy, I will wash away this wound of my heart
अघि बढौँ हामी एकअर्काको हात समाउँ
Let's move forward, holding each other's hands
रिस राग हटाउँ अनि खुसी बाडन जाउँ
Let's remove anger and resentment and go spread happiness
हे भगवान, हेला होइन सबलाई माया गर्न पाउँ (ah)
Oh God, not everyone can love (ah)
हाँस्छु अनि हटाउँछु पिडा
I laugh and remove the pain
घृणा दियो भने उल्ले, माया दिन्छु उसलाई फिर्ता
If you give me hatred, I will give you love in return
माफी मागिदिन्छु ठेस लाग्यो भने हिँड्दा
I will apologize if I stumble while walking
निहु खोज्यो भने गाला थापेर भन्छु, "हिर्का"
If you are looking for an excuse, I will offer my cheek and say, "Hit me"
उहु तलाई हान्दैन त्यसले झापु, बरु लुरुक्क पर्छ आफू
Uh-huh, he won't hit you, instead, he will fall down himself
मिठो बोलीवचन गर् दुनियाँलाई गर् छस् काबु
Speak sweetly, control the world with your words
तर के गर्नु संसार नै चुतिया छ, साला
But what to do, the world is foolish, man
जसले मद्दत गर्यो त्यसकै मुखमा मुति हाल्छ, साला
The one who helps, they want to spit in his face, man
यस्तो चालामाला, टैट! के गरि खाला?
Such tactics! What to do?
यस्ताको सङ्गत नगर् फोकटमा जिन्दगी जाला
Don't associate with such people, your life will be wasted
बुझिस्? यस्ताको सङ्गत नगर् फोकटमा जिन्दगी जाला
Did you understand? Don't associate with such people, your life will be wasted
त्यसैले उठ् तँ, जुट् तँ, कहिले नझुक् तँ
So get up, join in, never give up
जिन्दगी प्रश्न हो आफै खोज्नुपर्छ उत्तर
Life is a question, you have to find the answer yourself
सोझोपन देखाउदा सबैजना हुन्छ बर्ता
If you show simplicity, everyone will be friendly
हातमा छुरा बोकि थुतुनोले चर्चा
Holding a knife in hand, gossiping with your mouth
हाँस्छ आँखा बन्द गरि कसैलाई दुःख पर्दा
Laughing with closed eyes when someone is hurt
भोज भतेरमा घुइँचो, मलामी छैन मर्दा
Crowd at feasts, no mourners when you die
कालो बादलले घेर्यो तेरो संघर्षको बाटो यो
Black clouds have surrounded this path of your struggle
स्यालको पेट भर्यो मात्र खाली भाँडो लाटोको
Only the jackal's stomach is full, the fool's empty vessel is empty
यहाँ रुदारुदा तेरो आँसु सबै सुक्छ
Here, while crying, all your tears will dry up
राम्रो बाटो हिँड्न खोज्दा भिरालोमा पुग्छ
Trying to walk the good path, you end up on a cliff
सफलतामा डाहा, ईष्र्यालूहरूले थुक्छ
Jealous people spit on your success
बाल नदेन कुकुर रूलाई भुक्नेले भुक्छ
Don't give a damn about the barking dog, the hungry will starve
जङ्गली हो तिनीहरू मात्र रगत चुस्छ
They are wild, they only suck blood
बिरामी छस् मनबाट छैनस तन्दुरुस्त
You are sick in your mind, but you are healthy
तेरो मन सफा छ, तलाई यतिले नै पुग्छ
Your mind is pure, that's enough for you
सपना पूरा गर अनि हुन्छ्स मुक्त
Fulfill your dream and you will be free
बरु खुसी हुन थाल, पखाल मनको घाउ
Rather, start being happy, wash away the wound of your heart
अघि बढौ हामी एक अर्काको हात समाउ
Let's move forward, holding each other's hands
रिस राग हटाउ अनि खुसी बाडन जाउ
Remove anger and resentment and go spread happiness
हे भगवान, हेला होइन सबलाई माया गर्न पाउ
Oh God, not everyone can love
बरु खुसी हुन थाल्, पखाल् मनको घाउ
Rather, start being happy, wash away the wound of your heart
अघि बढौँ हामी एकअर्काको हात समाउँ
Let's move forward, holding each other's hands
रिस राग हटाउँ अनि खुसी बाडन जाउँ
Remove anger and resentment and go spread happiness
हे भगवान, हेला होइन सबलाई माया गर्न पाउँ
Oh God, not everyone can love
Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah

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